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Fallout New Vegas

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    I've played around 20 hours of the game, been taking my time exploring rather than following the main quest, but have just delivered the chip to Mr House. Anyway, I just have this feeling when I'm playing that it's just not as gripping as FO3. Maybe, it's cos it's just more of the same, or it just seems too nice (blue skies, fairly moderately nuked areas etc, towns more well off) or all the countless bugs, but for some reason I'm just not enjoying it as much as the previous game...

    How's everyone else?


      I am still loving, been lucky in that I ahve hardly had a single bug. I have played over 35 hours and not even been to see Mr House yet, still padding around with Cass and some Robot. Want to finish her quest as I have just bumped into a another person who wants to travel with me. I hate those giant wasps though.


        I had very few bugs for a long while, now the game seems to be throwing more and more bugs at me, others say it gets worse as the game goes on also.


          Just fixed a very irritating bug that I had for a long time: forced low res textures.

          Turns out you need to have mip mapping on full quality otherwise Fallout 3/NV messes up the textures.


            What setting should it be on? thanks.

            Originally posted by abigsmurf View Post
            Just fixed a very irritating bug that I had for a long time: forced low res textures.

            Turns out you need to have mip mapping on full quality otherwise Fallout 3/NV messes up the textures.
            Overall I have done all but one of the faction quests for the storyline yet. I think its the NCR's path I need to follow. Its interesting from that point of view while there are obvious quests that are all the same because of the way the game is with AI it literally feels like a different story each time. Yeah sure the AI is flakey, the visuals dating badly but there is still very little like Fallout or Elder Scroll about (if at all)


              Go to the Catalyst control center settings and turn the mip mapping slider from performance to quality


                Originally posted by abigsmurf View Post
                Go to the Catalyst control center settings and turn the mip mapping slider from performance to quality
                Ah yes, the joys of PC gaming

                Reached Level 30 yesterday, not too far from the end but working my way around undiscovered areas and trying my best to mop up quests that the games rep system (stupidly, from a design perspective) hasnt locked me out of.

                I have a mission to find Deathclaw eggs which I keep getting rinsed on, in F3 there was a way of using building a dart gun to cripple their legs, anyone know if something similar can be made for this, or any decent way of dealing with them?


                  I'm on the strip and the game literally freezes up every few seconds, almost tempted to give in on this and start again with F03 GOTY edition.


                    Completed this at the weekend after stupid amount of hours. Really mixed feelings about it, its the Fallout that I still love and the addicitiveness is as strong as ever, but the bugs became more and more apparant the longer the game went on, one of which impacted on an important quest effectively preventing me from going any further which was really poor. I never liked the rep system at all, that I get locked out of quests I would like to of done because I decide to help one faction as opposed to another is poor game design for me, at 60+ hours spent Im not going to replay this nor would most people I imagine. I am looking forward to the DLC however.


                      Picked this up today...

                      ...So should I play it on hardcore difficulty or not?


                        Its quite easy for the most part on Normal mode, the only adversaries I really had trouble with are the evil, bastardly tough Deathclaws. I havent tried Hardcore myself, but having spoken to people who have its not that the actual difficulty of the game is any higher (its the same) its just the realism (being forced to sleep, medpacks dont immediately heal you etc) makes it a whole lot more difficult. To me, it sounded frustrating to be honest which is why I chose Normal. Im sure someone who has played Hardcore mode can better advise you though.


                          Yeah my main concern with hardcore mode would be that I would end up carrying too much all the time, becuase ammo contributes to your weight.

                          In fallout 3 I always liked to carry around loads of guns and different Ammo (im not into being stealthy or hacking computers, so i just went all Rambo like through most of it). It sounds annoying to me too, thats why i was asking about it.
                          Last edited by rmoxon; 29-11-2010, 15:34.


                            I am playing hardcore and not finding it overlly difficult. You do need the water, but that isn't heavy and you always come across the chance for a quick drink so it isn't really an issue. The only hardship is needing a doctors bag to fix limb damage rather just directly using a stimpak. After 30 odd hours I am that used to the hardcore mode I have forgotten that I even have it on.


                              I'm currently locked out of New Vegas, whenever I try to access it from the north gate I get the black screen of death. Like Marcus said the bugs in this game just start to ruin it for you. I never had this many problems with FO3 and just want to get it over with tbh.


                                Aaaand hit my first nasty bug last night. It crashed doing the auto-save, and corrupted it in the process. Lost about 2 hours play. Thankfully almost all of it was listening to people talk, so only took me about 15 minutes to get back to where I was...

