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Call of Duty 3 [360]

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    Can ANYone get into a ranked game? every single time ive tryed its just an empty lobby no one there just annoying as all of the achievments are in ranked games grrft:


      That's exactly my problem, I'm just stuck sitting in a lobby with nobody there for as long as I leave it.

      It's one of the reasons I haven't really been playing it much.


        This is something that should be fixed in the upcoming patch. I've managed only a couple of ranked matches, but there's people out there that it seems they play nothing else. I also have problems getting into player matches sometimes too.


          Originally posted by MonkeyWrench
          This is something that should be fixed in the upcoming patch. I've managed only a couple of ranked matches, but there's people out there that it seems they play nothing else. I also have problems getting into player matches sometimes too.
          Shame really as i was looking forward to the muliplayer, any news on an upcoming patch?


            I think its in testing at the moment at MS, but that can take a while. Player matches are ok, so you might as well get some practice in and learn the maps as all the scoreboards will be reset when the new patch comes out.


              I've managed to get into quite a few ... I read an official announcement from the devs on a website somewhere (can't find the link now) which suggested a few interim measures.

              Don't use "Quick Match", and instead use "Custom Match" and select a game mode (it really doesn't matter what mode you pick at the mo, you always get put into some random game).

              Also, they suggest that you give it at least a couple of minutes to find a game. Apparently all the "quickmatch/cancel/quickmatch/cancel/quickmatch/cancel" isn't helping the situation.

              I've followed these guidelines, and it does help a bit. Still quite frustrating though.

              Oh, almost forgot ... if it doesn't find a game within a couple of mins, I find that going all the way back to the title screen before trying again helps.


                Yeah I noticed the game type selection didn't work the other day, selected battle/team battle and it put me in a CTF game?! How that bug got through is anybodies guess.


                  Finished this today. The last few levels were brilliant, massive battles, excellent use of music and even a bit of emotion with the character developments going on (lots of death....). That really turned the game around for me was getting a bit peeved with it otherwise.

                  Played a little bit online. Played as a Medic and had a blast. Managed to take out 4 other players with a mad shotgun charge at one point...beautiful.


                    I was going to start this again yesterday on hard and then noticed there's only achievements for veteran difficulty and from all accounts veteran is more frustrating than its worth, so I'll be giving that a miss.


                      I can actually get into ranked matches now, but there still seem to be problems for games with more than 14 players. At first I kept wondering why everyone kept going ready and starting the game with 12-14 when you could have so many more, but so far every game with more players has just kicked everyone out of the lobby.

                      I still can't decide whether I like this game or not, COD2 was great and I'd really hoped that with more players and game modes COD3 would be just what I was looking for (a BF2 replacement), but I find online (especially the war mode) really frustrating. I have no idea how you level up in rank, I've been stuck at lvl 1 for a while now. I like playing medic but for me the shotgun is useless unless someone is right in front of me, I get owned by just about every other weapon and reviving players is pretty much a suicide run most of the time. It also really annoys me the amount of players who needlessly hit B to call a medic and then respawn immediately. I die so much from rushing to revive people who just don't wait longer than a few seconds, leaving me to get shot to pieces as they vanish in front of me.


                        Ahhh is that the reason? I hadn't realised, but yeah that's only occured since they released the patch...nice work Treyarch!

                        You level up by scoring points, either by kills, destroying vehicles or if you're a medic - reviving people. Really you should level up quite quickly when starting out, so I'm not sure what's going on there. I'm now up to 24 (I think) and it's starting to slow down. Since the patch has been released the shotgun has been **** hot, I'm sure they've increased its range. One thing that annoys me is when you call a medic the camera still follows the person who killed you, instead of switching to the nearest medic like it does in Enemy Territory, at least then you get an idea whether its worth holding out for a medic or to respawn.


                          Been playing this, in short stints, on Veteran recently and have reached the 5th level but can't decide if I'm actually enjoying it or not. I adored playing Call of Duty 2 on Veteran (it was extremely hard but fair) but this one's proving much more frustrating, especially when you're magically shot dead by an enemy behind a wall. I mean, what's that all about?


                            I've still been playing this online quite often, now that they've patched it properly I've actually managed to get quite a few 20+ player ranked matches. My level seemed to sort itself after a while, I was on 0 for ages then it suddenly jumped up so maybe the servers took a while to update or something.


                              I still can't get into a ranked match - not one ever.


                                This game was a pisser. Endlessly respawning enemies unless you physically reached a certain point - thanks a bunch, Treyarch, that really lit up my gaming experience. Absurd difficulty spikes - that mission where you had to take out artillery then storm up a hill towards a sandbag barricade full of blokes blasting at you through cover had me gnashing the joypad. And thanks so much for the solid game engine, I just love to have a skank shoot me through a solid wall because his gun is poking through it.

