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Call of Duty 3 [360]

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    You can use melee. I have all the single player achievements now except Veteran completion, and can confirm you can use melee. The Achievement reads "Melee's don't count" meaning you are allowed to use them.


      For the assault rifle achievement, I used the BAR, and the German weapon, FG42. I did it on The Island, as you start with a BAR, then later you can find the FG42. You can juuuuust about do it with the BAR if you are careful with your ammo, but there are FG42s lying around at one point too. Note, you cannot use the MP40 for the achievement, its classed as a machine gun.

      For the Bolt rifle achievement, I did it on Chapter 6: Fuel Plant. You start out with a bolt rifle, and you can find Kar-98's along the way. I used melee during this mission too, and got the achievement.

      As for the German weapons achievement, I got it on the 1st Polish mission, with the tanks. It popped up at the end of the mission. Think this one might of been a glitch. I got the "Less than 30 hits" achievement here too.

      For the achievment "Don't fire a round" I played the first British chapter, with lots of jeep action. I just melee'd and grenaded everything. Wasn't too bad.
      Last edited by dc-arena; 13-11-2006, 16:46.


        From Gamestyle:
        Due to the extremely high volume of players attempting to join Ranked Matches simultaneously upon initial release of the game, the Quick Match option may have difficulty matching players together. As a workaround, it is recommended that players join Ranked Matches through the "Custom Match" option. Custom Match searches may take anywhere from 30 seconds to 2 minutes to find adequate matches for your game. It is recommended that all players give the Ranked Match search a minimum of 30 seconds to complete - continually searching, cancelling, and searching again within a matter of a few seconds causes the overall environment of Ranked Matches over Xbox Live less stable.


          Tried that as I always like to see what gametypes are available and still got plopped in a lobby on my todd.


            It does work - just got in after about 30 seconds

            Oh my god - ranked matches are full of them twatty american kids we all love so much
            Last edited by PeteJ; 13-11-2006, 18:12.


              I've found if you pick HQ as your game type it'll find a ranked match, but you may end up with a different type when in game...If I pick War it doesn't work at all.


                Just to clarify and sorry for banging on about this but for the specific type of weapon achievements... It is OK to melee, can you use grenades as well?


                  You can definetly melee, as I did multiple times and it worked. Grenades are also OK.
                  Last edited by dc-arena; 13-11-2006, 19:08.


                    Cheers DC. Just tried to join in online. No joy so back to this on Hard. I am a lot worse than I remember though


                      Hmm thats weird, I'm SURE I failed one of the weapons achievements as I melee'd someone. Oh well!

                      Anyway, just finished this game. Near the end, the last few missions, I was really starting to get pissed off with it, so many parts I had to just keep repeating over and over due to the crazy AI skills. I'm glad its finished now as I think I was going to end up hurting myself or breaking something the amount of time I've punched the wall, and had the temptation to lob the controller at the window. No game has ever made me so angry, so I dont imagine I'll be playing it through on Veteran any time soon. Some day I will, but not soon!

                      Overall I do really like the game, although not as much as CoD2. Maybe its just the nostalgic feel that CoD2 gives me with just getting an Xbox 360 and being all excited about that and playing it all through the Christmas holidays. Not that its a bad game, its great fun when its not cheating you, and maybe its a bit more enjoyable on Normal mode instead of Hard which I played through on from start to finish.

                      Extra things like being able to throw back grenades and quite alot of jeep action helps mix the game up and give it a different feel so its doesnt seem like CoD2.5. And some of the levels were really well designed, especially the forest one, loved that part. And the second/third level where its int he pouring rain, that was brilliant, and it looked gorgeous.

                      So to sum up, I'd give it an 8/10, I want to give it a 9 due to the EXCELLENT multiplayer but the online troubles of trying to join a game, and the fact this game makes me want to kick the **** out of the next person I see, It has to be an 8. :P


                        Online has been hopeless tonight, the game is so f88king broken online its untrue. They need a patch out for it very, very soon or its game over. I'll just go through Veteran and forget the online mode in CoD (again). Shame really as when it works its raather ace!
                        Last edited by dc-arena; 13-11-2006, 19:43.


                          got 21/26 achievments now. Veteran is still doing my nut in - what a hack job. the end part of the forest level had me gritting my teeth in TORMENT!!

                          getting killed by enemy fire coming through the floor (i was prone on a hill and i actually saw the bullets come through the hill at me gives me the ****ing RAGE.

                          COD2 veteran is harsh but fair, this is tough for tough's sake. and the mile-between checkpoints is really grinding my gears.

                          still, once vet out the way just the ranked match points achievements. for those who need to know, you can't use grenades or melee for the rifle, assault and scavenger achievments.


                            Ah sorry, read that wrong. Good luck with the ranked ones, you can't get a damn game.

                            You can definetly melee, I did it and got the achievement still. Seems its bugged if others are/aren't getting it with when using melee.
                            Last edited by dc-arena; 13-11-2006, 20:25.


                              I used melee too - good job getting so many achievements though Plisken!


                                Blimey. Nice work there Plisken!

