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Call of Duty 3 [360]

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    Ace game and the graphics and the 5.1 sound are just amazing . Nothing new and plays much the same , not thats a bad thing . Shame it got a few bugs in it and the AI lets the game down sometimes . Oh and the ranking system and brightness settings are just a utter mess (really need to be sorted out ). Great game non the less I just hope COD IV will Feature fully destructible environments to move the series forward


      I wonder if they'll stick with WWII again? It's been done loads now, and I don't know if I'd buy another one. I was done with it after CoD2, but I got this for free so what the hell.

      During the IGN (I think) video review they mentioned the developer might be moving from the era, but didn't say where to..


        Originally posted by Team Andromeda
        Great game non the less I just hope COD IV will Feature fully destructible environments to move the series forward
        Have you heard anything to that effect? Generally speaking this is a 'wish list' feature that never makes it as it's a pain to level design.


          Call of Duty 4 is a modern based shooter.

          Enjoyed last nights multiplay sesh, War on that ruins map is awesome.


            Originally posted by Nijo
            Have you heard anything to that effect? Generally speaking this is a 'wish list' feature that never makes it as it's a pain to level design.
            Oh no, just like to see it inthe game.


              Pete i tried loads of times to join you last night along with a load of others, i just keep getting fookin error messages when ever i try to join people its really irritating me.


                just finished the single player on this. not that long but enjoyed it all the way.

                now time for multiplayer. really glad it runs so smooth online from the few games i played earlier in the week.


                  Originally posted by PeteJ
                  Call of Duty 4 is a modern based shooter.

                  Enjoyed last nights multiplay sesh, War on that ruins map is awesome.
                  I was cussing you out something aweful last night Pete, you are an evil shot. I would tip my cap to you sir, if I didn't think you'd put a bullet in my head


                    so the question is, this or Gears Of War? I loved CoD2 but is this better? Oh and is the PAL version region free?


                      I haven't played 'Gears yet, but from what I have seen and heard, and what I have played of CoD3, without question I'd say pick Gears of War. This is a good game, but it doesn't do anything new over '2, whereas Gears is something completley different, and had co-op etc. The Ai is really starting to annoy me now too, and it has too many glitchy objects which you get stuck to so you are unable to move quickly. CoD2 is much better imo.

                      US and Asian versions has territory free, so I'd say there is a good chance the PAL one will be too.


                        Thanks man. Its just, Gears never really interested me, and my love for CoD 2 makes me want this. However, if its like you say, i may give it a miss and pick it up later when i get a bit of cash.

                        So Gears it is than. Thanks.


                          Originally posted by Soi
                          My only complaint is that options screens are useless. I'd also like to see a random map option to take the pressure of the host chosing.
                          Everybody seems to be missing this - When you're setting up the session switch "voting" on - After every game everybody can vote for next map & game type - Random is an option.


                            Originally posted by Ajay1986
                            Pete i tried loads of times to join you last night along with a load of others, i just keep getting fookin error messages when ever i try to join people its really irritating me.
                            I had this for the first time last night and a weird bug where whenever I tried to press "B" to go back to main menu it'd attempt to join a game but fail

                            If you can't get into games reset the game / your 360 - Worked for me.


                              Originally posted by Yoshimax-UK
                              I had this for the first time last night and a weird bug where whenever I tried to press "B" to go back to main menu it'd attempt to join a game but fail

                              If you can't get into games reset the game / your 360 - Worked for me.
                              Yeah I got that the other night.

                              Hope they patch it soon, will be a shame if this went the way of Saints Row:
                              Ranked Games don't work
                              Player matches don't work most of the time
                              Keep getting stuck
                              Auto-Team doesn't work
                              Rifleman is way overpowered
                              You are given about 10 seconds before the next round - give us a chance to talk and rip the piss out of the other team!
                              It keeps picking me, on my 512k connection, as host


                                Totally agree, had that weird glitch where it just keeps trying to join games and fail. And I still havent managed to join a Ranked game. And can only join Player games if I get invited.

                                Just played through some more single player, one of them took bloody ages and was rock solid with no checkpoints, took me alot of retries to get it done. Then onto the Tank mission there which was fun.

