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Battlefield Bad Company 2

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    Yeah was nice to get back in the saddle last night. Jihad Jetskis are always fun We dominated a fair few matches, and was nice to see others in the team start to work on tactics instead of running around like headless chickens. Fair play to the opposing team, they introduced some sneaky tactics to try and navigate through out defences, didn`t do them much good in the end mind...

    Boris, you scare me fella, I`d never get in a car with you that`s for sure! But you introduced us all to the joys of sniper shotgun, which is just b-b-b-bonkers No wonder the ammo is limited on that, otherwise that would ruin the game.

    Not around tonight, should be around on Wednesday for more of the same.


      You can get an upgrade for the Sega that doubles the clip....


        Just managed to shell a couple of guys out of the air on a quad bike with my Abrams. They were enjoying jumping the ramps around Panama Canal. Almost managed an 'oo-rah', then thought better of it. Then did it anyway and felt a bit silly.


          I am always up for a game, just not been on much recently. Should be around tonight.


            Originally posted by tbm View Post
            Boris, you scare me fella, I`d never get in a car with you that`s for sure!
            this is what my journey to work is like!


              what uk time do you guys usually go on? i've been working solid but might have a chance to hop on the next few evenings (my afternoons)


                Originally posted by strawdog View Post
                what uk time do you guys usually go on? i've been working solid but might have a chance to hop on the next few evenings (my afternoons)

                Monday 19:30 UK time is my "Slot" for online stuff. I'm hoping to get on again tonight too, if there are some peeps knocking about.


                  I'm on now for a few hours but only if people come on soon to join in!


                    A couple of mates have got this and they've urged me to get it too but being a rather big fan of Mod War 2 and not having that much time to play long sessions, is this game worthwhile? Can you play it in 30, 40 minute sessions?


                      Yes you can play it on short sessions. I highly recommend picking it up, i was in the same situation as you, Ive Not touched Modern Warfare 2 since i got Battlefield. It poops all over it from a huge height.


                        You'll want to play it for longer when you get on!
                        A round can be over in 10 minutes or a really long one can take 45, the nature of the game is drop in/out so uf you do end up in a long game it won't do any harm


                          Sounds good.


                            Anyone here still getting server disconnects? I seem always to get one early on when I connect for a session, then it smooths out and is fine for the remaining games. Odd.
                            Last edited by Golgo; 14-04-2010, 12:26.


                              Never get anything bad on this regarding network. Always been fantastic.

                              Played for an hour on my own last night and thought I'd give the C4 a try after capcom mentioning Evil "C4" Boris.

                              And it really is fun. Kept laying out hundreds of C4s on the roads, thanks to resupplying as assault class, then waiting for tanks to come and blow them up. Then done the old classic, sneak into the enemy base and plant C4 on the tanks and jetski's, quad bikes, etc and wait for them to take them then KABOOM! Yet to try it with a helicopter although I imagine it would be awesome.

                              Only downside to playing with C4 is that you can't use any of the better assault rifles. What is technically the best gun to use then?


                                Just be evil and equip the cheesy shotty sniper as I call it.
                                Combat shotty with 12g Slugs+Magnum bullets=death from afar.

                                Video is probably in hardcore mode, just showing the distance and effect of this combo.

