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Disgaea -Hour of Darkness

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    As far as I can remember, it negates all the stats increases that you should have received from the levels that you cleared before Gencying out. So, Gency at floor 7, re-enter and exit at floor 10, and you'll only get the increase for floors 8 to 10. If you then go through floors 11 to 20 in one sitting, you still won't get the increases for floors 1 to 7.

    It's been a few months since I last booted the game up, though, so I could be wrong.
    Last edited by E. Randy Dupre; 18-01-2005, 12:41.


      I'd have to test it, but I'm fairly certain that's not the case - I've Gencyed out of the Yo****suna at lvl 100 after going all the way through and stealing from the item god, I'm sure there was a stat increase on it.

      Also, equiping legendary items all of the same rarity can give quite a nice stat bonus.

      Edit - ok, there is some slight stat loses for using Gency, but not in the way you've described above.

      Item General, King or God kills (at each 10th floor) won't count towards stat increases if you choose to continue rather than return to the castle, then later Gency. There is no difference in stat increases between killing everything, skipping floors, or Gencying and returning, so long as you kill the Generals, Kings, and Gods. So you really should exit at a tenth, if you don't think you're going to be make it through the next ten floors in the same item world session.
      Last edited by MartyG; 18-01-2005, 13:06.


        I am pretty sure you get an increase for every floor, even if you gency out at any point. I've come out at Level 99 (to get a matching rarity of the legendary Yo****suna) and had the increase for reaching Level 99. I then go back in and get the increase for reaching Level 100.

        Chadruharazzeb if you can get items with matching rarity numbers for a character they will get a stat boost.


          You will - but you get extra stat bonuses for general/king/god kills, and if you've defeated some then gency mid way, through the next ten floors these kills won't count.


            I only gency if I haven't met one of the various bosses. I usually leave an item after each tenth level. My normal tactic is to get to the next tenth level as quickly as possible (going straight to the exit if I can) and then clearing the tenth before leaving to restock, restore etc. I don't particularly want to lose any more than 10 levels work in the case of a power cut.


              Do you guys know where the .pdf of the official strategy guide is now? I've been looking for it, but have been unable to find it! I want to do the last two levels, but I'm having trouble. I could just level laharl or something for hours, but I don't think that's the best way. I think I'm missing something... I think it's the item world, but I ****ing hate that place


                I found a link for it on an old rllmuk forum thread but it doesn't appear to be working anymore. I've got a downloaded copy of it on my computer I could burn to a cd and send to you if you like?


                  Originally posted by nips
                  Do you guys know where the .pdf of the official strategy guide is now? I've been looking for it, but have been unable to find it! I want to do the last two levels, but I'm having trouble. I could just level laharl or something for hours, but I don't think that's the best way. I think I'm missing something... I think it's the item world, but I ****ing hate that place

                  which leads to...



                    Thanks a lot


                      Resurrecting this thread, as I have just brought this epic.

                      Wondering if anyone is still playing and has any hints. Just made it to chapter 2, confused my housemates by laughing histerically.


                        I just put in another 30 hours or so on the game (having previously managed 481 hours). I am on my 4th Cycle. I love the humour in the game.

                        When you get to the last episode of chapter 3 (Lavish Hall) you get a nice opportunity to get some levelling up done. There is a line of enemies who will not move or attack (other than I think a counter attack). If you stack these up into one high level enemy by throwing them onto each other you can get some good experience points for a character by killing this "monster". The other characters on the map are strong though so you will need to dispose of them first. There is a later map where this stacking is useful for getting plenty of experience points.

                        Don't use a strong item for your first visit to the Item World as the enmies can get rather strong in the early stages of the game. Use some gum or something similar (I think you need to get an item to level 10 in the second chapter). I think I went for an cheap Amulet though as I could then make use of the enhanced attributes.

                        If you have a problem reaching somewhere on the map (such as eliminating a geo symbol that gives the enemy a big advantage) then you can stack up your characters to throw. The one at the bottom throws first and you work your way up the stack to the last one (make sure this one has not moved before being stacked so that it can do a final movement after it has been thrown).

                        To eliminate an Invincibilty Geo Symbol you can throw an enemy character onto it. By eliminating the geo symbols (after making good use of the effect of them yourself of course) will give you more items when you clear a map. Can't remember if the tutorial says this or not.

                        It may be worth repeating some of the early maps to get some more experience (and levels) for your characters.
                        Last edited by Bassman; 03-08-2005, 10:14.


                          I only started playing this t'other day like and:

                          I can't add anything that hasn't really been covered before but reading back through the thread just makes me want to go home and play it. I'm hopelessly addicted to item world and have so far only played for around 14 hours or so, transmigrated a few times and am back up to level ~15 (nothing!) with all the story characters I have (Episode 3, rubbish!) Passed a few assembly things, which is one of the greatest things ever. Yea, Nay, Nay, Yea, Yea... PASSED!

                          I didn't realise one could chuck the bad guys together to make a big 'un though. Blimey, so much stuff to see and do. Even after the little time I've had playing, Disgaea is the best S-RPG I've ever played, to be honest.

