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Call of Duty 3 [360]

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    Spent the night playing this.

    Single player was a little...expected? Nice visuals, explosions and sound effects. I was overwhlemed with the amount of what was going on. Hint's of slowdown during some chaos but totally forgivable. I found aiming to be a new experience, throwing in a blur as you set your sights. Swapping weapons takes longer. Unskippable yapping scenes. I mean it's not faultless but it is a solid game.

    Multiplayer though. I don't know where to start. The lobby system seems to have been removed as far as I can tell. I joined a quick match and was thrown directly into a running game. Didn't like that. I want to know what type of game I'm going into for a start. Second. The maps are HUGE. Dauntingly so. They look a little bland but are full of places to hide and explore. Expect to spawn directly behind players and have it happen to you. Needs friggin sortin' that. I like the way if the host drops from the game, somebody else can pick off. Resulting from nice full games A welcome addition. Some slowdown is evident, expect kills to register 15 seconds later in a hextic scene. Maps have shown, so far, that their very green a dull looking. Not a gripe as such though , just a preference to COD2 in this area.

    All in all...multiplayer needs a patch. Maybe it's the newness of it, the accesibility has been lost? Dunno. Swapping guns takes too long. Yeah, need more online time with this.

    Good though.


      Originally posted by Brats
      The comments it does make just seem uninformed (the battle in question is major part of the war in Europe and the reason why us Brits are always commandos in WW2 games is because we had the only commandos in that war).
      that's not quite right. the german's "Brandenburger regiment", assembled in 1939, was the first commando unit ever as far as i know.

      in 1942 the U.S. formed the Rangers as a special operations unit, which was largely modelled on the british commandos formed in 1940.


        does anyone know if the PAL game is region free? - I have a Jap 360...


          I'm hoping it is- but if you look on play-asia at the boxart for the asian cod3 it's got "PAL" on the box, and the american one and asian one are totally region free so it's practically a given


            kool, I shall be picking one up ASAP!


              What an awesome game (did I mention that already ?)

              As a big fan of COD2 this has hit the nail firmly on the head - Massively expanded multiplayer mode (where I spent 90% of my time with 2), the single player campaign is basically more of the same but handled with extra technical & artistic flair. That feeling of being in the middle of utter carnage is perfectly captured once more.

              It's the little details that add up this time - Amazing heat haze, the way light cuts through smoke grenades this time, the way your view focuses on the tip of your weapon.

              Amazing - I almost took the day off just to rattle about it.

              Loving the multiplayer - Thought the classes thing was off at first but by the end of last night I'd settled right in. Scout ftw.


                Multiplayer is great fun, IMO. I really like the idea of different classes. It isn't just a case of having a different weapon but playing exactly the same, it changes everything about the way you play

                I had a few games yesterday and it was fun. The people you play against can make or break it though. I killed 3 people with a rifle from long-range in one match...and got accused of cheating Some things never change!


                  How is the vehicle driving? I'm not exactly the biggest fan of first person view vehicles, can't get the hang of it - is 3rd person the default view or can it be toggled?


                    It can be toggled by pressing in the right analogue stick. Vehicle controls are pretty good, IMO


                      Originally posted by Crisp_Rapper
                      it wasn't proper 5.1 on CoD2 either... exactly the same (bizarro) setup.
                      Whats the deal with this? I notice this alot with several games, when your in Dolby Digital mode in my amp, half the stuff is never coming out the centre, but everything else sounds mint. So I have to put it on '5 Channel Stereo' mode whatever that actually means, and it works, still surround sound, centre works, but does sound a step down from true DD mode.

                      Happens in alot of games for me too, I thought it was just my Amp acting up which I was gutted about since it cost like ?250! Its fine with films, although I notice the odd one doesnt output the centre channel properly. Is that the case with everyone then? Just down to games companies not giving us proper DD 5.1?

                      Or is my amp, indeed ****ed?

                      Sorry to go way off topic but I need to know the answer.


                        Originally posted by Rossco
                        Or is my amp, indeed ****ed?
                        There are knwon issues with earlier revisions of DD that could cause this problem. So you may well need to upgrade your amp.

                        When my copy arrives next week I'll test it on my yamaha amp and see what results I get.


                          I'm STILL stuck on the same level, trying to cross the road in the forrest. REALLY REALLY annoying me now. Using loads of smoke grenades but the enemy just keeps coming and coming. Sick of it!


                            Originally posted by debug77
                            Sick of it!
                            I'll have it!


                              Toughen up Debug nobody said war was fun >< Grit your teeth and get in about it son.


                                I've no idea why CoD2 wasn't proper 5.1 but it's been the same on all setups i've played it on (including one with a ?15k speaker setup). centre channel only kicks in on the 'story' films at the start of levels. when the game starts proper it's only in 4 channel.

                                you playing the '5.1' films through the 360 as well??

