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Little King's Story - Wii

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    pretty sure its not out in the us. yay for pal for once. gecko maybe?


      Originally posted by Adam Stone View Post
      Really pleased you enjoyed it dude. I'm at the stage where I can venture to the last boss but I've decided to do everything else first - this is the first game for a long time where I'm so keen to achieve 100% completion just because I don't want the magic to end. I've clocked well over fifty hours and still a fair bit to do. Love it!

      As for your above Q. It's just a matter of using the right man for the job mate :-)

      Man, it's an ace game. I'm going to get the most out of it before Punch Out hits next friday, though I doubt I'll 100% it. I'm moving in with my lady next week, she loves Pikmin and the like so I'm looking forward to seeing what she makes of it too.

      I tried lobbing each type of citizen at the giant crystal, but still no joy...though I'm guessing the next step is to figure out where that

      rainbow wizard's

      at. I'll have to discover this swimming pool thing too.

      Great game...and it's been fun talking 'bout it on here...don't think I've ever witnessed a thread so overwhelmingly positive


        I went out in the hope of buying either UFC or Punch-Out and failed in getting both. This must of been an omen as Little King's Story was sitting in Morrisons for £27.99 looking at me with it's 92% NGamer score and everyone elses high praise for this title.

        I'm two hours in and it's a great game, it doesn't bombard you with overlyl long conversations, it's all relevant to what you're doing. It's so simple to play but yet to fiendishly addictive.

        I've just beaten the Frog boss, losing 4 soldiers in battle. It's a gut wrenching experience which made me run away and find some more. I came back and soon worked out his attack pattern and got him down.

        The game felt like Pikmin instantly, with a dash of Animal Crossings aesthetics, but the Frog boss was a massive nod that they borrowed heavily from that brilliant franchise.

        The music is superb, it's all so happy and joyful it really makes me smile everytime I hear a classic piece.

        Well worth the £27.99, plus with my staff discount, made it even cheaper. I don't think i'd of been this happy with the more expensive titles either. It's exactly what I was looking for at this moment. Something new and fresh. Thank you Rising Star Games for publishing it here.


          Just defeated

          The Onii King

          which reminded me of an evolved Chain Chomp from Mario. I've noticed a few sublte humour pieces inserted into this game.

          I'll list them in the spoiler section below

          Recieving fan letters has random letters after them, I have 5 letters which end in "sp" "an" "k" "in" "g" I can't wait to see what the rest follow with.

          The Princess you meet is called Apricot. Eerily similar to Princess Peach.

          There's a Farmyard called "Moon Harvest"

          I hope they add more humour into the game!

          I do have a few issues with the game which fall largely under adding and removing specific people to your group.

          If I want to get X amount of one group and X amount of another, I find it really tough to sort it out.

          Anyone got any tips?
          Last edited by Dezm0nd; 26-05-2009, 10:05.


            Originally posted by Dezm0nd View Post

            If I want to get X amount of one group and X amount of another, I find it really tough to sort it out.

            Anyone got any tips?
            you get a step at the front of the castle that lets you call your people to you pretty soon. This gives you preset teams, or after an upgrade lets you organize your people into a royal guard which is very handy.


              Ah nice one, cheers. I got the podium and its upgrade, just didn't figure out to properly use it.


                Absolutely adore this, had it on the backburner since release but finally got around to playing it at the weekend. Been playing a few hours each night, really charming and addictive game. Expanding the kingdom is so seemless and satisfying, easily the best game of the year so far. Surprised Nintendo themselves didn't pick it up to publish it.

                How long is the main storyline of the game though? I fear it'll be over all too soon


                  I'm 10 hours in and only just defeated another king, the dessert man. Awesome boss battle, but does anyone else get their asses handed to them during the take down of other kings?


                    Yeah even on easy it can be a bit of a soul destroying experince, just getting places can be quite punishing. But then you get through and the reward is all the greater. Not played it since I defeated the egg boss needed a break.

                    There is a real sense of danger when you start to explore somewhere new. I'm always of the feeling "is my team ready to explore here yet" it's not an easy game by anyones standard.
                    Last edited by Lebowski; 03-06-2009, 17:15.


                      I like how it says on the back of the box in small print *Basic Reading Ability is required to play this game. From what i keep hearing, the message that is targeting those people would make them cry.

                      I picked it up yesterday from HMV. What a game, i fell in love with it as soon as it booted up. Its like someone brought in a huge bucket full of charm. The classical music and gameplay really wins it for me. Wish i picked the game up earlier.


                        A sequel has been announced in the latest Famitsu for the Vita.

                        edit, woops. Didn't check if this was in headlines.

