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Dead Rising

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    By the sounds of things, it reminds me slightly of how Eternal Darkness didn't feature an autosave system. It wasn't something which ruined the game but I did lose a couple of hours worth of play here and there when the action heated up and it wouldn't allow you to save.


      someone posted this on neogaf which might be a good idea..

      don't start off trying to do the casefiles.

      just play through ignoring them, enjoy all the side missions. learn your way around. learn how to kill the convicts, learn how to kill the gunshop owner etc. get an idea of what happens when. level frank up... and THEN go for a run on the case files.

      personally i think capcom would have been wise to make you finish the game once before unlocking the case files, because if you go right for the case files when you're a slow ass weak bitch you're looking at reload city. just let it go... accept that you aren't going to beat them all with a pansy ass frank without a lot of reloading and luck... and ENJOY what the game has to offer besides the case missions (still plenty of psychos to kill and people to rescue) instead of always having one eye on the clock.

      honestly... it's SO much more fun that way.

      I can see what the guy is saying, on your first run through you might as well learn what the game throws at you, how to beat bosses, level up your character - and then once you have a souped up Frank you can go for the story mode in one playthrough.


        Sounds like that might actually be the way to play it.

        Have to wonder if the Cases / Save thing is in response to the moaning some people did about it supposidly only being three hours long from start to finish.


          well I put an hour into it earlier and had only gone a couple of hours in gametime - and its 72 hours that you need to last... so you do the math


            But wouldn't that make you too overpowered for the main game, so to speak?

            So you can ignore all the case files and just play the 72 hours until you are rescued?


              between 52 and 54 thousand zombies in the game dude (respawning at that) coupled with psycho's who respawn when you leave the area they are in ... you can get swarmed to **** pretty easily .... and the game is level capped as well

              so the answer is no - I don't think you will find yourself overpowering the game if you max out your levels, it may make certain situations easier but it may also make it easier to digest.

              Restarting the game with higher levels is not a gamebreaker, if anything it could be a gamemaker for some gamers.


                Ah well.

                This month wait is already killing me, it's literally having me roughly.

                I won't be able to keep away from the thread either! Hehe.

                At least I'm not worried they cocked it up now!


                  The hints over at the GAF's is probably the best way to go when approaching this game. In fact, a friend of mine I spoke to earlier in the day suggested pretty much the same course of action.

                  The flaw in the save system comes when you don't leave yourself enough time to carry out a certain Case File and of course, if you repeatedly fail it over and over again your not left with much of an option but to restart from the beginning with a powered-up Frank.


                    Like I said, the map shows save points but until you actually get there the area might be locked off, leaving you stumped. Save points are spread around, there not everywhere like you'd imagine.

                    Cilvillian AI is crap. Having them get stuck behind objects, running in one spot etc. I've had people die on me because I thought they were right with me. You have to have them real close to you to enter different sections too, if you don't they get left behind. Frustrating!

                    However. I've really progressed now and stuck with it. Killed 5 psychos and rescued as many as possible. Been taking risks by leaving the story missions until the last minute and not saving. Had a lot of trial and error moments, used the bike and skateboard loads to get to places, saves a lot of time really. Always keep a skateboard on you so you can whizz through the hub!

                    Really growing on me now, despite some real bad cases of frustration.

                    And the Battle Axe rules!

                    Not all the psychos respawn either. In fact none of the ones I've killed have respawned.


                      Sorry to ask this in a First Play, but I really don't think it warrents a new topic...

                      When it says you only get one save, does it mean per storage device (which is what some people are saying) or per gamertag? The former would mean we have to buy a memory card for my bro to save without overwriting my save.


                        you can create a new profile and have more than 1 save on your hdd. its 1 save per profile (though you may be able to have a save on mem card and one on hdd - not tried that out yet)


                          Originally posted by taurusnipple
                          Really growing on me now, despite some real bad cases of frustration.
                          I see what you did there


                            I think I may have to start over as my current save is failing me when I complete a case now. Fun though this game is the case and save systems are truly abysmal.

                            And the boss music is without a doubt the worst 'music' I have ever heard in my entire life.


                              dead rising tips and tricks (not really, just an amusing read; see also the comment about the saving system below):



                                Very rewarding...

                                Just sorted out the psycho in movieland

                                and he impaled himself on a sword in his eye. Anyway, he had 4 survivors as hostage and I rescued them. Gave them all weapons and went into the mall to the safe house. We battled through a bloody horde of zombies, was a very nerve induced battle and ****ing fun

