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Portal 2

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    Originally posted by Jusatsushi View Post
    Anyone know if you can use a 360 pad on the PC version?
    The steam store says yes


      There's a controller mapping option in the menu so I assume you can.


        This or Mortal Kombat gonna be a hard choice. Maybe can pick up one on budget later. Just saw a review on YouTube and read some comments on here. Portal 2 sounds great. I don't really like FPS view games but this looks very intelligent and fun.


          Great, great game. Not touched Single Player yet but between me and my mate we finished the co-op campaign in one sitting of around 7 hours - which is mental I cant remember the last time I played a game for that kinda time straight on. But the game is absolute genius the puzzles are absolutely fantastic and the final chapter is a real mind bender, but immensely entertaining.

          Btw we played on PC, I played with a 360 controller and my mate used a keyboard for the fellow forumite whom asked. I also played it in 3D with nVidia 3D Vision which looked lovely.


            Originally posted by JU! View Post
            This or Mortal Kombat gonna be a hard choice. Maybe can pick up one on budget later. Just saw a review on YouTube and read some comments on here. Portal 2 sounds great. I don't really like FPS view games but this looks very intelligent and fun.
            Between MK and Portal there's no contest. You'd get a much better experience from Portal.
            I'd play through the first one before this one though as there are lots of references to it in this one.


              Originally posted by Supergoal View Post
              Between MK and Portal there's no contest. You'd get a much better experience from Portal.
              Damn it, and here I just ordered MK instead of Portal 2 coz I wanted to thrash some mates online.


                They are two different types of games though. Personally, i'm looking forward to playing Mortal Kombat more than this. Its just down to preference.


                  Only thing I am troubled with are the crazy ammount of loading screens as you shift between sections, was never this bad in original if at all. It's breaking the atmosphere up a bit, other than that it's the greatest sequel to a game ever made. That is all.
                  Playing 360 version and not had anything major go wrong with graphics, would say it's as smooth as the original.


                    Yes the loading times are quite annoying. Remember them being fairly often in Half life 2 as well


                      I'm no fan of

                      Stephen Merchant

                      (spoilered just in case anyone doesn't know and wants to be surprised), but I lol'd hard through the opening of this.


                        I do prefer the first game's loading style of the game pausing before unpausing again instead of a loading screen appearing in this one.


                          PS3 version arrived today (Well yesterday) I have linked steam accounts and downloaded it on my PC now As far as I can see I can just sell this PS3 copy on when i'm done with it and keep using my Portal 2 on Steam forever

                          Upto chapter 6 now, trying to hold off from going through it too fast. Can't stand rushing my games, I've waited years for this game I want it to last.


                            I wanted it to last as well but I just couldn't put it down, it's like a good book you wait a while for, you just can't help it and you can't put it down.
                            Just completed single player, must have clock about 10hours, there were a few chambers that got me stuck for good 10-30mins.
                            Can't wait to get cracking on the co-op, feels like 2 games in 1.Just when you think your near the end your not, had that feeling about 3 times will play single player through again with commentary.


                              Why is there talk of mortal combat in here has it turned into a physic based puzzler, imagine the scenario can't get across big gap scorpion shouts "come here" harpoons you, smacks you up in the air and then drops an arcade on your head brilliant!


                                Ah Portal how I love you.

                                Can't go wrong with more portal antics, I haven't really go as far as any real new gameplay devices but I do have a couple of criticisms so far, the Comedy seems a bit more forced this time, it was fairly subtle in the first one. The video murals and the dialogue often seems like it is going out of it's way to be funny.

                                The loading screens are really intrusive, Despite loading in the same place as the first, they really bother me. You'd of thought they could of streamed it really.

