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Dead Nation (PSN)

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    I disagree that this is arcadey, when playing on higher difficulties it really helps to take the game at a slower pace, clearing sections of zombies out systematicaly.

    Whoever mentioned the old hunter games, it is a bit like those actualy.

    If you just go running into it like its an arcade game then you will be dead very quickly, its basicaly a top down left 4 dead, though unlike left 4 dead enemies dont actualy keep spawning and its not randomised, so it pays to know where they are in the levels.
    Last edited by rmoxon; 04-12-2010, 18:35.


      Originally posted by Zero9X View Post
      God, this is really getting hammered in the reviews. Im not in love with it as much as you guys but surely, it deserves more than 2/5 (giant bomb) or 7.5 (Ign).
      Never mind whats those nobs say, ive really not listened to review sites much lately and would rather find out on here and make my own mind up if i like or dislike a game.


        I do feel it is arcadey myself, it has giant scores and multipliers. The way the zombies come at you and you take out the different kinds of them with different weapons really does it.

        Its not fast paced at all, but its definetly a slow paced arcadey type of game.

        We will just have to agree and disagree, rmoxon. Maybe its one of those games thats open to different interpretations.


          It's arcadey in its design I think, however I agree with rmoxon - you really benefit from a more systematic approach (unless you're going for target times obviously) to the levels.

          I can't praise this game enough to be honest, and the moment I read Brads comment about the controls I stopped reading. What the ****ing hell is he going on about? The controls in this game are spot on for me.


            Originally posted by Number45 View Post
            It's arcadey in its design I think, however I agree with rmoxon - you really benefit from a more systematic approach (unless you're going for target times obviously) to the levels.

            I can't praise this game enough to be honest, and the moment I read Brads comment about the controls I stopped reading. What the ****ing hell is he going on about? The controls in this game are spot on for me.
            Totally agree about the controls. Spot on and very precise. Has anyone had any kind of glitches happen, while im aiming sometimes it will shake about. It's happened to me once or twice.


              Have I mentioned how good this is?

              Every time I play it I notice something else that I love. The lighting is constantly amazing me - not just technically but in how well it's used to add to the tension and atmosphere. The silhouettes of zombies on the roof that are cast onto the floor making you aware that they're there and that they'll be joining you soon... but WHEN?

              There's also an incredibly dark section at the beginning of chapter six, that I wonder is perhaps the source of a lot of the complaints about the game being too dark? When you enter it the area is lit with flares, and as you advance they start to go out and the area gets darker and darker until you're basically left with just the light from your flashlight - panic sets in. It's clearly designed to get you in a panic, and boy does it work - make sure you have a decent stock of flares people. <3


                Whats thought to be the best weapon configuration?

                I max out the rifle before turning to grenades then the Uzi.

                Should I not bother with the Uzi and concerntrate on the shotgun instead? The Uzi is great against the generic shamblers, but unless its had a lots of upgrades, its a bit ineffective against the more bigger, tougher foes.


                  I maxed the rifle before buying any other weapons (normal) then went for the mines, before buying the shotgun and maxing that out. A good combination, although I think you might need that second weapon earlier on harder difficulties.

                  Fully upgraded mines are godly, although they don't attract the larger enemies.


                    I maxed the rifle then the Uzi. I rarely use incenderies, I'm finding the game alot of fun now and normal mode is way too easy I haven't died once yet. Can't wait to crank the difficulty up.


                      I can get to the park, the bit where you have to press the button a few times to bring the bidge across, without losing a life.

                      Soon as I press the button and get rushed I go into a blind panic and always end up dying. If not smootherd by zombies I usually blow myself by walking into an exploding cannister!

                      Any tips for that particular section? I was thinking of backing myself into a corner so the zombies can only come from the front, which should make things slighly easier ... in theory.


                        Erm, the bit at the end of the graveyard level is nails... even on normal.

                        *tries again*


                          Managed to get through it, but I have to say that seriously has me questioning whether I want to play through the game again on Grim.


                            Originally posted by Number45 View Post
                            Managed to get through it, but I have to say that seriously has me questioning whether I want to play through the game again on Grim.
                            Thats my next level! The way you make it sound is making me look forward to it! I'm up for some punishment!


                              This game is brilliant!! Finished it on "normal" the other night - The latter stages are mega tough but fair (e.g. learn the stages, die loads of times in the process, but get through in the end... LOL)! Started a new campaign on "grim". Didn't use the charged rifle before but finding it helpful for close encounters to get bigger score multipliers.


                                Man, completing this game on normal (which is fairly tough by todays standard) and earning the 'Mediocrity' trophy is a kick in the balls.

                                Fantastic game though I have to say. Not without its flaws (and Housemarque might well fix them given the amazing post-release support they gave SSHD), but there's nothing there bad enough to detract from the experience for me.

                                I'm going to start it on Grim tomorrow I think. Hopefully they'll confirm that they're allowing check point saves soon, I think the replay value will increase immensely with a more friendly save system.

