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Battlefield Bad Company 2

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    Right on Bob, can't understand swearing.

    Try playing with Charlie. Everytime he gets killed, he's threatening the player who killed him by saying he's going to find out where he lives or calling him a bloody wanker.


      Haha. That's not quite true, you can only talk to your squad for one thing, but, yeah, I do swear much more than the game does.


        Originally posted by Charlie View Post
        Haha. That's not quite true, you can only talk to your squad for one thing, but, yeah, I do swear much more than the game does.
        I remember the time when you reduced that poor 12 year old nearly to tears in Halo 3. In the end his confidence was shattered and he told me he was struggling to hold the controller with you barking down the mic.


          Colourful imagination you have there. I swear you registered on this site just to bother me.


            Originally posted by Charlie View Post
            Colourful imagination you have there. I swear you registered on this site just to bother me.
            I registered because few people on RLLMUK told me about this forum. Then I found you. Stop abusing young kids on xbox live then.

            Anyway back to Battlefield. As you might know Charlie, I was a bit of a kill master in this. Really enjoyed it much more than MW2. But don't think it's a game I will play everyday. Don't know what is it with online shooters, but I remember the time when I used to come right from school and just play Halo 2 non-stop till the night. Nowadays I can only play a shooter for like atleast 40 minutes before getting bored.


              I notice you don't play it much, I can't stop playing it personally. What with this and Bayonetta, I think 2010 is already a better a year for videogaming than 2009.


                Originally posted by englishbob View Post
                There is only one thing I don't like about this game. Only one. Swearing in multi-player, mostly at the end of a round if you lose, I don't get it. I swear like a docker in real life, but I find it mostly unnessicary in most games and this is no exception. They say things like "mother ****er" and "****" a lot. Which got me thinking, why not have a "c-word"? Are there any games that have used "c-word" before? If not, why not? Could this be paid-for DLC?
                I do actually find the swearing from the characters "in game" a little gratutious, I didn't even notice at first but now I do.

                I don't mind it though, since I play it when the kids are in bed mostly, and it gets a little blue anyway.


                  Originally posted by englishbob View Post
                  There is only one thing I don't like about this game. Only one. Swearing in multi-player, mostly at the end of a round if you lose, I don't get it. I swear like a docker in real life, but I find it mostly unnessicary in most games and this is no exception. They say things like "mother ****er" and "****" a lot. Which got me thinking, why not have a "c-word"? Are there any games that have used "c-word" before? If not, why not? Could this be paid-for DLC?
                  I actually like the swearing in this. One of my friendlies threw a grenade and the AI said "Catch this motherf****r" and it made me chuckle. There are lots of things like this.

                  I'm sure the C-bomb is dropped in Riddick's Dark Athena when you speak to one of the prisoners on the ship.


                    Originally posted by Prototype View Post
                    Nowadays I can only play a shooter for like atleast 40 minutes before getting bored.
                    Sounds like you've done them to death!

                    Get married and have a couple of children. Then find your limited to about an hour or two every other day, and spend more time reading about the games than playing them and posting on forums, like this one, usually during working hours.

                    I guess there is no happy medium eh!


                      Originally posted by englishbob View Post
                      There is only one thing I don't like about this game. Only one. Swearing in multi-player, mostly at the end of a round if you lose, I don't get it. I swear like a docker in real life, but I find it mostly unnessicary in most games and this is no exception. They say things like "mother ****er" and "****" a lot. Which got me thinking, why not have a "c-word"? Are there any games that have used "c-word" before? If not, why not? Could this be paid-for DLC?
                      Jackie in The Darkness drops the c-bomb during the torture scene in the church.


                        My most awarded pins:

                        My fav weapon:

                        My latest card:

                        Last edited by Welrain; 10-04-2010, 09:07.


                          Nice one GMass, I'll do the same with the stats. Poor accuracy on your M60 though.

                          Was playing yesterday with Sharky for a while and had a ball even though the team we were playing in were crap. So we then switched to Squad Deathmatch and with only two of us for half the game, we kept winning, it was great fun just running about in the tank mowing people down constantly.

                          And there was one game when we were getting hassled for ages by helicopters so I took the UAV out for a spin and blew the heli up with 3 people in it!

                          Played one game on my own on Nelson Bay and cleaned up with 40 kills and 10 deaths too somehow. They couldn't get near our last base as I just sat on the turret for ages picking anyone off.

                          Clearly spending way too much time on this recently. It's just so addictive. There's all standout moments in every game.


                            I have a (bad) habit of spraying my fire at helicopters / UAV etc and distant snipers in the hope of cheekily picking them off.


                              I'll be back on this soon, had a break to play just cause 2, nearly all done on it so will be back kicking ass (hopefully ha ha).

                              Always find i'm awfull after not playing for awhile!!


                                Great sessions with Dot's & Evil "C4" Borris last night. I love the new maps, and as various family events the past 3 weeks have prevented me getting a game, it was great to be back!

                                Sadly for a Monday there weren't many NTSC-uk peeps online. Fingers crossed some of you will return!

                                I think we won 7 of 9 matches, and had a pretty good team, even if they copied some of the crazier moves.

                                Always nice to get 3x Naval pins, when you aren't supposed to even get the boat!

