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Call of Duty 3 [360]

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    Originally posted by Yoshimax-UK
    But teh game is so technically accomplished it makes no odds
    I think the technical fidelity is very good, but the animations and poor scripting do let it down. In the night missions which look less spectacular, this is really apparent.

    It kind of feels like a licenced game in that way. If COD2 was the game of the war, COD3 feels like the game of the film of the war.


      I`m hoping that you guys that aren`t too keen on the game are going to give MP a go.

      Prior to getting a 360 I`d played SoF2, CoD, CoD:UO and CoD2 on PC over the 6 years I`ve had one. Other than these 4 games the only other games that I`ve ever had installed on my PC over the last 6 years are Far Cry and PainKiller, a total of 6 games in 6 years.

      My point is that we now find ourselves in a time where MP gaming over the internet isn`t limited to high end PC`s, it is now open to everyone. I dread to think how many console games I`ve gone through over the last 6 years but the reason why I bought the games I mentioned above is purely for MP which in my opinion is the direction where console gaming is now heading and is infinately more fun months or years after you`ve completed SP.

      I can`t think of anything better than playing CoD online against other people (especially real life Germans) and shooting them in the face. Of course the SP version of the game has to be a solid and fun experience but it is only the tip of the iceberg regarding your gaming enjoyment.

      I just hope that your bad gaming experiences on SP doens`t put you off having a try at MP. If you don`t enjoy MP either atleast gave it a go.

      Having now played more of the SP game I`m still really enjoying it and am blown away (no pun intended) by some of the visuals offered up. I`m especially loving the missions where you drive the jeeps. If I do have a negative comment other than the weapons I mentioned in my earlier post it`s the movement of the axis forces.

      Sometimes they seem quite intelligent and move for different cover if you shoot them but other times it`s just like playing Hogan`s Alley. Shoot the german in the window, he dies, he`s then replaced, he dies again, he`s replaced again and when there are no more germans there is a big pile of bodies in one spot. If I was fighting and I saw a big pile of bodies I wouldn`t go near em because there is obviously someone there killing my mates.

      I`m also liking those little wrestling matches with the germans too, but the planting the bomb mini game is starting to get on my nerves.


        I finished this yesterday and while I enjoyed it I would say it's the worst of the CoD's I've played (CoD, United Offensive & CoD2). Apart from the first level it doesn't really feel like CoD until you get to mission 10. I'm not really sure I can explain how but you can tell Infinity Award aren't behind this. From then on though it's up there with CoD2 but 6 out of 14 missions just isn't good enough.

        Multiplayer is good fun, even if I do much prefer the style of CoD2.


          even if i was pretty sure this was not going to be in the same league with CoD2, i was at least hoping for a logical consequence of what Treyarch have accomplished with CoD 2: The Big Red One. but judging on what i have played so far i think the 360 version even falls short in this way.

          however, it will be interesting to compare current-gen and next-gen versions of the game. i might find myself picking up the Xbox version cheap in a few weeks, for this version is supposed to feature proper 5.1 sound and also 720p!
          Last edited by Uli; 10-11-2006, 14:00.


            I actually prefer this over CoD2's single-player, which I could never really get into (it always left me fatigued). Perhaps it's just that extra level of polish, or the change in settings, but I'm much preferring it this time and I feel myself that much more sucked in.

            I know CoD veterans will disagree but I'm not someone who has ever really been able to get into the series. The fact that CoD 3 has changed that is testiment that to my mind the single-player is more engaging this time around.

            Good stuff so far.


              Originally posted by Concept
              I actually prefer this over CoD2's single-player, which I could never really get into (it always left me fatigued). Perhaps it's just that extra level of polish, or the change in settings, but I'm much preferring it this time and I feel myself that much more sucked in.

              I know CoD veterans will disagree but I'm not someone who has ever really been able to get into the series. The fact that CoD 3 has changed that is testiment that to my mind the single-player is more engaging this time around.

              Good stuff so far.
              I've played all four console versions so perhaps i'm kind of a veteran, I've nearly finished this now (single player) and its absolutely superb. I really believe cod2 (xbox 360) took the console series to another level but this is with it, i honestly can't see how it isn't.

              Fuel plant, what a magnificent level with great design, up there with any of the other missions in any call of duty game, there are others but that deserves a mention.

              Not sure why its receiving a little bit of a bashing (although it isn't harsh) just the single player is top notch, IMO of course!


