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Super Mario Galaxy 2

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    This game is amazing.

    Still on world 1, but already there's been a wealth of superb ideas, executed immaculately to boot. The 'think before you shake' mini level was just superb.

    Man, the music too.


      Originally posted by hoolak View Post
      Fair doos. I guess I read your comment ("more of the same right down to getting a bit boring after 30 stars or so") as a real negative.
      I've said just the same about Yakuza III, how's its nothing new ECT. Somehow its not such a crime then
      Mario Galaxy II gets very familiar after a while, not really helped by the locations looking just the same as before , and well the 1st game really. Its not a bad game, just after 30 stars I'm starting to feel I've been here and done that . Not getting much incentive to carry on to see what comes next

      And while can't people post negative views about this game anyway ?. Why is that such a crime? . People are entitled to their opinions, with out the need for come backs like its a crime, a joke ECT.

      Its Mario game , not mum or Dad here people :P


        Sorry, I always have you down as a forum arse lol. Seriously, your opinion is fine with me. Keep it real. *Leaves crime scene.


          Considering the love i had for the first game.... I'm sharing all that love again with this finely crafted sequel. It doesn't have the immediate 'wow' factor as the first Galaxy had, but it was never going to - what it does have, however, is an immediate sense of 'we've been here, we've done this - so now lets make it a whole lot better!' - and i love that. Right from the very first world there's some beautifully executed ideas and things just got crazy later on.

          This feels like how a sequel should feel in my opinion: It takes out what wasn't needed and chucks in a whole lot of love. Wonderful
          ----Member since April 2002


            Well said. New levels, new power ups, loads of new ideas, better boss battles and the same wonderful music/graphics/controls for what was already a 10/10 game in my opinion is exactly what I was expecting.

            People need to understand that it's a continuation of Mario Galaxy, not a typical Mario sequel where it's a whole new game like from Mario 64 to Sunshine to Galaxy. It's alot how the Prime games fit in with the Metroid series. Echoes continues the Prime games much like Galaxy 2 is continuing Mario Galaxy.

            In fact, rereading my first paragraph sounds like I could be talking about Echoes


              People need to understand that it's a continuation of Mario Galaxy, not a typical Mario sequel where it's a whole new game like from Mario 64 to Sunshine to Galaxy. It's alot how the Prime games fit in with the Metroid series. Echoes continues the Prime games much like Galaxy 2 is continuing Mario Galaxy.
              Its not like Prime, it had a story to tell , or HALO or GOW that were seen as a Trilogy . Mario has no story, no meaningful cast or plot at all

              I understand the point of saying loads of new ideas, better boss battles and the same wonderful music/graphics/controls, because in most sequels that's what happens . I can't think of any sequel that doesn't try and build on what worked so well in the 1st game , doesn't try and put in new ideas, new bosses ect .
              I loved GRAW, and couldn't wait for the sequel . It brought in a host of new changes, brand new country/War to play in, and new vehicles and guns to use Ect, Ect . But were the people that voiced concerns that it was more of the same... wrong , were the people that said this feels like a Mission pack a Joke or forum assholes ?

              Its seems fine and ok to have a go at FPS sequels for being more of the same, nothing new, they even use the same colour brown through out ...blah, blah, blah... , even if they're an continuation of the same story (COD MW II) or part of a Trilogy like HALO
              But GOD forbid... should anyone dare to say that against Mario !


                I don't think anyone here thinks you're a Mario hater, mate. Maybe you're slightly on the defensive?

                So, how have Mario "fans" have had an effect on this game? Good or not so good way?

                I like the inclusion of the more familiar Mario map instead of the last hub. The 2.5D bits are great. Especially with the doff of hat to old school music etc.

                I think the devs thought, let's take level design to a new level in this and let's make it more Mario by adding some familiar details, which like the old school map, have had a more positive effect.
                Last edited by hudson; 12-06-2010, 10:55.


                  I felt the hub world in the first game was probabaly the weakest thing about it, it was awkward having to cluimb to the top of it to get to the later worlds everytime you booted the game up. In contrast this new streamlined approach is simple but very effective.

                  I still really dont feel like this is more of the same, just all the new things it adds make it feel like a whole new experience, the levels are even more inventive than before and youre constantly doing new things.

