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Portal 2

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    Something interesting and amusing:



      Originally posted by abigsmurf View Post
      Something interesting and amusing:

      eff off Valve you teasing swines! :Lol:
      No chance that's a coincidence, extremely well thought out writing, superb.


        You kinda have to wonder what possesed the valve employee that picked the name to search google for

        female name that means freeman


        I feel sorry for that person, yet kind of love them at the same time.

        I also actualy feel sorry for anyone whos called that name now to be honest.


          For anyone interested in the story shinnanegins, there's the:
          Lab Rat comic, which sums up the ending of Portal > prelude to Portal 2
          For those who are interested in where Portal fits within the Half Life universe (and the timeline of Aperture Sciences) direct yourselves HERE. Be warned, it's spoiler-rific. It's a good (and very long) read, you just got to excuse the tantrums & tiara's of various nerd-rages throughout.


            Just finished single player. I've been avoiding this thread in order to avoid spoilers. Brilliant brilliant game, very fun, very funny and not one to be missed.

            I know people who haven't played the first game and do wonder whether playing through the first game helps prepare you for this one. I've only played the first once, but am thinking that those without experience of the first may find it slightly tougher. Come on PSN, come back so I can get stuck into the co-op!


              I watched my girlfriend play through all of single player (this game awakened the head tilting gamer in her in a BIG way). It's comfortably the best game I've not actually played but seen all of of the year.

              Just amazing. I kind of new

              Wheatley would turn when he was switched with Glados

              , but all the key revelations in the story were just handled gobsmackingly moment that stuck out for me was when my gf was perfectly content in a puzzle solving bubble,

              then right when she shuffles up to an exit BAM!, Wheatley pops through the wall and before you know it you're right in the middle of an escape attempt.

              Also, it was great how some of the frantic chase-like moments brought out some instinctive one chance portalling and looked proper awesome when they were pulled off.

              I loved Wheatley so very much,

              and was actually a little sad to see him cast off into space (which was also incredible)

              Can't fault it from a spectators level then.


                just had my first play of this, had it since release but not had much time to play(ps3) and its absolutely fantastic. the dialogue is first class and the sound is awesome.
                framerate on the ps3 version is super solid.
                only played a few chambers after the re awakening of glados and i'm loving the way the place is re building its self as you go.
                i still think one of the best things in portal is the turrets little voices.


                  I finished the single player yesterday and I agree that it's top quality. The guys on some review sites were saying it has zero re-playability but I'll definitely be going through it again. I can see why in the 2 player co op mode you'd want someone you at least now rather than a complete stranger.
                  If anyone fancies teaming up, see my PSN tag next to my forum name which is the same as my Steam tag.


                    Originally posted by Btang84 View Post
                    I know people who haven't played the first game and do wonder whether playing through the first game helps prepare you for this one. I've only played the first once, but am thinking that those without experience of the first may find it slightly tougher.
                    Not to mention the story will have a lot more impact if you play them both. And also, Portal 1 is simply an amazing game.


                      Without trying to spoil anything, for people who havent completed this yet, I think the journey that glados goes through over the two games would have a heck of alot more effect if you played all the way through the first one. Despite the fact that her chracter doesnt relaly develop much during the first game i think its important that you folow her story through from the begining. It turns out to be a suprisingly emotional, and somewhat quirky odyssey indeed.
                      Last edited by rmoxon; 25-04-2011, 01:44.


                        Originally posted by abigsmurf View Post

                        "This is the part where he kills us"
                        "This is the part where I kill you"
                        *Chapter 10: The part where he kills you*
                        Which unlocks an achievement with the description:

                        This is that part


                          That achievement was one of the highlights for me

                          One of the many, many highlights. This is one of the best games I've ever played, from start to finish I loved every moment. Even during the head scratching frustrating moments in the section that people didn't like, I loved it. They've got the difficulty pretty much spot on so. One of the smartest and funniest games around.

                          A few spoilery things

                          very little reference to the Half Life world. I had been told pre-release that the end has a massive clue to HL, but I didn't catch it. The achievements, which I seemed to miss almost every one - despite taking my time - says there is a secret test chamber somewhere. Maybe that is HL-ey. edit - yes, it is but there isn't much.
                          One of the developer commentaries on the first chapter (the only I've heard) says they developed the game making a series of 'impossible' rooms, and as the levels got finalised they remove the impossible bits. However, he teased that there is still an impossible room this the secret test?
                          GladOS's scream about half way through the game cut right through me. It was horrible.
                          Did you see the Potato experiement? It was done by Chell!

                          I can't wait to play through this whole game again. What a stunning experience. Coop this afternoon too

                          It gets a 10/10 from me.


                            Played some co-op last night. Absolutely amazing!

                            I was expecting it to get more crazy and complex , but I'm guessing it just works it's way into that.


                              Impossible room.

                              I think there is an achievement for it. I got stuck and glados had to help me out. It's the room where 4 turrets are protecting a cube and you have to use light bridge to protect yourself throughout. The exit is guarded by 2 turrets and glass wall that moves when you place box on switch, shoot a portal in that room and lift box off switch, exit from that portal and shoot two portals in that room and you get stuck, glados has to help you and of course slags you off.

                              Unless he meant another room where you get stuck with no help.


                                Nope, that one's definately possible, did it without any help from her (you have to rely on the fact you can get shot up a bit without dying). Guessing that's one of the few puzzles where it's possible to get stuck (although I did almost get stuck there when the game autosaved in front of a turret).

                                One of the neat little touches I like with the game was the way it would detect that you've all but solved a puzzle and you'd get comments on it just before you put a box onto a final button or when you're being launched through a portal towards the exit..

