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Call of Duty 3 [360]

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    1 crash here during a loading screen


      Originally posted by Rossco
      I get it often but I think it may be my console as its been doing it with the new Tiger Woods this week too. Just randomly freezes the game dead and you need to reboot like you say. Doesnt go slow or anything or any warning first, just *happens* suddenly! Yours the same?
      Just been playing COD3 and over a 2 hour period it locked up 5 times requiring a re-boot each time. My console has been doing this since the update.


        Originally posted by neil2k
        Just been playing COD3 and over a 2 hour period it locked up 5 times requiring a re-boot each time. My console has been doing this since the update.

        ****, I bet thats what done it, didnt ever happen before the update to me either!


          i'll go on record as saying Veteran mode in this game is "complete, cheating cack"

          enemies endlessly respawn, there are some *shocking* collision detection issues with rifle shots going straight through enemies even at point blank, but worst..

          on chapter 3 at least, it takes SEVEN round with the sten to kill 1 Nazi, and 3 RIFLE shots FFS! it's so broken and ridiculous. not to mention the fact that the first house on the north west has ENDLESSLY respawning nazis. complete tosh. i swear i have never cursed a f*cking game so much in my life.

          having said that, the multiplayer is so awesome that's the reason it's getting some serious playtime.

          my tag is no substance85 if you wanna play
          Last edited by Plisken; 11-11-2006, 18:27.


            Hey welcome to the Call of Duty franchise To stop them spawning, move forward up the battlefield. It's crap, but it's how it works and always has done.


              Erm, you need to rush the buildings and cover points. Sitting back won't get you anywhere... that was true in CoD2 as well.
              Generally I find vet to be fine when the reliance is on me, but the most ridiculous thing is that your own troops do absolutely NOTHING. When I'm busy planting explosives they provide absolutely no cover whatsoever. Bleh.


                only playing single player mode, but TBH i prefer COD2.


                  Originally posted by dvdx2
                  only playing single player mode, but TBH i prefer COD2.
                  I think the main reason for me is CoD2 had famous events, like the landing etc. In this came I'm just plonked in some random situation and I've got no idea what's going on - I don't even need to pay attention to the cut scenes... just follow that gold star. It's kind of detatched.


                    Originally posted by PeteJ
                    Hey welcome to the Call of Duty franchise To stop them spawning, move forward up the battlefield. It's crap, but it's how it works and always has done.
                    haha mate i've already done number 2 on veteran, this tactic doesn't work - your squad will not move forward and if you move out on your own, you'll die - trust me, try mission 3 on vet for yourself. general concensus on most message boards is that is isn't worth the effort, and that the enemies do have invincibie heads if they are leaning round a corner...****e!


                      Anyone want a multiplayer game tonight? Send me a message...


                        hi pete

                        i'm out tonight unforunately, but if you're around (or anyone else for that matter...) tomorrow then give me a shout



                          What a great game!

                          Single player is like COD2, but in my view more polished from what I've played so far. Multiplayer is just leagues and leagues better though.

                          I've just come off a 24 player game that I've been hostnig the last couple of hours with people here (sorry if the room got full, for those who tried to get in, but couldn't). No lag and great fun.

                          The multiplayer carries over the single player game's sense of bodies being disposable. It isn't doing anthing new, but it does it very well.

                          My only complaint is that options screens are useless. I'd also like to see a random map option to take the pressure of the host chosing.


                            I'm on my second play through, single player is a tight as hell and a real joy to play.

                            Graphics and design/level design are stunning, its tight, it's fun, i wanna know what you're playing if you can't see this XD

                            Massive recommendation, brilliant, thank you Try.


                              I have been playing this for most of the day today, and it's a really good game. For the most part.

                              The amosphere is incredible, the amount going on, and all the noise, gunfire, shouting etc is awesome, and it really gives a great feeling of being in a battle. The levels so far seem really good, and differ from Cod2 which is cool. Controls seems tight, it plays well, and the 60fps display is lovely.

                              Bad things? The game has more sticky/glitchyness than CoD2 did, getting stuck on walls, on objects on the floor stopping you from moving back if a grenade has landed and its too late to throw it back. AI gets in the way, and usually go and stand where you wanted to go. When you want to move around quickly, they are a pain in the ass to get past.

                              I think the driving sections (Jeep) are poor, and its just too icky and doesn't work well with the game. Perhaps if they were done better and the controls were tuned abit more it would be cool, but right now I don't really like them. Tank stuff is cool though, but the rowing? **** off. The QTE stuff like setting bombs and the 1st person fights are OK, but not really needed tbh, especially the fighting stuff - what is that all about huh?

                              So overall, yeah I am enjoying this, and I do think its a good game, but it doesn't have the polish that the launch game CoD2 had, regarding glitchyness. Its definetly one I'll be playing through again on Veteran, and will be trying online out too.


                                Originally posted by Soi
                                I'd also like to see a random map option to take the pressure of the host chosing.
                                there IS you div... if you want to you can leave the game type and map options to a vote at the end of every match.

