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Battlefield Bad Company 2

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    M60 for the mother effing win sir.


      Aye your right Ad their nonclass dependant for extras I did a look as Ive only played engineer since day one lol!

      Im about one more match off maxxing the best sub machine gun but I really like my uzi and silencer at moment.


        Originally posted by Dazzyman View Post
        Dont forget different anti tank weapons do different damage example AT4 does about 85 more damage than the previous RPG (think its 420 AT4, 350 7 and only 280 Gustav). Stuff like tanks have 1250 armour each side but you only loose x1 damage at front and its x2 side and back so for example you hit it 3times at front to kill and only twice side and back with normal ammo and no perks.
        This is what I've found during my playtime so far:

        Vehicles: AT4 > RPG > Gustav
        Soldiers: Gustav > RPG > AT4


          campers shouldnt feel so happy with themselves...


            I got a marksman headshot 490 point bonus yesterday! It was MILES away.

            I checked the internet and 500 is the top score you can get for the headshot so I reckon my 703 point shot for the double headshot is a winner. Wish I had it recorded now.

            Golgo, what are you saying is a camper? Hopefully not sniping as it's a very useful skill to have in a team. Someone camping in a corner waiting for people to walk right in front of them is obviously annoying though.


              There's a difference between someone camping out on the map as a sniper and someone sneaking into the opponents base, sniping whilst his squadmates spawn on him stealing your tanks.

              Sure it could be deemed a valid "tactic" but it's just not cricket really.


                Camping is a dangerous game to play in B BC2, as someone will have you big time. Move, snipe, spot, mortar, move some more is the Recon way. Looks like Rossco has his groove on though


                  Agreed, we caught someone camping the other day, his mates spawning on him. So yeah, the tanks they were trying to steal, not sure they got a metre!

                  If you are playing that way (which I'd be 100% certain that nobody on here is) then you aren't playing the game properly, because you only ever spawn at your base if you need a vehicle or if your entire squad die...which is to say you never spawn there if you are playing well. So whilst you are spawn camping, your objectives are being destroyed slowly but surely and you are getting further and further from the action.


                    Originally posted by Jebus View Post
                    Is there a better feeling that shooting a tracer dart onto a heli, whipping out your rocket launcher, taking it down with one shot then gunning down the plebs parachuting out?

                    No online game has ever had me this addicted. Wow.
                    How close do you have to be to shoot a heli with a tracer dart , I've tried loads of times I can never hit it. That heli must have flown very low


                      Not that close at all, you do need to "aim off" though...aim where it's going to be as opposied to where it is.


                        Yeh no spawn camping, I'm usually hung right back helping my team from a distance. I can usually take any sniper out on the other team from a great distance as generally they sit still not moving around alot so I'll go and take them out from miles away, keep moving about in the bushes and take them out again from a different position until they get bored of coming back. But if my team start to struggle then I'll quickly switch to Engineer and go cause some chaos.

                        The more and more I practice now the better I get at hitting people when they're running now. Aim about 2 ft to the right or left and however many foot up depending on how far away there and BOOM! HEADSHOT!

                        Oh there's one thing that happened yesterday, at least I think it happened. I was sniping (as usual ) and was tracking along a road and all of a sudden seen a sniper that looked as if he was aiming straight towards me, he instantly fired his rifle and I seen the muzzle flash I think and dodged to the left to miss the bullet. I could see it coming straight at me through the air. Maybe I was gonna move anyway when I seen him, it all happened so fast but it felt like I seen the bullet and moved on time, hearing it whizz by my head. That's some Matrix **** right there!


                          Their not games where spawn camping works really as maps are too big and theirs too many ways to spawn. BF series has always had em where their sat their at your home base (BF2 they used to like going after the armourments always) but as you can pop on your squad or a objective it quickly negates it.

                          Each persons precious and even just one full squad killing people going after tanks at their home base will make them loose the war as its objective based. I can understand it when you go into the base take the tank then go after the nearest flag but only time alot of people go back to home base is to get a vehicle. Myself I hardly ever pop their unless its start of match.


                            Somehow managed to snipe a helicopter pilot from some distance today. Very satisfying suddenly seeing the kill message pop up followed by the heli dropping like a stone!


                              Had a load of defender recons who based camped us last night on Rush, and stole our base helicopter at one point. Obviously someone bailed they repaired it and came back.

                              All the recons where shelling the hell out the spawn. There where some getting dubious kills as I know where they where sniping from and they shot me through a skip I was using for cover.

                              It was so large they couldn't have got a bead on me at all though and they all seem to be behind something sniping anyway. I really hope this isn't the start of modders ****ing the s**t up MW2 style.

                              I went and played a squad SDM after that, may just stick to that I do a lot better on those usually. I like it when I get intothe flow of those and just never stop moving doing all this cool over building through window jumps.

                              Also is anyone else missing the Medic/heavy Gunner not having his Mortar strike as in BF:BC 1 and the sniper not having the guided missile. Its starting to annoy me now. Mostly because no one apart from the sniper gets a decent bombardment now. And using the guided missile was a skill. A bit like using the UAV I guess maybe why they pulled it. That said the UAV respawn seems too long considering if its spotted it lasts about half a second.
                              Last edited by FelixofMars; 29-03-2010, 09:52.


                                Originally posted by FelixofMars View Post
                                is anyone else missing the Medic/heavy Gunner not having his Mortar strike as in BF:BC 1 and the sniper not having the guided missile. Its starting to annoy me now. Mostly because no one apart from the sniper gets a decent bombardment now. And using the guided missile was a skill. A bit like using the UAV I guess maybe why they pulled it. That said the UAV respawn seems too long considering if its spotted it lasts about half a second.
                                I have adapted, but do miss the guided missile sometimes. There was definitely a skill to it and the vulnerability of your character whilst using it added to the tension.