                Originally posted by Concept
                I actually prefer this over CoD2's single-player, which I could never really get into (it always left me fatigued). Perhaps it's just that extra level of polish, or the change in settings, but I'm much preferring it this time and I feel myself that much more sucked in.

                I know CoD veterans will disagree but I'm not someone who has ever really been able to get into the series. The fact that CoD 3 has changed that is testiment that to my mind the single-player is more engaging this time around.

                Good stuff so far.
                Glad to hear it m8 .

                I think that exemplifies the difference between the two of us as gamers. I tend to get the feel of a game from the mechanics whereas (correct me I'm wrong here) I believe you are affected much more by the feel of the environment.

                I make that point because I think the change from COD2 to COD3 has shown a key shift from one area to the other. Neither of us are 'right' here and it underlines the point that you can never objective call anything 'good' or 'bad' because we are all different.

                *Ahem* Back on topic....yes the multiplayer is great, although I usually like to play through the single player first before getting online.


                  i've come to appreciate the multiplayer mode now...although actually getting into a game is a pain right now.

                  great looking maps with good design. just great fun overall


                    Multiplayer is superb, I've spent about 4-5hrs on it this afternoon alone. Regardless of what quality the single player is the multiplayer makes these 6/10 & 7/10 review scores look stupid.


                      I managed to complete the game 20 minutes ago as I only had three more chapters to do and while it does have a much more satisfying finale than the sequel, it still somehow leaves a bitter taste in your mouth.

                      I just felt so much adrenaline during the last chapter that it ends sooner than you hope especially when you compare how long it takes to finish in comparison to the second to last chapter, which lasted a good solid 40 minutes (on Hard mode).

                      All in all, the game surpass the sequel in spectacular fashion although there is too many of those moments where you come face-to-face with a German soldier (at least six times) and I started to get a bit overwhelmed having to do the sticky-bombs sequence for the tenth time as it simply ruins and detract you from what is going on in your surroundings.

                      The last battle on the last chapter makes you feel proud to get this far and complete a very good game that doesn't do anything new from the sequel yet the absolutely brilliant graphics, set-pieces, audio output and above all the amount of chaos and activity happening right in front of your eyes is just an experience unlike no other.

                      Now that I have seen the credits roll and I say this with my hand on my heart, it is my favourite and the most downright entertaining game I have played this year even if it is a short lived experience.

                      As I managed to do nine missions on Hard and the rest on Normal, I am now going to have a go at conquering the Veteran mode.


                        I don't usually post much in First Play, but I have to say I'm really disappointed with this game. Maybe I'm just becoming jaded (I'm finding myself disliking a lot of highly rated games these days), but this doesn't seem to be a patch on COD2.

                        For starters the combat just doesn't feel as good. I find it hard to even put my finger on why, but I just don't find gunning the enemy down as satisfying as it was in the previous game. There seems to be a lot of recoil on the guns, and the aiming doesn't seem to work as well somehow.

                        Then there's the fact I seem to keep getting stuck on bits of scenery, or shot by someone I can't see, or who shouldn't be able to see me.

                        The QTE bits add nothing to the game, the cutscenes annoy me, and the whole thing just seems to lack atmosphere.

                        I played through COD2 on Veteran and loved (almost) every minute. Every time I died I'd just grit my teeth and try again. It was tough, but never felt impossible. With COD3 I'm ready to smash my pad and snap the disc already, and I'm only on the second mission

                        The graphics are lovely, but there's slowdown galore, which is annoying after reading so many impressions where people have said the frame rate is rock steady, constant 60fps, no slowdown whatsoever etc...

                        Ok, I've moaned enough. I just hope Gears of War is all it's cracked up to be. I can't take another disappointment


                          Its not a bad game at all really but it just lacks the sparkle and polish that Infinity Ward gave to CoD2, and thats the thought that is always in my head during Single Player.

                          However i didnt buy this game for SP i got it for the Live play which i shall be hammering all night in about an hour, so i'll post some opinions after.


                            Regarding live - either nobody owns the game, or it's bugged to ****. It's virtually impossible to get into a game, and actually impossible to get into a ranked match.


                              Originally posted by PeteJ
                              Regarding live - either nobody owns the game, or it's bugged to ****.
                              or everybody else prefers playing with their online mates?


                                I've been trying to get into a ranked game since Wednesday with no joy. No joy at all. Player matches (with strangers) work fine. Bit of a pisser considering you need to play the ranked matches to get the achievements!

