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Battlefield Bad Company 2

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    Yeah I had trouble joining the game as well though and I am sure there was some lag on the games I was in. At least there was no rubber banding, in fact I have only had a few games where its been chronic.

    These past two nights seems to have been awful for it.

    Originally posted by EvilBoris View Post
    I was really dissapointed I couldn't play last night. Dunno what was going on with my connection.


      Originally posted by Rossco View Post
      Getting quite into this sniping now
      Actually very handy you`re into sniping mate, one area we aren`t well covered in. I flit between Engineer and Medic, with the former being my real strength. Having someone who can take enemies out at distance and being able to Mortar the hell out of targets is most welcome


        Hopefully I can join you for a session on this tonight (360). I'll fire out some friend requests if that's ok?


          Originally posted by tbm View Post
          Actually very handy you`re into sniping mate, one area we aren`t well covered in. I flit between Engineer and Medic, with the former being my real strength. Having someone who can take enemies out at distance and being able to Mortar the hell out of targets is most welcome

          Not to mention having two hard as nails Scots on the team is a bonus! I fear any tango getting in the way of you two when you're rolling!


            Originally posted by sharky_ob View Post
            Hopefully I can join you for a session on this tonight (360). I'll fire out some friend requests if that's ok?

            Thought you'd given up gaming lol, not seen you online in ages


              So I'm still having serious trouble with tracer darts/rocket launchers.

              I stick a tank with a tracer dart, and then pull out my launcher and it NEVER homes in, no matter how long I wait. I've tried the first 2 launchers which both claim to be able to utilise the tracer dart.

              Can you not home in on your own dart or something?


                I have pretty much unlocked all equipments of all my classes and I am not even level 22 yet. Anyone think that that it a bit poor? To be fair the general equipment layout feels pretty lame. I love the game but this is a shortcoming I think.


                  Originally posted by Rossco View Post
                  Getting quite into this sniping now. Had a sterling game there and got a marksman headshot of 120 points, am I right in saying that the higher the score for that the further the distance the enemy is away? Whats the highest anyones got?
                  I think the maximum Marksman points is 200. My best is 187.


                    Originally posted by stevie vip 99 View Post
                    Thought you'd given up gaming lol, not seen you online in ages
                    Not quite! And at least there's one person on this forum who actually responds to my posts!!


                      Originally posted by Jebus View Post
                      So I'm still having serious trouble with tracer darts/rocket launchers.

                      I stick a tank with a tracer dart, and then pull out my launcher and it NEVER homes in, no matter how long I wait. I've tried the first 2 launchers which both claim to be able to utilise the tracer dart.

                      Can you not home in on your own dart or something?
                      You can, in fact anyone on your team can home in on a tagged vehicle once it's done.

                      There's an art to it, you can't just fire willy (or indeed) nilly and hope to hit it. I've found you need to make sure you're within a certain range so that, when you look down the rockets sights, the red lock on appears and it'll also give you a distance measurement. If you don't see that measurement when you're pointing at the tagged vehicle then you're too far away and it won't lock.

                      Took me a while to figure it but I think they've done it to stop you getting bitch slapped from the entire way across the map (which would be funny for those doing it, but a little unfair for those on the receiving end).

                      I had no luck with the bog standard RPG you start with but the second one (the M2?) works like a treat.


                        Dont forget different anti tank weapons do different damage example AT4 does about 85 more damage than the previous RPG (think its 420 AT4, 350 7 and only 280 Gustav). Stuff like tanks have 1250 armour each side but you only loose x1 damage at front and its x2 side and back so for example you hit it 3times at front to kill and only twice side and back with normal ammo and no perks.

                        You can get all sorts of perks in vehicles as engineer like more ammo, better weapon damage, faster reload, more armour and so on. Does sound like you had lag glitch tho Ad on it (havent had that myself).

                        I personally am a "proper engineer" though and not run off Rambo anduse mines a heck of a lot as a defender then draw them in for close combat and take tanks out at back as they have quite poor splash damage if you miss. Ive had 1 mine take out two tanks at once right next to each other before!


                          Originally posted by Dazzyman View Post
                          You can get all sorts of perks in vehicles as engineer like more ammo, better weapon damage, faster reload, more armour and so on. Does sound like you had lag glitch tho Ad on it (havent had that myself).
                          I have all those perks too, not sure but I don't think they are exclusive to engineer as I got them all as a medic!

                          As for the rockets...I dunno, I just never get that distance thing appear, and in my last session I darted about 8 tanks, so I guess I'm just too far away? Wierd!


                            Oh my god!

                            Mentioned about the marksman headshot points earlier so I went out to try and get the highest possible. Was on the map with the lighthouse playing Rush and aiming down to the two MCOMM stations in the middle of the forest and got a few marksman headshots there, the best one getting 353 points! I had to aim 2 rungs down on the sight of the sniper it was so far away.

                            But the best part of the match was earlier on when I got a 328 marksman headshot and a 350 marksman headshot with ONE SHOT! Two guys standing in line! Overall that one shot earned 703 points! For one fire of the rifle.


                              Is there a better feeling that shooting a tracer dart onto a heli, whipping out your rocket launcher, taking it down with one shot then gunning down the plebs parachuting out?

                              No online game has ever had me this addicted. Wow.


                                I have this now guys, your high praise for it made me go trade some games in for it.

                                I won't be home until Wednesday of next week, so as soon as Easter weekend comes, I want to be all squadded up with you lot. I had a quick play today and it just feels so much more solid and robust than COD.

                                I think the best way to put it for me, is that Call of Duty is the better 'team deathmatch' experience whereas Battlefield has the whole 'online warfare' thing completely down perfect. I've been playing as medic for a while and love those LMGs.

