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Dodonpachi Daifukkatsu 1.5 Resurrection Review

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    Not a big seller then.


      You can't use the Score attack numbers as a guide. You have to choose that over 'Play' to be registered. I've just been playing offline.
      The mainland europe release was delayed until later in the month and Aus only gets it right at the end of the month.

      Also Deathsmiles had the novelty factor of being the first so there isn't the need to be jizzing all over the place.

      Its been fantastic so far. Nothing to moan about.


        Got this yesterday, played if for a few hours it's a bit average but im hoping it grows on me once i have mastered the scoring system. Rubbish release amounts yet again, went into game on the headrow in Leeds, they didn't even have it on the shelves i asked & they went off to the store room as they had a new delivery of games in that morning. He came back out with a grand total of 2 copies, thats just pathetic for any release just to get just two in. It was like williams pinball classics dejavu as exactly the same thing happened then. Does game only get two copies of anything that itsn't mainstream?

        One thing i will say, it's nice of them to bung a sountrack into the game for free, wasn't expecting 2 disks.


          Colour instructions too :-)


            I'll undoubtedly pick this up, probably to play over Xmas, but in the meantime I have one dull and obvious question: how does it compare to Deathsmiles?


              Did you like the other Cave games? This is a must!

              Still don't know how to play Black Label though! anyone?


                Originally posted by Charlie View Post
                I'll undoubtedly pick this up, probably to play over Xmas, but in the meantime I have one dull and obvious question: how does it compare to Deathsmiles?
                Apologies for stating the obvious but the two aren't directly comparable as this is a vert. For me, it's not as good as DoDonPachi (my favourite in the series) but definitely a solid entry and a lot of fun. Will you like it if you liked Deathsmiles? God knows really- they're quite different, but I'd say if you like Cave shooters I don't see why you wouldn't like this.


                  Originally posted by englishbob View Post
                  Did you like the other Cave games? This is a must!

                  Still don't know how to play Black Label though! anyone?
                  Ehehehehehehe. Hello

                  So, Black Label then.

                  It's all about the rank gauge in the top right hand corner. Use your A and C shot together to build it up big style and when it turns red, vtec kicks in and **** gets real.

                  Scoring in Black Label is entirely based around cancelling bullets with bee pickups and enemy deaths.

                  First level, not a lot of enemies are going to wipe the screen clean of bullets, so you need to learn where the bees are, completely fill the screen with as many bullets as possible, then pick up a bee to wipe them all out and add to your hit counter.

                  Use the red gauge and your hyper mode to cause as much bullet spam as possible then wipe them all out with a well timed pickup/enemy destruction and your hit counter will fly through the roof, then just blow everything up.

                  I think I did a couple of Black Label videos a while ago, I'll see if I can find them.
                  Last edited by Silvergun X; 07-11-2011, 22:10.




                      Thanks! So the bee pickups act as smart-bombs in this mode?

                      I must admit the bullet pattens in BL are mental over the 1.5 ones, even in BL novice! Shows I have been playing it wrong.


                        Game looks crazy in that video, crazy and mighty fine. Don't suppose there's an option to play it horizontally? All you purists will be turning your noses up at the very suggestion, I know, but I hate playing vertical shooters on a widescreen TV, especially a 32 inch. The play area is simply too small.


                          You can certainly turn the screen horizontally, but I don't think the controls adjust (so UP will end up being RIGHT or LEFT!!).

                          Thanks Silvergun X, I am getting better at Black Label now, although sticking with Novice for while first. I realised a major mistake on my part by playing STRONG in these modes, if you leave the cursor there for a few seconds it warns you with "DANGER! Customised mode" or something, which I translated into bastard hard, and it is.

                          I've switched to BOMB mode now and can get to Level 5 on one credit, and it puts me into the top 10 of BL Novice scores!

                          One thing I do not like about this game though, LEVEL 5. Urrggh, I hate the bit when it goes all Ikaruga on you, those rotating machines with lasers that box you in and you cannot destroy them. I really don't like shooters that fence you in like that, I hated that in the otherwise excellent Gradius V.


                            Originally posted by Charlie View Post
                            Game looks crazy in that video, crazy and mighty fine. Don't suppose there's an option to play it horizontally? All you purists will be turning your noses up at the very suggestion, I know, but I hate playing vertical shooters on a widescreen TV, especially a 32 inch. The play area is simply too small.
                            If you want it to cover the whole screen Zoom 127%, Zoom X 200%, Zoom Y 84% (it should vary depending on your TV) but you might see some minor graphical errors (faint outline of the underlying polygon of a bullet). I prefer Zoom 107% and X to 200% when not tated but you get some small side borders.

                            Anyone that turns up their nose that isn't playing this on an arcade monitor is just being a pretentious douche.


                              Originally posted by Charlie View Post
                              Game looks crazy in that video, crazy and mighty fine. Don't suppose there's an option to play it horizontally? All you purists will be turning your noses up at the very suggestion, I know, but I hate playing vertical shooters on a widescreen TV, especially a 32 inch. The play area is simply too small.
                              The image will still be bigger on your TV than it was in the arcade cabinate when you view it vertically, unless of course you sit about 50ft away from your TV to play games?


                                Most Japanese cabinates have 29" monitors

