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Braid [XBL/PSN]

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    Just completed my second full game speed-run with a time of 36:08.90

    I'm the world number five! I'm not sure where to shave four minutes off my time to challenge the number one guy though.


      Nice one TTK.

      I don't know if I want to try a speed run. I can myself getting frustrated with it, and Braid has been such a wonderful experience I never want to get frustrated.


        I was the same, I was really dubious about it being possible to finish in under 45 minutes, but I just didn't want the game to end. Once I'd got the achievement (in 42 minutes) the pressure was off and I knew that there was loads of time I lost that I could cut out. Already I've come up with a few new routes through levels that could shave another minute off of my time at least for the next time I attempt it, having messed up a boss in my 36 minute run too.

        I'll not be going through the full game again for a while though, not until I can work out how people got 29 seconds on Crossing the Gap, and a minute or so on Impassible Foliage - that'd be another minute out of my speed run too!


          is there a second, maybe hidden ending to this game? and is there anything left to do besides doing speed runs?


            There's additional collectables but no additional ending that I'm aware of. The additional collectables do add to the story though


              Finally finished this morning due to a few days holiday over an extended weekend and i have to say its one of the purest games I've played in a long time, no stretched out boring sections beautiful music and artwork and a nice twisted story as well.

              I see im not alone in finding some of The puzzles real head scratchers but you experiment a bit and the imposible becomes possible. Am i alone in getting the warm fuzy "i am smart feeling when it all finally clicks" lol, worth every penny


                What extra happens when you

                get all the stars???

                Have you done that toythatkills?


                  Originally posted by Malc View Post
                  What extra happens when you

                  get all the stars???

                  Have you done that toythatkills?
                  You get some

                  addiontal text


                    Thanks Boris.

                    Do you know what the text reveals? As I can't be bothered to get them all.


                      Originally posted by EvilBoris View Post
                      You get some

                      addiontal text
                      Theres way more than that,

                      During the final chase, you manage to get to the Princess and she actually explodes


                        Finished this last night. I had the gist of the ending, but wow, to see it pan out in such a way! Amazing, and what's so ace is that it wouldn't have been anywhere near as brilliant when told in any other medium. It's up there with Siren 2 for me in that it tells a story in a way that would only work really well in a videogame.

                        Stunning game, one of those that'll stay fresh in the mind for a long time.


                          Ha! Pure class El Leone. I'm going to do it now!


                            The last piece on Crossing The Gap (5-4) is giving me RRRRRRAAAAAGE! I swear, I'm this close to unleashing the God Hand on my controller...


                              I have to say I can understand the love hate relationship with this, but it has clicked big style for me. In some respects I wish I could reverse time like the game and not waste the 35 quid on Soul Calibur 4, instead spending it on this.

                              I think the best way to describe this for me is imagine traveling back to the 80's and giving the Commodore 64 programmers an Xbox360 development kit. I reckon this is what they would have come up with.


                                Originally posted by MattyD View Post
                                The last piece on Crossing The Gap (5-4) is giving me RRRRRRAAAAAGE! I swear, I'm this close to unleashing the God Hand on my controller...
                                If thats the one i think it is, its the one that gave me the most trouble, its the only puzzle with no pre-learning that can be applied to solve it unless you've accidently done/seen the needed action, for me it was a total fluke i noticed it after reset the level going into and out of the door and messing up the 1st motion to get the monster over the gap. Stick at it, if you need small hint ---


                                what happens when a monster lands on you?

