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Super Mario Galaxy 2

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    I DO seem to have you down as a SEGA fan
    Yes the SEGA fan that says Mario IV is the most perfect platform game ever made, that the Snes was better than the Mega Drive . And unless I've very much mistaken Yakuza III is an SEGA game, Drakes II is made by In-House SONY on a SONY machine, and any SEGA fan worth their salt, should hate SONY.

    Now you go and figure !


      Wow, this game is just sublime. Only 7 stars in so far but I am loving it. The level design is fantastic. As mentioned before, there are so many small moments of genius you forget about them as something else just as cool comes along to replace it.

      The hub does work alot better this game too. Good addition.

      And Yoshi is just fantastic. Back to it...


        I'm almost at the end! 116 stars. Ecstatic and gutted at the same time.

        I'm stuck on one area though if anyone can help. How the hell do I get the secret star in Boo Moon Galaxy???? I'm gutted that I have to ask as I haven't need help anywhere else. The difficulty in other levels has always been doing it, but I always knew what I had to do. I just can't see what I have to do here. Can anyone give me a little clue without telling me directly? Thanks.

        I loved the mad skills DVD. My favourite bit has to be the guy getting all those clones to follow him by doing little jumps. My only mad skills so far would be getting to the star on the Luigi purple coins challenge after all the pads had disappeared. Now that was magic!
        Don't look at me, I'm irrelevant.


          don't worry, 120 stars is not the end....

          as for boo moon, i might be getting confused with the wrong galaxy/star, but it might be to do with a continously moving platform...


            Originally posted by figflair View Post
            How the hell do I get the secret star in Boo Moon Galaxy????

            navigating the small labyrinth and the purple moving platform you reach a Launch Star that will lead to the moon (IIRC). Instead of using the start, long jump directly in front of you to reach a second moving platform and get the secret star



              Originally posted by skyhigh View Post

              as for boo moon, i might be getting confused with the wrong galaxy/star, but it might be to do with a continously moving platform...

              the moving platform goes up to the ceiling as well. There is a faint audio clue when you get near.


                Love the way I am able to pop in for a star or two and each time see fun, new and interesting level design. The game that keeps on giving.


                  Got it! Thanks so much guys. I don't think I would have found it in a million years otherwise. It still took me 10 goes though! Glad to hear 120 stars isn't the end.
                  Don't look at me, I'm irrelevant.


                    I'm up to 23 stars now and I'm falling in love all over again.

                    I consider Mario 64 to be the finest platformer I've ever seen and played. It was stunning in its simplest form by being amongst the first generation of 3D games, but also had the most inventive and original puzzles ever committed to a silicon chip. The nostalgic part of me will always keep Mario 64 locked away as my favourite videogame ever made, but I think Super Mario Galaxy 2 has finally toppled the greatest of Mario games.

                    I can't think of a single Videogame that has the amount of originality, puzzles, gimmicks and set pieces that make every single level in Galaxy 2 a complete joy. The world is turned upside down, the wrong way round, inside out and its properties changed all within the space of a few jumps. I've had to slide down a stripped tree, jump through a gravitational force whilst swimming in water, skate over a frozen lake and perform hundreds of other little challenges. All of them keeping you on your toes whilst never making you think that one single aspect has been overused or under developed.

                    We're been spoiled for quality this year, what an absolutely joyous videogame.


                      Played a couple of hours of this with my daughter. Lovely stuff.


                        28 stars in.

                        Man, I think this is comfortably the best game I've ever played.

                        Everything about it is just absolute magic.


                          38 stars in, can't stop playing this masterpiece! Such variety in levels and style.


                            I can't believe this topped the first. Everything I've read suggests it has. Tried not to watch many videos, want it new as possible.

                            The only reason I haven't bought it as I am watching every game in the World Cup.

                            I can't wait to get this though.


                              It really is fantastic. My girlfriend has been watching me play almost every star so far and she loves it too.

                              This is what gaming is about. Non stop fun. Lots of 10 minute levels that you can pick up and play for 1 star or sit for hours upon hours playing all day without playing the same kind of level twice.


                                I love the way its paced, like Rossco says it cvan be picked up for 10mins for a quick one star go or you can play for far longer due to the constant re-invention.

                                had an upside down kind of level last night with manhole covers you could flip to go to the other side or take out enemies, just brilliantly imaginative.

