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Dodonpachi Daifukkatsu 1.5 Resurrection Review

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    Nice one


      Got to level 5 on my first go this evening on novice mode (auto-bomb!). Seems like a decent game. Loving the B arrange mode too. But my god, how am I supposed to sleep now? My brain is wired!

      I was expecting it to be a lot harder than this - I haven't played shooters in ages but it seemed like there were navigable paths most of the time, with just enough time to see them and go for it. Maybe it was the alcohol.


        Is Arrange A in the PAL release the Ketsui mode?


          No. The Ketsui mode has not been released outside Japan.


            Arrange A is where this game is at for me its just has pure crack like addictive quailtys doubt i will ever get the the 100000 hit achievements


              Might not seem like much to most of you guys, but I got my first ever 1cc run in any bullet hell shmup last night playing this. On novice mode with "strong" (so autobomb). I lost one life, and most of the autobombs were on the final level. Means a lot to me. I'm still buzzing and couldn't sleep.


                Congrats Charles!

                The next thing to do is go for the collect 35 bees throughout the levels and enter the 2nd loop

                I've been playing this a bit, I've managed to get to level 5 of 360 mode but it's too much...level 5 is freakin insane for a difficulty jump.


                  How many bees are there total? I don't think I missed many.


                    Nice one Charles


                      I think there's 45 total, but that is dependant on taking the secret routes too.
                      They get more obscure to spot as the levels go on...some are off screen and require you to move to the far right/left of the screen. And in these instances some are at the far right AND far left so you have to swoop from side to side.

                      you need 35 (or more) and you will get an option at the end of fighting on or ending. Continuing enters you into the 2nd loop.

                      They're not too hard to find if you keep your eyes out and moving the screen. I managed to do it without using a guide to find them.


                        Cheers for the tips dudes.

                        I played 1.5 360 mode (i.e. not novice) last night and made it to level 4.

                        I'm struggling to understand hyper - is it supposed to cancel some bullets? If so, is it by colour? And once entering hyper, do I have to keep it nailed to keep my hit chain?

                        Which ship and type is easiest to survive (not score)? I've been using the green ship for a bit of edge protection and trying bomb for survival, but it's shooting power seems quite low so maybe I'm dying more often than need be. So... strong or power?

                        I'm sure I can 1cc this, but I think it will take me 40 hours or so of practice and watching videos
                        Last edited by charlesr; 17-05-2012, 07:04.


                          Originally posted by charlesr View Post
                          Cheers for the tips dudes.

                          I played 1.5 360 mode (i.e. not novice) last night and made it to level 4.

                          I'm struggling to understand hyper - is it supposed to cancel some bullets? If so, is it by colour? And once entering hyper, do I have to keep it nailed to keep my hit chain?

                          Which ship and type is easiest to survive (not score)? I've been using the green ship for a bit of edge protection and trying bomb for survival, but it's shooting power seems quite low so maybe I'm dying more often than need be. So... strong or power?

                          I'm sure I can 1cc this, but I think it will take me 40 hours or so of practice and watching videos
                          Hallo sir!

                          Hyper mode in 1.5, then.

                          While you're in hyper mode, your shot will cancel out bullets, and your laser will cancel out other lasers. Any shots cancelled out will add to your hit.

                          However, you have a 'hyper level' not displayed, that goes from 1 to 5. This raises once each hyper use, and the higher it goes, the harder it gets to cancel bullets. This is reset either on death, or on the next stage.

                          In second loop, this only resets on death, and not stage by stage, where it carries through...

                          Cancelling bullets raises your hit drastically, but it doesn't actually raise your chain gauge very much, so be careful you're not cancelling all the bullets in the world and dropping your chain because the gauge isn't going up fast enough.

                          Your hit counter will only completely drop if you're either in hyper, or your hyper gauge is full. The reason for this is your score goes up DRASTICALLY if you're killing enemies with a full hyper gauge and not using it, depending on your hit counter and value of enemies destroyed.

                          General scoring procedure is to chain the first half of a level, using your hyper to bullet cancel and get the hit counter as high as possible, and go the second half of the level maintaining your hit counter with a full hyper gauge for maximum win.

                          Strong mode C type is easiest for survival in 1.5 (NOT in Black Label - Strong mode turned into Expert mode in BL)
                          Last edited by Silvergun X; 17-05-2012, 08:33.


                            "Cancelling bullets raises your hit drastically, but it doesn't actually raise your chain gauge very much" - took me a moment to figure out what you were on about there! But cheers understand now.

                            "However, you have a 'hyper level' not displayed, that goes from 1 to 5. This raises once each hyper use, and the higher it goes, the harder it gets to cancel bullets." - I think this is why I was so confused about the hyper - it appeared to be doing different things at different times and this must be the reason why. The good news: I noticed *something* was different. The bad news: I couldn't figure out what

                            So far I'm loving this more than any other Cave shooter.

                            I've stumped up for Black Label so I can cover all the modes in the review (dropped the ball a bit by not having a review of this before it hit the west, but thought I might as well do a review anyway now that the audience is larger).

                            This makes my favourite vertical shooters:
                            Psyvariar 2 > DDP Resurrection > Radirgy > etc.


                              I just watched the top replay. It's like they are playing a different game lol....
                              Anyway, er... up to 729m now which is 3X the score I got getting to the same point (level 4) yesterday (thanks to now understanding the hyper).

                              There's so much to remember. I'm too old. etc.


                                Black Label is the far, far superior game in my opinion. But that's an entirely different system to learn.

