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Call of Duty 3 [360]

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    Well, just finished the single player game and I have to admit that I didn't feel like I'd been through a war like I had with COD2. There were a few points (more so towards the end) where I felt like I was just along for the ride. Infact, there WERE points where I could just stand there and dodge bullets/do nothing in order to "beat" that check point.

    Overall I'd say it was a great experience, just a bit short, and not as enthralling as COD2 was (I've never played any PC versions or Big Red). Honestly couldn't tell you the names of any of the characters I played as, where as, for some reason the name Vasiliy (sp?) is still ringing around my head


      Just been reading up about the multiplayer stuff...
      Apparently the ranked problem is due to too many players and not enough servers, which is slowly being fixed. If you keep trying it should let you in...

      Will give it a go...

      Hello and thank you for contacting Activision Customer Support, we appreciate your interest in Activision products and we will be happy to assist you!

      The solution is actually quite simple, it isn't your router or connection status...there is just too many players and too few servers to compensate for the overwhelming response since the game's release. We ask that you please be patient as more Ranked servers are being created everday and the problem should iron itself out later on in the week.
      Last edited by PeteJ; 12-11-2006, 15:25.


        Originally posted by dc-arena
        I haven't played 'Gears yet, but from what I have seen and heard, and what I have played of CoD3, without question I'd say pick Gears of War. This is a good game, but it doesn't do anything new over '2, whereas Gears is something completley different, and had co-op etc. The Ai is really starting to annoy me now too, and it has too many glitchy objects which you get stuck to so you are unable to move quickly. CoD2 is much better imo.

        US and Asian versions has territory free, so I'd say there is a good chance the PAL one will be too.
        It's a closer call in my books.

        GOW imo doesn't do anything new. It's a few different games jumbled together with online play. Overall it aint bad, just not the Godsend people are saying for me.

        COD3 is more like 2, visually it has it's up's and down's but the online play is too different. Don't go in expecting the same experience. Don't compare their online play. Massive battles is what it's about. I can't rate either online experience against the other. COD3'S has grown on me so much I've forgiven it. Tanks rocking back from shell fire, swarms of ground troops running into cover. People hopping on bikes and screaming into a better position. What goes on is breathtaking to observe. It's less personal than COD2's, maps were smaller and you could race over to where you were killed in about 25secs. Can't really do that in COD3, maps are so big it's hard to keep a grudge against a particular player, chances are they ain't gonna be where you died.


          Originally posted by PeteJ
          Just been reading up about the multiplayer stuff...
          Apparently the ranked problem is due to too many players and not enough servers, which is slowly being fixed. If you keep trying it should let you in...

          Will give it a go...
          I had been wondering how some people seemed to be getting ranked points (on the leaderboards). Thanks for the heads up though, I'll keep giving it a go!


            Only reason I'm that bothered about getting Ranked matches working is so I can get some of the half decent achievements. Like hell I'll be going for the 40,000 points ones, etc though!


              Originally posted by Crisp_Rapper
              there IS you div... if you want to you can leave the game type and map options to a vote at the end of every match.
              Yes, you can do that. But, then you have to have voting. If the host wants control, then there is no random option.

              It is either voting controlled (with random) or purely host controlled (no random option). Which is fine I guess.

              My only problem is that voting or not voting is a choice you have to make when setting up the room. You cannot then switch between them, which is a pain.


                Have to say, the team AI is absolutely appalling. I have a good sniping position and taking down the enemy, and then one of my team come and start pushing me out of the way! FFS ft:


                  Yeah its annoying, the AI in general is beginning to really piss me off now. Enemy AI makes headshots through thick thick smoke yet I cant even see the faintest of outlines of any enemy, sometimes its just plain unfair when you die, where as with CoD2 it was no where near this bad. Several times today I've been shouting and swearing out of the sheer rage this game has given me, and so close to just chucking my controller across the room, really had to hold myself back. And this is on Hard mode, I dread playing through this on Veteran now, I will actually have to play it in a padded room just incase! And then theres the team AI like HH says, I'm jumping in and out of cover taking potshots at people, then my health goes way down, I need to jump back in quickly and some prick has nicked my spot and I get shot to pieces! Not fun!

