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Battlefield Bad Company 2

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    Oh my!


      I got bummed by some loser that had that combo-****ing unacceptable!!!


        I am 100% playing at 2000, hope to see some of ya online!


          I got suspended from Live a few days ago and have been playing on a secondary account since and, bloody hell, it's difficult to exagerate the disadvantage in not having any perks, extra weapons or gadgets. Situations that are normally of little sweat are suddenly hopeless.


            The sniper shotty combo will get nerfed eventually.


              Originally posted by capcom_suicide View Post
              I am 100% playing at 2000, hope to see some of ya online!
              Cool, I'll jump on then too.


                to all the guys i played with tonight

                gold squad pin all the way

                "every team needs a rossco"

                so so true

                fantastic games.


                  They should re-name it to "Doing an NTSC-uk"

                  Thanks again guys, we dominated a helluva lot of those games, never seen so many instances of folks not getting past the first set of M-COMM`s both attacking and when we were defending


                    I'll have your tank! Thanks!


                      Haha good fun tonight guys. I'm gonna stop playing this on my own as it's just a waste of time compared to when you get a good squad going with you guys.


                        Originally posted by Charlie View Post
                        I got suspended from Live a few days ago and have been playing on a secondary account since and, bloody hell, it's difficult to exagerate the disadvantage in not having any perks, extra weapons or gadgets. Situations that are normally of little sweat are suddenly hopeless.
                        Told you to stop abusing kids on xbox live. Keep your cool and you won't get banned.


                          Some minor tweaks for the multiplayer incoming sometime soon...

                          and the balance tweaks should help players have better tools for taking down choppers.
                          The semi auto weapons will see a slight range increase. But nothing major. In general guns will have a longer dist before dmg drop.


                            Thanks for the invites last night Rossco, it was Forza league night unfortunately so I couldn't join. Next time though!


                              I played some with Strawdog last night, the first team we steamrollered as they only started with 5 people but it quickly filled up and we had some good games.

                              Always nice when you hold the first base and then take all their bases in the next round.
                              Last edited by FelixofMars; 15-04-2010, 08:28.


                                yeah, last night was good felix,always amusing to watch the opposition run round like headless chickens.
                                what was that guy doing ?
                                running around in a circle and not shooting ??
                                how many people are up for playing tonight,i have a few hours spare this afternoon (about 7pm uk time)

