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Half-Life 2 (PC)

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    What exactly is the mod? Is it just a visual upgrade overhaul to the source engine?


      I think its a hi-res texture pack if i remember correctly.


        Had 20 minutes to blast last night so I decided to try and get past the part I'd left myself stuck on with 4 health. It's a well good game.


          Might have to have another blast through this. Tbh, i prefer the first but i did like the second so will download this and play through in Hi-Res

          Its a bit similar to that mod for The Witcher and Oblivion.


            I actually thought the first game was massively over-rated. I hated it.

            However for some reason I now proper bum both this and Counterstrike Source.


              I think it generally depends on when you first played it. I played it when it was released on the PC in 97 or 98 when it came out of nowhere and it blew absolutely everything out of the water at the time. It was head and shoulders and then some above everything else.

              Most people that don't like it have usually only played ports or HL2 first or FPS games that have copied and improved on its model since, so it gets unfavourable comparisons as a consequence. For me though it was the benchmark for years and made every other FPS dev team raise their game, which was a good thing.

              HL2 just didn't hit the heights for me as much as the first one as it was expected to be good and it was. Always the problem with sequels. Still a cracking game though and still better than just about most of the rest out there even now


                Originally posted by Rossco View Post
                Yeah here's some example shots for anyone who's interested.

                It's a mamoth 10GB download and you must have HL2 + Ep1 + Ep2 installed so I just got them downloaded again today too. Installing the mod now eventually.
                Wow, that's a hugely impressive graphical overhaul. Kinda depressed me, truth be told, as I don't own a powerful PC. I'll just have to stick to the 360 version and pretend I never saw those pics.


                  I'll gladly be 'that guy' and say while there's obviously a lot of work gone into it, those pictures don't make me want to grab the mod. Looks like they've fallen into the obvious trap of thinking that just because PCs are more powerful now, Source ought to have ten times the number of props in every shot. The forest blocks out the view of the skybox which was kind of the point, and the extra foliage along the edge of the roads just looks horrible. Impressive work from a purely technical point of view, but get some mapmakers who can think for a bit before just slapping extra detail all over the place, eh?


                    I think I might need to upgrade my 7300LE.



                      Valve have updated the Source engine themselves yesterday, the lighting seems to have been improved quite a bit and some better textures. I only played for 5 minutes mind you



                        Originally posted by Eight Rooks View Post
                        I'll gladly be 'that guy' and say while there's obviously a lot of work gone into it, those pictures don't make me want to grab the mod. Looks like they've fallen into the obvious trap of thinking that just because PCs are more powerful now, Source ought to have ten times the number of props in every shot. The forest blocks out the view of the skybox which was kind of the point, and the extra foliage along the edge of the roads just looks horrible. Impressive work from a purely technical point of view, but get some mapmakers who can think for a bit before just slapping extra detail all over the place, eh?
                        I know what you mean, they do seem to have gone over the top in a few of those stills but, regardless, I don't doubt running around those environments would prove thoroughly enjoyable.


                          I'm looking forward to my weekly blast on this again tonight!

                          Then onto some mental Counterstrike GG for L337 moments.


                            Anyone know where to find Lemarr in the doc's lab when you return after escaping Nova Prospekt? I've looked everywhere.

                            EDIT: It was a glitch. I reloaded my game a few times to get Alyx to open the door for me and D0g.
                            Last edited by dataDave; 29-05-2010, 21:07.


                              I'm up to the radio tower part on Episode 2. I really don't want it to end.


                                Are you playing with the FakeFactory mod installed?