                  Apart from all that, I am enjoying it.


                    This just popped through the letterbox from Play Asia and they sent me a PAL version I think... The last asian version I had from them said NTSC on it but this one is definately Pal. Anyway. Onto to the Nazi smushing.


                      I finished the SP on Saturday (normal skill) and I did enjoy it, although story wise I don`t think it stood up well against the other CoD games. I planned on playing on veteran after finishing normal but I don`t think I`ll bother. As much as I enjoyed the game the problems mentioned by some of you lads are enough to make me not playthorough again.

                      Regardless of CoD3`s SP short comings, as with all the previous CoD games MP is where it`s at. I had my first proper session yesterday and I really enjoyed it, great fun! On loads of occasions I sniped people out of vehicle and I was in tears laughing, even after the 100th time it never got boring, comedy!

                      Anothe funny moment was on the dam map. I was in a sidecar on the motorbike going over the bridge, just as we were going to jump to the otherside the driver got sniped so I flew over the jump with no rider on the bike and the bike came to a stop against the wall so I couldn`t get out so I got killed too. Probably the only time ever I laughed instead of seeing my arse when I got killed!


                        Well, bought this on Thursday, got round to playing it on Friday, was thoroughly enjoying it until I hit the 3rd level and the thing froze on me. Rebooted, reloaded, same issue. Again and again and again. Must have a duff copy........Shame really as I was blown away by that 2nd level with the rain....


                          The multiplayer is so much fun. Like Pete says, 24 player War on Ruins = Gaming Heaven.

                          The thing I really like about War is that it concentrates play on a small section of a very large map. The clever flag placement also makes over use of the vehicles a negative. i've found that using the tanks is great fun, but isn't the game winning tactic that using the vehciles can be in the Battlefield games.

                          I'm really impressed with the netcode too. There is lag, but the game disguises it quite well and I've raely had a game lost because of it.

                          One thing though: do the Allies weapons seem better than Axis? The Allies rifle is much better (no bolt action reload) and the BAR is just an uber weapon, like a sniper cannon if used effectively and much better than the MP44.

                          The single player is a bit of a mess though. The way the AI can shoot you through solid cover is really annoying and the checkpoint placement is just bizarre. That point in the Forest level near the end took me ages, then I had to complete a stupid mini game that was poorly explained, got killed and it sent me all the way back. First time since I've bought the 360 that I lobbed the controller and turned off the machine in a huff. Really poor, basic stuff ft:.


                            Agree about SP playing on hard and got shot through a brick wall last night - I was not impressed

                            Wish I'd stuck it on Normal now but I'm not sure how much different it would've been. Having said that I'll deffo be seeing SP through to the end and I can't praise MP highly enough (although a wee patch to balance weapons and sort out the connection issues would be welcome).

                            Still unable to play ranked games - ffs how you meant to get the achievements when the game mode don't work ?


                              Originally posted by Blair
                              This just popped through the letterbox from Play Asia and they sent me a PAL version I think... The last asian version I had from them said NTSC on it but this one is definately Pal.
                              When did you order from them?


                                Yeah, I've been shot through a brick wall before, and yesterday on mission 9 I think, using a mounted machine gun to defend off Germans while one of my guys was getting healed in the 2nd floor of a house, I was just getting shot to buggery everytime I peeked out of cover, totally unfair, no skill involved at all, literally could only appear out of cover for a split second then had to go back down and let me health regenerate!

                                When you get good multiplayer games though, its just great fun, and I do prefer all the Allies weapons, I dont know if there is a big difference with them all, just prefer them to Axis and I love the BAR anyway.