                  Yes it still has the galaxy mechanic, but then you can also jump around and boink enemies on the head, so if youre going to state the former as a reason why its just more of the same then you might as well use the latter as a reason why Mario games havent progressed since the early 90's.


                    This game has the best level design in platform game history.

                    Oh and it's (for me anyway) far superior to the original. I didn't really feel the first, but this one is superb.

                    Probably a 10/10 for sure, but it won't be my game of the year.


                      Originally posted by Team Andromeda View Post
                      Like some of us try and keep on saying , We're not calling it a 'bad game', we're not saying more of the same isn't bad, or a 'crime' . Simply saying Mario Galaxy II is more of the same, which it is

                      I'm enjoying the game, but after 30 stars starting to get bored, just like with the 1st game . I don't think Mario Galaxy II is the be and end all, that's all, nor do I think its the best Platform game around .
                      I'll not take away for the level design or the charm, but I feel Mario 64 is the better game , and I enjoyed Drakes II more* (oh the crime)

                      *Waits for the abuse by the NCL faithful, like I've just attacked a Personal family member
                      Why is it that forum trolls/cocks always bust out that last line?


                        This is quality, yes they release nothing but when they do, there well worth the wait.


                          Originally posted by Team Andromeda View Post
                          Like some of us try and keep on saying , We're not calling it a 'bad game', we're not saying more of the same isn't bad, or a 'crime' . Simply saying Mario Galaxy II is more of the same, which it is

                          I'm enjoying the game, but after 30 stars starting to get bored, just like with the 1st game . I don't think Mario Galaxy II is the be and end all, that's all, nor do I think its the best Platform game around .
                          I'll not take away for the level design or the charm, but I feel Mario 64 is the better game , and I enjoyed Drakes II more* (oh the crime)

                          *Waits for the abuse by the NCL faithful, like I've just attacked a Personal family member

                          Hey, nothing personal but although I dont post much here I have been a reader for over 6 years, and though I dont really follow that many threads or know that much about the posters, I DO seem to have you down as a SEGA fan, and when I saw you had posted here on this game, even before I read what you had written, I was subconsciously expecting to read something negative about the game.....and you did, go figure!!

                          In any case. The game, Im onto world 6 now. Like I said before, it is all going by in a blur. There is no downtime whatsoever, it is just streamlined concentrated fun, level after level after level. I can sort of see why people miss the hub, and the more fleshed out galaxies, because while almost every new level is exhilarating me in new ways all the time, it feels like the game gives you next to no time to enjoy it. It is just onwards to the next twisty level.
                          There have been so many fleeting moments of genius I can barely remember half of them.
                          I guess it is ultimately a good thing in the long run, in terms of replay value, I will 100% want to replay all I have done so far.
                          How many games can you criticise for throwing almost too much top quality stuff at you in such a concentrated way.
                          There are so many little ideas stuffed into each level............the most recent one I did had huge cogs you had to ride, 360 swinging pendulum platforms you had to get on top of to progress, a 2D section where parts of the wall will every so often pop out , blocking your path or knocking you off, then the gravity changes and all those moving parts of the wall get sucked away and the wall becomes the ground but with loads of holes where the moving wall parts used to be...etc.etc.etc
                          The game is like that level after level.
                          It is tiring blasting through it like this but I cant wait to "finish" it and then play it and take my time with it


                            Perfectly said. It seems there is so much goodness going on that at times it is hard to actually concentrate on the goodness itself! Working in the industry opens your eyes to the finer details about what is possible and what is not - and this game seems to take the impossible in its stride. This is, without a doubt, a masterpiece of creativity, imagination, level design and ultimately, execution. Amazing.
                            ----Member since April 2002



                              I'm trying to take little breaks from it on and off so it doesn't end too soon! I've been getting all the stars on each world before moving on...loving it!


                                loving every second of this, like the first part of the brilliance is how nothing is allowed to outstay its welcome, you are really please when you see Yoshi or one of the suits back.

                                just has me playing with a constant smile on my face at the niceness of it all.

                                utterly brilliant and shows again that in terms of 1st party product Nintendo are in a league of their own.

