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Resident Evil 5 (demo)

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    Anyone else find the hidden

    sub machine gun?

    Also this game teaches valuable lessons. When in need of ammo, slice some fruit

    I had trouble with both minibosses initially but once the controls set in again and I had a slight understanding of where stuff was they weren't much of a pain to take down
    They are a bit overpowered though, they can probably take about the same amount of damage, if not more, than El Gigante from RE4!

    Man I hope there's a cool fight with Wesker, not that Chris stands much chance of doing anything except getting his ass kicked


      i can't believe how poor this game is, i loved resident evil 4 but this just feels dated now. the controls are horrible and the inventory screen is slow and finicky...when i'm in the heat of battle i find my self fumbling around as there's just far too many buttons/actions.

      The worst part is having to cope with the cpu controlled character at all times! this has just ruined the experience for me : ( ....i want to play by myself! this is supposed to be survival horror not an action game


        Originally posted by averybluemonkey View Post
        The difference though was that in the older games the controls matched the playstyle of the game, small numbers of enemies moving slowly in tight, confined environments. They have changed it into an action-shooter and not updated the controls sufficiently to cope with this.

        It's also strange how an ex-special forces operative who can pull off all sorts of upper cuts and the like on the enemies cannot move while using his knife, or walk while aiming his gun.
        i 100% agree!


          And people laughed at me when I said Mikami not being behind this could cause problems


            Sorry I wont trust a magazine review, especially an american "official" magazine.

            The cynic in me tells me that both official mags willl give great scores so that one platform version does not appear to be worse than its counterpart, i.e 360 vs PS3.

            I think I will rent this first to see if the release version has improved somewhat from the demo.


              This game is puke, 720p, 32 bit controls. PUKE.


                Originally posted by Baseley09 View Post
                This game is puke, 720p, 32 bit controls. PUKE.



                  Wayne from Lost Planet > Chris on steroids.

                  60fps 480p > tearing 1080p "HD (lol)" sloppyness.


                    So far, the demo hasn't really set my gaming world alight. The co-op is fun though, so I'll get it for that. A Lost Planet sequel is heavily needed. That game rocks worlds unknown to man... so I've heard.


                      This is gash, controls are terrible no matter which way you play them.

                      MGS4 didn't have poor controls like this, everything felt so natural.

                      I can't believe I hate it so much . ..


                        Type C isn't too bad.

                        Even when you become pro with the controls it's not enough to save the game (or demo more to the point).

                        I can't believe people won't play games because of 480p, yet they are more than happy to play tearing bull**** at 1080p just for the sharpness even if it is headache inducing, or at the least damn annoying. That winds me up to f**k.

                        Metroid Prime 3 is 20x more visually pleasing than this wap.

                        If this is HD gaming then I'm a black person.
                        Last edited by dataDave; 02-02-2009, 23:35.


                          Originally posted by kernow
                          I can't believe I hate it so much . ..
                          I can believe it, it just like a 10 year old game to me. I'm struggling to find anything positive about my play of the demo although I suppose I should really feel grateful that I've not paid for the demo like some other people have.

                          It's had good feedback in the press but I can't help but feel that if it didn't carry the Biohazard/Resident Evil label and was developed by some unheard of studio that it would have been slated due to the obvious flaws in it.

                          For me, this is almost as much of a fall from grace than the mess called GTA IV was last year.


                            Originally posted by John Parry View Post

                            For me, this is almost as much of a fall from grace than the mess called GTA IV was last year.
                            Although a lot more people are of the same/similar opinion this time


                              haha gta4, they are all bobbins to me


                                I enjoyed it. No tearing. Day one buy.

