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Call of Duty 3 [360]

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    Yeah, being shot through solid walls takes the piss and, generally speaking, the single player campaign is nowhere near as much fun as it's predecessor thanks to the multitude of little bugs and glitches.

    Thankfully multiplayer is a real hoot. The different classes and inclusion of vehicles add a lot of variety to proceedings and it's a definite step above Call of Duty 2's online play, especially with 24 players going at it. I'd have sold it a long time ago were it not for the multiplayer. It's it's saving grace.


      Reached that bit in the Forest stage, on veteran, where you have to cross the road, run over the hill and destroy the road block with the mortyr rocket. It's infuriatingly difficult, indeed unfairly so, and sometimes causes me to become overwhelmed with the desire to throw my 360 controller at the wall as hard as I can.


        Finally completed this on Veteran. After getting past the ridiculously hard aforementioned forest bit, it was a more or less straightforward run to the end and, overall, much easier than Call of Duty 2.

        Besides two or three incredibly annoying parts, I quite enjoyed Veteran as to progress you're forced to think about how to tackle each encounter and, subsequently, learn to appreciate the level design much more than when playing on an easier setting where tactics go out the window in favour of a headlong charge, guns blazing.


          Does anyone have a problem using the compass in Multiplayer mode? Just got this and mine seems to show 3 green arrows in the compass that all rotate in sync but dont move around? And this is in 'battle' mode when I shouldnt have any 'friends' as such on the battlefield? Seems like a bug to me??


            Originally posted by Charlie View Post
            Finally completed this on Veteran.
            Why would you do that to yourself!!?


              Originally posted by Rossco View Post
              Why would you do that to yourself!!?
              What do you mean? The same reason why most people attempted or/and completed Veteran on Call of Duty 2 I guess, like myself.

              Call of Duty 2 is ten times better than CoD3 anyway.


                Originally posted by Rossco View Post
                Why would you do that to yourself!!?
                Besides two or three ridiculously frustrating parts, playing on Veteran is a lot of fun.

                @ Hoathen, not experienced what you describe.


                  It was just a joke since its so bloody hard. I wouldn't ever do CoD3 on Veteran since Hard was just so unfair, although I do admit CoD2 was enjoyable on Veteran.


                    As I had conquered CoD2 on Vet I went straight in on Vet on CoD3, several months later and I still can't get past the start of Chapter 3 so am now playing on normal to at least get through the war.


                      I'm finding this such a chore to play and can't wait for it to end. I have no intention of going through it again and it could be the first 360 game I get rid of once completed. Funny how it doesn't have that special something that CoD2 has got.


                        Originally posted by Brats View Post
                        Absolute garbage. Thank **** I finished the game on hard and will never have to return to it. That veteran achievement can munch my freshly laid turd, I'll be bollocked if I'm going back to that fetid **** pile of a single player game any time soon.
                        Having just finished this (late to the party, I know..) I can only agree with this 100%.

                        I don't normally lose my temper with games, but the amount of times I got killed because I'd gotten stuck on some tiny piece of scenery or because my own ****ing squad members were blocking my movement was absolutely infuriating.

                        Easily the worst FPS I've played on the 360.


                          I can't believe how Treyarch could make such a laborious game after Infinity Ward's Call of Duty 2, which made me want to go back on Veteran.

