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Red Dead Redemption

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    This game is wonderful.


      I managed to spend a few hours on this (360 offline) and am not quite sure if i'm playing the same game as some of you guys. The gameplay is pretty good (expert targeting on) and the shootouts are pretty cool (even though you can take about 6 bullets before you die). The game world is massive and very atomspheric, but after about 2 hours, I actually managed to get abit bored.
      Whilst looking really nice in stills, it is technically not great (although the horses look amazing) and i came across a bit of really ropey animation and several glitches. Loads of comparisons to GTA, and is certainly similar, allbeit the change of setting. I am not a massive 'western' fan so i suppose thats part of the reason for my lack of excitement. I'd take GTA IV anyday though, definitely abit of a head scratcher to why everyone seems to think its the best thing since sliced bread, although i can the online multi player being abit tasty.


        Originally posted by charlesr View Post
        No, I've been playing MP in free roam and specific game types since last week. There was an update I had to install though (360 version)
        360 version here too. That's a bit of a concern as I couldn't join any MP stuff last night Other MP games were working fine though.


          Can we keep this thread for First Play please? There's a News thread which is teaming with info about best prices.


            Originally posted by vanpeebles View Post
            What are the rifles like? Old Spencers and Henrys? Repeating Winchesters?
            There is a variety of weapons featured in Red Dead Redemption. They are essential to survival, as well as an integral part of everyday life in the American West. The player is able to use a range of weapons ranging from Civil War-era, manually-operated weapons, all the way to the cutting-edge, semi-automatic weapons of the time. The player can carry every weapon that is acquired in inventory, but only eight are active for selection at once. Each weapon occupies a slot on the weapon inventory whe

            The lasso is cool against bandits - hogtie them or drag them behind your horse (there's a distance stat for this..... er.. heheh)


              Now had the chance to try the PS3 and the 360 version. The PS3 has that slightly fuzzy look, though nowhere near as bad as GTA IV. Two and three-quarter hours on the PS3 and about twice that on the 360. Both version do really look very good (on my 24" Monitor). I have yet to do a direct comparison of the two.

              Strangely (other than a mission) the weather has been clear and dry on the 360 version. When I was catching the wild horses on the PS3 it was dark and pouring with rain. I fell off the first horse I caught (I blame the weather). At least the sun came out when I was chaing the stallion.

              I am not sure the stallion is as good as the warhorse. Does anyone know if it possible to swap between them?

              Had some differences in side activities that I have taken part in between the two versions. Done more in that line on the PS3 at the moment. I have figured out where the first treasure (was given the map after rescuing the treasure hunter) is buried so need to go into town in daylight to investigate.


                Got this, loving it so far, quick question though.

                How often does this save during the online free roam mode? Is it constantly? When you quit it says any unsaved progress will be lost, but it never tells you when its saving.


                  Sorry to keep on about this, but this game is just wonderful.

                  Been doing side missions, they just feel so much more organic than previous GTA games. The horse riding is lovely...this game is full of love.

                  Also, the facial animations are awesome and the voice acting (John especially) is some of the best I've ever heard.

                  The one thing missing so far is a map that automatically brings up the map. Also, I have access to my dead eye but have never actually been taught how to use it, I triggered it by accident!


                    Originally posted by Jebus View Post
                    Sorry to keep on about this, but this game is just wonderful.

                    Been doing side missions, they just feel so much more organic than previous GTA games. The horse riding is lovely...this game is full of love.

                    Also, the facial animations are awesome and the voice acting (John especially) is some of the best I've ever heard.

                    The one thing missing so far is a map that automatically brings up the map. Also, I have access to my dead eye but have never actually been taught how to use it, I triggered it by accident!
                    I pretty much agree with you, this is a wonderful game.

                    I loved GTA IV and, for all intents and purposes, this is basically that but in a Wild West setting. However, the side missions and odd job stuff feels much more natural/believable than GTA IV. I think the setting itself helps alot, it's just such a wonderfully crafted world.

                    It's very obvious that game is running off the same engine as GTA IV, because it also carries some of it's flaws. Don't get me wrong, the game looks good but you do see some rather odd things at times. Just today I saw a number of people around town sliding across the ground and going through buildings. As someone mentioned earlier (I think it was Charles), there is some pop-up too. Nothing too bad, but when you're riding your horse around it is noticeable at times.

                    Apart from that though, I'm finding it very hard to find anything too "wrong" with the game. As some have mentioned already, the voice acting is just superb and really brings the characters to life. Just wait til you meet a chap called
                    , absolutely hilarious! The gameplay itself is great too, I especially love the dead eye shooting brutal.

                    I've put about 5 hours and completed 19% of the game according to the in-game stats. I guess this might be slightly shorter than GTA IV then?! That's not necessarily a bad thing though I guess. At the end of the day, all that matters is that game itself is good and that is definitely the case with Red Dead Redemption.

                    Just finished the best mission in the game so far, it involved

                    Irish and getting a gattling gun out of a mine

                    . Needless to say, it was superb. It felt great

                    pushing a mine cart around and shooting enemies as they popped out

                    . The music that accompanied the action was just the icing on the cake.


                      Spent around two on this tonight and it's fantastic, story seems to be good and I'm loving the music.


                        Man, the atmosphere...It just smacks you in the face the moment you're put in control. I don't think I've ever been totally absorbed in a gameworld so quickly.

                        Gosh, it's immense.
                        Last edited by crocky-chocky; 21-05-2010, 21:49.


                          I'll join the love in for this, these big Rockstar games always a bit daunting to start with but its easing me in nicely,got to resist shooting everybody who rides past me on a fast horse as cost me a load in bail bonds to pay off my own bounty.

                          love the sun bleached colour palette look of this


                            Anyone help me figure out how to push people? The manual says right trigger without guns while holding left trigger. That either draws my gun (if it's holstered) or throws a punch (if I have fists selected).


                              Has anyone mentioned how awesome this game is yet?

                              Seriously, the atmosphere is amazing and I'm so glad I buckled and bought this today. Two hours in and I'm smitten with the setting, the voice acting, the visuals and the whole wild west of it all.

                              It's also a visual step up above GTA4 - I dunno if it's because they can hide things better using the heat haze t allow a better draw distance, if they've refined the engine or what, but it puts the Vaseline smear of Liberty City to shame


                                Lots of heavy willys in here.

                                Online free roam hunting challenges in posse made my pants heavy.... at the front.

