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Disgaea -Hour of Darkness

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    The only thing you need to know about transmigration at the moment is that it'll send your character straight back down to level 1.

    There's a stats increase that goes with that, depending on your character's level when they transmigrated, but at level ten that increase will be stuff all and you'll probably just end up having to go through all those beginning levels again simply to get him back to where he is now. Seriously - ignore transmigration until you completely understand *everything* else.


      Originally posted by superkully
      The transmigrated characters do seem to level up much faster than the un-transmigrated ones...
      That's not how it works. What transmigration does is increase your character's base stats, but leveling up still requires exactly the same amount of EXP.

      It was also useful for transmigrating my cleric archer to a proper archer archer.
      As far as transmigrating to different classes goes, there's more profit in creating a new character from scratch and just deleting the old one. In the long term, that is.

      PS Am I meant to do anything with Flonne? She only seems good for healing and that's not levelling her up any.
      She learns some relatively decent specials when she gets to higher levels, including healing moves that cover a number of grid spaces. It all depends on your style of play and what other characters you've got, though.


        Originally posted by E. Randy Dupre
        She learns some relatively decent specials when she gets to higher levels, including healing moves that cover a number of grid spaces. It all depends on your style of play and what other characters you've got, though.
        Thanks Randy - do I level her up through combat? Her attacks are about as useful as chinese burns...

        And about transmigrating characters / deleting creating others - I'll keep it in mind, but I couldn't have deleted George, we'd been through so much toghether.


          I think I equipped Flonne with a bow so that she could attack from a distance. I think that is one of here better weapon options. I don't think I levelled her up that much (compared to my main characters).


            Originally posted by superkully
            Thanks Randy - do I level her up through combat? Her attacks are about as useful as chinese burns...
            This is where you start finding out how much Nippon Ichi want you to **** around with their system. If you're going to have one of your team attack an enemy, move Flonne next to them before you issue the order. With a bit of luck she'll combo attack alongside them and get some EXP as a result. Because you've not issued an order to her, though, you can now cancel her movement (can't remember the button - square or circle, I think), send her back where she came from originally and then place her next to *another* character for another combo attack, cancel that movement, and so on. It means you can have her attack as many times in one turn as you have team members on the field, then place her right back in a safe spot.

            Same applies to all weak classes - Clerics, Mages, Thieves, etc. It's the easiest and quickest way to get them up to high levels.

            And about transmigrating characters / deleting creating others - I'll keep it in mind, but I couldn't have deleted George, we'd been through so much toghether.
            It only really makes a difference if you're planning to transmigrate them a significant number of times. Otherwise it's not a big deal.


              How long do these Item World levels go on for? I've subdued the specialist and done about 7 more levels since then and there doesn't seem to be any way of getting back into the castle and, frankly, it's getting tiresome now.


                There's a different number of floors depending on the item's rarity. You get the choice to exit or continue on every tenth level. Alternatively, use a Mr Gency's Exit to escape from them any time you want. You buy these from the shop or have one automatically added to your inventory when you exit an Item World on the X10 levels.

                Provided you talked to the character guarding the portal in the Underworld (the woman with the blonde hair), you should already have one.

                If you want to rush through floors in Item World, have your team form a line, lift each other up so that they form one huge stack, then throw them across the level to the exit portal.
                Last edited by E. Randy Dupre; 17-01-2005, 19:02.


                  Chadruharazzeb, remember it makes no difference to an item if you avoid killing ALL enemies other then the item King\God. This means if you just want to race through the floors(jump through the exit panel as soon as possible) after grabbing the Specialists, it is fine to do so.


                    Originally posted by Bassman
                    I never transmigrated below Lvl 1000.

                    I presume you checked out GameFAQs.
                    Indeed - it's not worth transmigrating till you're at least lvl 1000 - you'll lose more than you gain.


                      Originally posted by E. Randy Dupre
                      There's a different number of floors depending on the item's rarity.
                      No - that's not quite correct.

                      Normal items have 30 floors. Rare items (shown in silver) have 60 floors. Legendary items (shown in gold) have 100 floors. There is much variation in an items rarity between these ranks.


                        Yeah, that's what I meant. I just couldn't be arsed typing it out again


                          What do "legendary" items do? I've collected an opened drink and it's got a crown on the item screen box thing.

                          I'll try the item world again tonight with one of those things that lets you escape.... it just went on too damn long!


                            A legendary item doesn't do anything special. The only advantages they have is that they have 100 floors in them which mean there will be stronger enemies to beat at the higher levels. It also means that the item will be upgraded more (and in the case of a drink) have a bigger effect when it is used.

                            I presume you noticed how the stats of an item improved after you had gone through a number of levels. As for the "Mr. Gency's Exit" I would keep these for a real emergency exit. You get a better imrovement to an item by going through 10 levels or multiples threof.

                            You should be able to get through an 10 floors of an item fairly quickly by trying to avoid combat (other than speciallists) and going straight to the exit (don't forget that you can stack and throw characters so it is not normally that difficult to reach the exit in one turn). You can always go back when you are stronger and do some more floors.


                              What Marty said: Legendary items contain 100 floors. They also have more slots for specialists, meaning that you can level and power Legendary weapons up to ridiculous levels. It also means that they can be very useful for power leveling your characters.

                              If you're going through Item World simply to free specialists, Mr Gency's Exits are very useful. If you're going through it in order to level the item up, though, using a MGE means that the stats increases the item should normally gain at level X10 will be severely cut.


                                I thought using an MGE then returning and going to the next 10th level did not make a difference to the resultant stats.

