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Street Fighter IV

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    Originally posted by DavidFallows View Post
    Unfortunately I'm never likely to play a local game of Street Fighter with anyone for the rest of my life
    Seany's next weekend, lad! Really looking forwards to that and to the session I've got planned with some guys this weekend too - the bizarre AI in arcade mode is actually putting me off this a fair bit right now, and I know I won't get out of old habits and use new techniques till I get some other guys making me raise my game.

    Also, lost my first online game last night after 25 matches - bah. Still, at least it was to a Guile rather than a Ken.


      Was chatting to a guy at work when another chimed in about how he used to rule on SF2. Proceeded to describe his Guile playstyle as just sitting there holding down/back and punishing people jumping in.

      Suggested he might want to diversify a bit when he plays other people. I'm no expert at SF games, but I look forward to playing him hugely.


        Agreed, the challenge mode, tho taxing and sort of as it says a good challenge of like stick/pad skill (i cant get past the 4th one or whatever maybe its the 3rd i forget) its god damn infuriating , and youre right, the links/combos they teach and totally blown out and not ever going to be used in a real match


          Had great fun with this last night - jumped straight online with Bison & made people eat scissors! Came up against a really good Abel player, who worked me all over the show though.

          Need my stick to turn up though, as the XBox pad is thumb-blisteringly bad for this.


            i love capcoms definition of 'easist' - i was trying to unlock all the bonus chars quickly by putting round on 1 and difficultly on easist - it still took about 6 credits to beat seth....



              Seems like cheap tactics are your friend against Seth.


                Had my first 4 hours on this last night, it's quality, took a bit to adjust to to begin with (been playing Alpha 2 all week prior) but now i'm really enjoying it.
                I'm glad i bought a stick for this although it's taking a bit to adjust to as i haven't owned a stick in about 2 years and i've become very very used to the Saturn pad!

                Online it's pretty superb although as previously mentioned everyone is either Ryu or Ken which has lead to a couple of easy wins as they didn't really cope well with the extra speed of Sakura

                Loving the remixed tunes that play over the end credits too!


                  Originally posted by Number45 View Post
                  Seems like cheap tactics are your friend against Seth.
                  I took Hoolaks advice from earlier in this thread, the sweep is your friend!


                    I only lost to Seth twice (mind you I was cheesing it with Ken...) - he seemed powerful but he often opens himself up to attacks so an agressive game will put him down.


                      Yeah, I've seen loads of people on GAF say that's how they beat him as well.


                        i love getting up to get instantly thrown again in this bull**** of a game


                          I'm finding the Trial mode is getting easier...I don't know if I picked hard characters first but I blitzed about 5 characters last night.

                          You start to get into the rhythm in link timing and where you need to be standing and doing in order to pull things off.

                          Cammy's for example, it took me a few goes to realise I had to be standing far away in order to link her EX cannon drill into cannon spike and again a bit further along that it was better to FADC backwards in order to catch a mid air Ultra.

                          There are some tough ones in there tho! Charge down/up moves linked into charge back/forward moves do me in.

                          /Looking at you Honda and Boxer!!


                            Originally posted by dvdx2 View Post
                            Yeah, I wonder who the playtesters were...

                            I just had a go on the Ryu trials, I just finished the normal set and am on hard level 2. The problem I'm having is some things aren't explained. It would've been great if you could watch the combos being performed like in other games (VF, Tekken, etc). I'm on one now where you do focus attack->forward+HP->standing HP->dragon->super fireball.

                            It doesn't say you dash out of the focus attack last-minute to connect the forward+HP move, I had to figure that out myself.

                            Or maybe that's the point...


                              I'v had the most problems with Seth on the top difficulty. I got through the whole game without dropping a continue then 17 of them used just on Seth.


                                @Fallows lol Thought I told you to call it a night, soldier! Posting 4am or something

