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Call of Duty 3 [360]

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    Originally posted by PeteJ
    The game desperately needs a patch, but online is still a riot with the right people. Great games last night, loved the match on that large flat village, got pretty intense towards the end and the battle moved about all over the place.
    When I put it in the 360 yesterday, the first thing it did was patch. What does that patch do?

    I think based on my limited experience so far with the game, the multiplayer has massive potential for deathmatch/CTF fans. The SP seemed OK, nothing new and a little rushed. Still fun to play though.


      Originally posted by Brats
      Had some awesome multiplayer games online last night. Definately the online game of the year for me. Just so much fun.

      I clanned for 5 years playing SoF2, CoD, CoD:UO, CoD2 and all of a sudden I lost the love for these games and stopped playing altogether when I got my 360 a few weeks ago.

      It got too serious in the end and regardless of if we were playing a clan match or just messing about on the public servers winning became everything, but since getting involved with NTSC-UK I`ve rediscovered that MP gaming can be fun again.

      Win or lose it was great fun last night, I really enjoyed it. Cheers lads! 8)

      Anyone disappointed with the SP should just leave it and start playing MP, it is so much fun and it really is where this game does the business!
      Last edited by Nembot; 14-11-2006, 07:55.


        Originally posted by Rossco
        You listening to it in surround sound? If so then thats why the weapons sound weak, its only 4.1. Theres no centre channel for the game, so you have to fiddle about with your amp setting to force it.
        My amp auto decodes this as DD 5.1.


          Was playing this online the other night with a mate of mine on the same machine, going split screen on the 'War' mode. He's someone who is always reluctant to go online and I must admit it can be frustrating going up against people who are insanely good and you just become cannon fodder for them. However this game just took it to another level for us, and some of the battles that we were involved in were insanely good. The best bit was when there were just three of us on the team, against nine, and we were defending our last point to the end. It took ages for the opposing team to whittle us down. Even though we lost, we felt like we'd achieved something. That's why it's good.

          I'm enjoying the single player too...just made it to level 6 I think.


            What's with the blur effect when you aim down the sites? It's really annoying and just seems to happen randomly.

            I like how the falling rain sound only comes out of the front channels, lame, and now I've noticed the lack of front centre channel use despite my amp decoding this game as DD 5.1, double lame.


              If you look up when it rains you can see the splashes in mid-air, another fine touch

              Got the achievement for winning a ranked match, got over 50 kills


                Chapter 8 on Veteran mode is ****ing hard.

                I am currently on The Forest and it is proving to be much harder than any of the chapters before as the amount of re-sprawning and 'pop-up' enemy soldiers where you have to cross the road section near the end of the chapter is ridiculous but I got this far so I will preserve.

                Why does the enemy soldiers in the game have the ability to shoot through the vegetation while you cannot?

                A bit unfair from my perspective.


                  finally! finished Veteran last night - the very last part of the last level took around 30 retries - there's a glitch where the PAK23 gun's shells go straight through the enemies tiger tanks, so it wont kill them. had to scavenge the wrecked building at the back of the map for a bazooka and do it the hard way. there's a bit before that where you have to knock out the armoured cars, but one of the AI soldiers would stand near it so when i killed it with the pak23 or bazooka, i got the friendly fire message and told to do it again. GRRR!

                  at least i can say, as long as i walk the earth, i will NEVER have to play the horrible singleplayer again! yay!

                  just need the 2K + ranked match achievments, which'll come naturally as i LOVE the multiplayer. it's times like this i wish you could trade in the singleplayer portion and just opt to keep the multi, eh :P

                  tip for any veteran players, dont be afraid to just run up and start meleeing, especially enemies round boxes. they are to STUPID to realize before you knock em out. this comes in well handy for the chapter 9 trench run/flak gun
                  Last edited by Plisken; 15-11-2006, 10:59.


                    First Impressions? Toss. Same old stuff new skin. Plus it crashed on me in the first level, nice one!

                    Can't be arsed to do the routine boot camp training, back to GoW.

                    How's the multiplayer?


                      Originally posted by Plisken
                      finally! finished Veteran last night
                      Congratulations Plisken. I'm the same, I like to be able to put the SP to bed on these kinds of games - which is why GRAW pissed me off by not stacking the achievements.


                        Originally posted by MJ
                        What's with the blur effect when you aim down the sites? It's really annoying and just seems to happen randomly.
                        A little depth of field effect; it takes the point you're focusing on as a direct line from the gunsight to the first thing in its way, meaning if you're aiming close-up, the distance is out-of-focus, and vice versa; the most obvious effect of this is that ducking around in multiplayer permanently aiming is way harder and more disorienting. At the same time, it's occasionally patchy. It's definitely meant to be game-balancing as well as pretty, though.


                          I am a disappointed man.

                          Call of Duty 3 on Veteran mode took me four days to complete in which I only put a lot of effort into the game tonight to get it done and dusted due to Gears of War.

                          The only 'hard' part is on mission eight when you have to go up the hill and over the trench to use the mortar to fend off the German soldiers and pave way for the blockage in the middle of the road in the distance.

                          I have done it and am proud but if it isn't hard then it doesn't feel like an achievement. Proof that the game is easy is the fact that I didn't get that Purple Heart achievement which simply shows that a player has died a lot of times in one area in any chapter.

                          I have played every FPS (Xbox 360) on the hardest mode:

                          Call of Duty 2 - Veteran (took me four days to go through it)
                          Call of Duty 3 - Veteran (first person on here to do it)
                          Ghost Recon - Hard (I admit that some missions were difficult)
                          Perfect Dark Zero - (Co-Op Dark Agent, twice)
                          Quake 4 - General (I'm the only person on this forum who has done it)

                          What is going on with FPS?

                          Why aren't they hard anymore?


                            Originally posted by Extra Terrestrial
                            I am a disappointed man.

                            Call of Duty 3 on Veteran mode took me four days to complete in which I only put a lot of effort into the game tonight to get it done and dusted due to Gears of War.

                            The only 'hard' part is on mission eight when you have to go up the hill and over the trench to use the mortar to fend off the German soldiers and pave way for the blockage in the middle of the road in the distance.

                            I have done it and am proud but if it isn't hard then it doesn't feel like an achievement. Proof that the game is easy is the fact that I didn't get that Purple Heart achievement which simply shows that a player has died a lot of times in one area in any chapter.

                            I have played every FPS (Xbox 360) on the hardest mode:

                            Call of Duty 2 - Veteran (took me four days to go through it)
                            Call of Duty 3 - Veteran (first person on here to do it)
                            Ghost Recon - Hard (I admit that some missions were difficult)
                            Perfect Dark Zero - (Co-Op Dark Agent, twice)
                            Quake 4 - General (I'm the only person on this forum who has done it)

                            What is going on with FPS?

                            Why aren't they hard anymore?
                            Have you ever considered the fact that you just may be very good at them.


                              Or have you ever considered that all those games are piss if you put enough time into them. I could finish COD3 in a day if I didn't have a full time job and require sleep.


                                Is the SP really that bad? Considering I wouldn't mind the occasional glitch and I've never played CoD2 should I unwrap it or leave it sealed and sell it on? I won't be playing MP btw, so that's not a factor for me.

