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Dead Nation (PSN)

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    Am I right in saying that you don't have 'x amount of lifes' in this?

    Been playing this afternoon and I died 3 or 4 times whilst getting to chapter 3, before having to turn the console off, so I'm not sure if its infinte continues or not?


      Yeah, you have infinite continues. Good job too, I'm already sweating on playing this through on Grim.

      I'm really loving this. If they could sort out the online issues (voice chat, reduce lag (apparently) and the fact that it takes several minutes to upload data at the end of a mission) I could see me playing this for a long time indeed - at least as long as I can find some willing co-op partners.

      Can't recommend maxing out the mines enough - great when you're under extreme pressure! I've maxed the rifle, mines and shotgun - just bought the flamethrower which looks as though it'll be useful for crowd control (it slows them down a lot).


        Oh! right then - thanks.

        Had another blast on this last night.

        I enjoy playing it, but for me, I feel it could have been so much better. What I would like to have seen, or possibly see in a sequel (or possibly even a patch?) would be ...

        * Only having 3 lives. Having been brought up on the prerequisite of starting a game with only 3 lives, having infinite lives seems rather cheap (even if you really require more than that due to the nature of the game). They could have leaderboards for players who either choose to play with the game with infinite or 3 lives. An interesting dynamic would be, if played with only 3 lives, that you could buy more in the game, but, in the same vein as upgrading your weapons, everytime you buy a life (say starting at 25,000 credits), the next time you buy one its 35,000 credits.

        * Having spent much on lavishing the game with great scenery, why is it the game has a permanent night setting (I have only got to level 3 so far, so this point may be irrelevant)? Having some sections that are either played during daylight or perhaps inside factories/shopping malls which are fully lit would have been a welcome change.

        * Branching paths to reach the goal, rather than corridors (albeit in places, quite spacious). Someting along the lines similar to Outrun.

        Having paid a ridicuously low price of 80 ms points for Epic Dungeon (which I am enjoying immensely), paying ?10 for this seems rather dear in comparison.


          On the harder difficulties trying to get through the entire game with only 3 (or even 10) credits is going to be insane. The game is designed to overwhelm you, and there's going to be a fair amount of trial and error involved while you learn the trigger points (and that's not even taking mistakes or bad luck (there's some dynamism involved with where the zombies will end up, if not where they spawn from) into account). I prefer this approach personally, because it will guarantee that even those lesser gifted played will have a chance of seeing all the game has to offer at least once.

          As for the night time setting - I can't agree with the hate the game is getting on that front. It adds tremendously to the tension and the lighting model in this game is so very good that it would be doing it an injustice not to use it as much as humanly possible.

          Agreed that branching paths would have been interesting, although there's some scope for exploration within the levels as it is (as long as you don't mind taking the inevitable risk of getting trapped).

          I don't know anything about Epic Dungeon, but I have no complaints paying £10 for this at all (even though I only paid £8). If I get 10 hours out of it (Which is how long it's looking like it'll take me on normal at this rate) it'll be more than a lot of full price retail games.


            The lighting is fantastic, its just a shame that the levels are so dark that I feel the need to squint and it hurts my eyes.

            The branching path thing, im not sure it would work, one of the things Im enjoying about the game is trying to collect all the loot on a level, if there were different routes through the level there would be no way to collect all the loot unless you back tracked. And no one likes to back track.

            As for having lives, it would ruin it, simple as that.

            It never ceases to amaze me how people will complain about a game by basicaly saying they want to play somthing completely different.
            Last edited by rmoxon; 04-12-2010, 15:42.


              There's a gamma setting in the options, and I know a lot of people turn that up to maximum. It's perfect where it is for me though, I like it dark.


                I dont really want to turn it up as it would ruin the atmosphere of the game, Id rather avoid eye strain just by taking more breaks from playing it than by tainting the experience.


                  I don't strain my eyes. I just take the "oh my god there's a zombie right on me" moments as I think Housemarque intended.


                    Is it arcadey or a bit more slower placed, like the old Hunter games last gen (absolutely loved the first one on XBox)? Any offline co-op and is it easy to get into online games with people?


                      Its really arcadey. TBH it is Super Stardust HD gameplay wise.
                      Last edited by SuperBeatBoy; 04-12-2010, 17:33.


                        Getting an online games takes about 10 - 30 seconds ive found with even with people in the US and the world over.
                        Offline co-op - yes


                          God, this is really getting hammered in the reviews. Im not in love with it as much as you guys but surely, it deserves more than 2/5 (giant bomb) or 7.5 (Ign).


                            Cheers, definitely have to check this one out next payday then.


                              Me ant' missus played the first 3 levels last night. Fun, and uh, frantic and stuff. Immaculate controls, the ambient detail and lighting are a delight too. I'm not gaga yet though...It needs some less-standard ideas in there to make it stand out.

                              Anyone else find it has the feel of a PS1 game? Can't quite put my finger on why or what game exactly, but it just has the feel and structure of something from that generation.

                              More than anything it makes me pine for an update of 'Zombies Ate My Neighbours' with this games super swish controls and lighting. Pweeez Konami!


                                Originally posted by crocky-chocky View Post
                                Me ant' missus played the first 3 levels last night. Fun, and uh, frantic and stuff. Immaculate controls, the ambient detail and lighting are a delight too. I'm not gaga yet though...It needs some less-standard ideas in there to make it stand out.

                                Anyone else find it has the feel of a PS1 game? Can't quite put my finger on why or what game exactly, but it just has the feel and structure of something from that generation.

                                More than anything it makes me pine for an update of 'Zombies Ate My Neighbours' with this games super swish controls and lighting. Pweeez Konami!
                                Kind of has that same feel as Loaded or Re:Loaded.

