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Call of Duty: Black Ops [X360/PS3/PC]

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    I tried to refrain from posting, but I just cant help it. I think this game is boring...

    But I dont mean in terms of the game being bad per se - its just it feels like the same game ive been playing on and off for the last few years - genuinely cant really be bothered with this installment.


      Originally posted by Spatial101 View Post
      I think I'd actually prefer games not to be running in full HD if it avoids them needing to be a blurry mess.
      me too, because resolution isn't everything, so don't get me wrong. but talking of Full HD, meaning 1080p, we are mostly likely a long way off - just thinking of Wardevil...

      720p would be sufficient because it looks mostly good on a Full HD panel with a decent scaler. anything sub HD is a different matter though because the picture has to be scaled up twice. Crysis 2 will hopefully demonstrate that it's possible to keep a high and stable framerate while rendering true 720p FSAA graphics without lots of motion blur a la Killzone. i really wish the next Call of Duty would use the Cryengine 2.
      Last edited by Uli; 11-11-2010, 01:15.


        Originally posted by Shozuki View Post
        I tried to refrain from posting, but I just cant help it. I think this game is boring...

        But I dont mean in terms of the game being bad per se - its just it feels like the same game ive been playing on and off for the last few years - genuinely cant really be bothered with this installment.
        That's a fair comment.

        This is my first deviation from the 'even' releases. I'm not impressed so far with the tweeks they have made, apparently by listening to the community. Are they sure? Seems they have borked the game to pander to the whiners.


          Finding silly things that are really getting to me.
          Enemies that won't die after being riddled at close range.
          Dying for no reason. No gunshot, nothing. Just drop dead!
          Enemies that don't stop spawning, leading to having to run gun hoe past them to reach the next check point.


            I have had a couple of hours on the campaign on Veteren difficulty, and I'm a bit underwhelmed. So far it's same old COD. Unfair deaths, enemies that shoot you when they can't even see you and all that jazz.

            By contrast the multiplayer (which I have spend 3ish hours on) is really impressing me. Already I'm enjoying the maps more than MW2, and everything just feels better. Of course it helps that there is regional filters, so it's a lot fairer when things are on a more even playing field.

            Obviously the online is where the meat of the series always is, so I'm not going to write it off for a lacklustre single player mode, when in reality it's a very small part of the game.


              As usual, I'm finding some of the 'issues' levelled against this slightly amusing. It's not perfect but then what game is? Yes, it's more of the same but on one count anyone expecting anything massively different only has themselves to blame and on the other the frequency wouldn't have anything to do with it. There was a bigger gap between Bad Companies but it was no less iterative.

              It's a shame to see the sharpness and the frames take a tumble but on the flipside the lighting and level of detail has improved a lot from MW2 and the game is still well up on Bad Company and MOH for frames. It's easily the most balanced COD since COD4 as well and by far Treyarchs best entry. I'm not sure I'd put it ahead of IW's titles but it's as close as equal. Then again, it'll be all the same 'issues' for MW3 next year.


                I'm really enjoying this. Linear shooter, heavily scripted, etc., but that's par for the course. It's terrific at what it does. And the story/characters are a lot more engaging than MW2. Overall I find it quite slick and stylish; especially love the way the title screen morphs when you select Zombies mode.


                  is there any notable enemy AI this time in the campaign or again just taking a predefined position, shoot and re-spawn?


                    Originally posted by Uli View Post
                    is there any notable enemy AI this time in the campaign...
                    This is Call of Duty we're talking about...
                    Not just any Call of Duty, but Treyarch Call of Duty. There is no AI.

                    Even more exacerbated by moronic friendly AI who seems to walk past enemy soldiers, much like World At War. Apart from some zerg-rushing, roly poly spetznaz action later on. That's about your lot for 'notable enemy AI'


                      My main gripe with your team is that you muscle you out the way for cover and just run in front of you as your aiming.


                        The AI of MoH got a LOT of flak, but this one makes MoH's AI look like FEAR. The Campaign is fun to play still, but this series absolutely needs an overhaul. I doubt Activision's going to do that though.

                        The MP I like more than MW1, its what makes this a good game.


                          5.6 million copies sold in the first 24 hrs in the UK and USA, are we all mad, Rockband 3 has only sold 10,000 in the uk in 2 weeks, crazy world.


                            Originally posted by saturn-gamer View Post
                            The AI of MoH got a LOT of flak, but this one makes MoH's AI look like FEAR. The Campaign is fun to play still, but this series absolutely needs an overhaul. I doubt Activision's going to do that though.

                            The MP I like more than MW1, its what makes this a good game.
                            The AI isnt the problem, the COD series are basicaly like action movies that you play these days, and the hoards of bad guys in action movies are always really dumb.

                            What is the problem is that the campaign just feels really uninspired, probabaly becuase the MW games have already done everything that this atempts to do.

                            The series does need a few years rest, then it can come back when technology has improved in a significant way and maybe we will see the next game do somthing more original, or at the very least attempts it.
                            Last edited by rmoxon; 11-11-2010, 15:18.


                              Ok just picked it up today, welcome yo the new world of PS2 and XBOX graphics, totally shocking, just played some online MP and it LLLLLLLLLLAAAAAAAAAAGGGGSSSSSS like hell very shoddy for a modern shooter, did i tell you the texture work and graphics look absolutely horrid, best bit about this is DOA.


                                Surround sound on this is ****! Honestly it's atrocious. Can never tell where someone is shooting me from especially when they are directly behind me. MW2 was perfect so I dunno why Treyarch can't do it right here.

                                Edit: yeh textures are terrible. Mentioned that before but no-one else really agreed with me!

