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Crackdown (360)

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    I think I have about 20 to go now. I need to max out some of my skills and there are a few achievments left for me.

    Does anyone have tips for the car juggler?

    I use a nade to set it up and then fire 5 rockets, but I'm not managing it.

    With the Orbs I'll be honest I think I can live without finding them all, but I'm finding it very relaxing just jumping around the whole map, enemys off, looking for them for an hour at a time. Get to see the design of areas I had only briefly visited, it's a really big area!

    I wonder what the DLC will be for 100pts? I have ZERO interest in deathmatch, so I hope we could get another boss or even an Island....


      Originally posted by Daragon View Post
      Anyone know why I can't access the Volk section of the city? I've just cleared out Los Meurtos and I'm back at the agency garage, but the only other gateway which opens now is the one leading to the Shi gen, and I'm guessing the large 3 on the side of the gate means I'm not meant to be going there yet.
      That happened to me. I've no idea why. I just made my way round there on foot. Well, rooftop to be more precise


        Originally posted by Daragon View Post
        Anyone know why I can't access the Volk section of the city? I've just cleared out Los Meurtos and I'm back at the agency garage, but the only other gateway which opens now is the one leading to the Shi gen, and I'm guessing the large 3 on the side of the gate means I'm not meant to be going there yet.
        You have to walk to the Volk on footg first, then the door in the agency will open


          Originally posted by capcom_suicide View Post
          I think I have about 20 to go now. I need to max out some of my skills and there are a few achievments left for me.

          Does anyone have tips for the car juggler?

          I use a nade to set it up and then fire 5 rockets, but I'm not managing it.
          Go out the agency via the Los Muertos exit with a car and turn right to go the dead end (there's a race there). There should be 2 smart cars around that area, one by the race starter.

          Take it back to the exit from the agency, it's a nice big area.

          Chuck 4 limpet mines on the ground and place the car on top, then chuck 4 more on the car...STAND WELL BACK...detonate and keep it up with the rockets.

          I think it has to be the smart car as it's the lighest, the others don't seem to go up in the air high enough.

          If you're still struggling do the same thing but place the car on a nearby roof to begin with, it'll already have a 1 second height advantage then before it lifts off.


            Originally posted by Jebus View Post
            Go out the agency via the Los Muertos exit with a car and turn right to go the dead end (there's a race there). There should be 2 smart cars around that area, one by the race starter.

            Take it back to the exit from the agency, it's a nice big area.

            Chuck 4 limpet mines on the ground and place the car on top, then chuck 4 more on the car...STAND WELL BACK...detonate and keep it up with the rockets.

            I think it has to be the smart car as it's the lighest, the others don't seem to go up in the air high enough.

            If you're still struggling do the same thing but place the car on a nearby roof to begin with, it'll already have a 1 second height advantage then before it lifts off.
            Thanks Jebus, I'll try that tonight.


              I just got one of the lighter cars and let rip with as many cluster grenades as I could, it went absolutely flying.


                Originally posted by EvilBoris View Post
                ARGH I'm going nuts, I just spent 2 hours searching for my last 3 orbs! I found liked 20 secret ones, but no friggin green ones.

                ARRRGH TORTURE
                I'm in the same boat! 497, it's torture! I got the IGN Guide though so i might just use that....


                  Car juggler is peasy - take the supercar out of the garage and load up with homing rockets and rockets. Fire the homer at the supercar and it'll fly into the air, then continue to fire until you need to reload, then switch to the hothead rocket and fire! No grenades required


                    I have Crackdown on the brain! I dreamt I was an agent last night, and when Ugly Betty started with a New York skyline, I scanned the building tops for orbs...


                      Originally posted by PeteJ View Post
                      Car juggler is peasy - take the supercar out of the garage and load up with homing rockets and rockets. Fire the homer at the supercar and it'll fly into the air, then continue to fire until you need to reload, then switch to the hothead rocket and fire! No grenades required
                      Or if you have strength 3 you can chuck the car straight up in the air, higher explosives skill helps too. It took me a while until my housemate told me that right trigger meakes you throw far, I had still benn using the B button, doh!

                      Just killed Wang last night, took a few ascents to clear it out enough so that when i finally got to the top i had ammo! What's the smart way to get up there? I know what i did was surely the sloppy approach, but is there a sneaky way like Diaz?


                        Originally posted by Briareos View Post
                        Or if you have strength 3 you can chuck the car straight up in the air, higher explosives skill helps too. It took me a while until my housemate told me that right trigger meakes you throw far, I had still benn using the B button, doh!

                        Just killed Wang last night, took a few ascents to clear it out enough so that when i finally got to the top i had ammo! What's the smart way to get up there? I know what i did was surely the sloppy approach, but is there a sneaky way like Diaz?
                        Not really, best you can do is start half way up by jumping from a nearby building.


                          I have all 500 green orbs and I have done for ages!!!



                            This is getting silly now, know I'm doing something wrong. I've got 4-star strength, but no matter what I lob, still haven't unlocked the throwing 205 feet achievement.

                            Any pointers please, gents?


                              Originally posted by Bleeders View Post
                              This is getting silly now, know I'm doing something wrong. I've got 4-star strength, but no matter what I lob, still haven't unlocked the throwing 205 feet achievement.

                              Any pointers please, gents?
                              Easy peezy lemon squeezy!

                              Most people get this achievement by throwing a man off the building in Shai Gen where you kill the black general guy but, I got this schievement on the oil rig in the Volk.

                              Go upto the helipad, pick up a dead body, take a running jump off and throw the body into the air, you should then unlock the achievement.

                              edit - Nice avatar Bleeders btw. John O` FTW...... until he hits another stray pass or loses posession in the middle of the park!
                              Last edited by Nembot; 05-03-2007, 10:52.


                                Originally posted by Bleeders View Post
                                This is getting silly now, know I'm doing something wrong. I've got 4-star strength, but no matter what I lob, still haven't unlocked the throwing 205 feet achievement.

                                Any pointers please, gents?
                                Piece of piss -

                                Either rubber ducky from Muertos rooftops OR easier - Climb agency tower and when you cross the gangplank to the 3rd tower knock the light out of its socket on the wall and throw the lightbulb off the tower - hey presto

