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Portal 2

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    Are they any ultra hard challenge maps to tackle in this once the main game is over, as original Portal had? Or can we expect dlc for that?


      It's a sign of how clunky the source engine is really. They keep adding in new graphical functions to keep it modern but ultimately a modern game shouldn't need to load as frequently as this does.

      Enjoying it a lot still, the dialogue has made me chuckle more than any games I've played for many years. Finding it best not to play too long in a day, going through it in 90 minute sessions. I suppose it's something I feel with lots of heavy puzzle based games but if I keep the sessions too long, the puzzles start feeling like chores.


        Loved it. Completed coop last night with some random. Some of those puzzles where real mind benders. Took my time with the story. A few laugh out loud moments.

        Back to coop I think!


          I love the manual for this:

          It has barely anything in it! Brilliance!


            Still bothers me that there are manuals, I have not even looked at it. Generally don't anymore unless it's for a dlc code.


              Originally posted by Family Fry View Post
              Still bothers me that there are manuals, I have not even looked at it. Generally don't anymore unless it's for a dlc code.
              Take a look - minamalist genius. Can't wait to get started on this but I feel like I should polish off Dead Space 2 first... 4 chapters to go.


                Originally posted by abigsmurf View Post
                It's a sign of how clunky the source engine is really. They keep adding in new graphical functions to keep it modern but ultimately a modern game shouldn't need to load as frequently as this does.
                I noticed that there are a lot more loading breaks compared to normal source titles, although I suspect that may have been a design decision so that they can keep the asset base the same across all formats. By keeping the sections small they can more easily work around the memory limitations of the PS3/360, aswell as keeping the texture quality at a decent level.


                  Originally posted by Ouenben View Post
                  PS3 version arrived today (Well yesterday) I have linked steam accounts and downloaded it on my PC now As far as I can see I can just sell this PS3 copy on when i'm done with it and keep using my Portal 2 on Steam forever
                  Is that possible? I thought since the game is locked to a single account, you can't play it from the disc unless you have the account that first activated it? If so, pre-owned sales of this will be nil.


                    I'm absolubtley loving this, much like the first one its a fun, challenging and extreamly charming game, and this is also an improvement in every way, its brilliant.

                    The dialogue is comedy gold as well, the funniest bit Ive seen so far is at the start of chapter 6

                    "So how are you?, becuase I'm a potato"




                      On chapter 8 now, The bit in the

                      old testing chambers

                      is definately the weakest part so far. Far too much frustrating hunting around for portal surfaces interfering with more puzzley elements .

                      Dialogue is still top notch throughout though and all the little touches are great.


                        Originally posted by Alex WS View Post
                        Is that possible? I thought since the game is locked to a single account, you can't play it from the disc unless you have the account that first activated it? If so, pre-owned sales of this will be nil.
                        That'd be absolutely ridiculous. If you play it with a different PSN user you can sign in with/make a new steam account. The only downside to someone buying it pre-owned is no free copy of Portal 2 for steam


                          Just finished single player & it was total fun from start to finish, i laughed more times than i can remember. Out of all the characters thhe turrets are the most adorable

                          the ending where they all start singing was so lovely

                          Now to find all the secrets & complete co-op


                            So far I'm really enjoying it. I'm still early so it feels very expansion pack worthy but it's just great being back in Aperture Science labs again and I'm surprised by how much i like Wheatley


                              Originally posted by bcass View Post
                              I'm in no rush to get this yet anyway, but frame rate is far more important to me than graphical effects. I always go for the 360 versions normally for achievements/leaderboards but if the PS3 starts seeing technically superior releases I'll be buying those instead. Integration wth Steam is a major boon though. Microsoft definitely dropped a bollock there.
                              You may already have the game in which case this will be too late for you.

                              I don't have anything to compare it to but concerning the other systems but I've done three chapters of the single player game running at 1080p (upscaled?) on the PlayStation 3 and the frame rate hasn't slipped at all and there hasn't been any tearing either.

                              I don't know the actual figures but I presume it's running at 30fps, whatever the actual frame rate is it's never felt anything but completely smooth.

                              I've not tried the online co-op but I did have a brief play of the split-screen co-op to get an idea how it held up in comparison. Again, it's not ever felt anything but really smooth and it seems constant with the single screen game.

                              I've only tried the opening sections though so I can't really comment on what the later areas are like which I presume will open up more. The game engine does feel like it's running comfortably in the PlayStation 3 version though.

                              Although the Source engine doesn't really push things technically in this I'd still rate this a very attractive game, the lighting is gorgeous, the textures are really sharp without Valve feeling the need to overdo them.

                              The fact that the single player alone can be rendering the number of viewpoints it does simultaneously means that it's probably never going to be reaching the levels of things like Uncharted 2 but the art design is consistent, it fits in perfectly with the game world and just look's bloody gorgeous.

                              I'm sure sites will start publishing the results of their tests over the next week and they'll be able to give far more accurate results than my rather pedestrian "well it feels lovely when I'm playing it" comments but that's all I have.

                              I'm very happy with how it holds up and have no issues with what I've seen so far.

                              I've really enjoyed what I've played of the game, far more so that I did with the first game and everything just seems to work. I've not had any issues with loading screens, I've not times them but they're probably only a few seconds but of course, no loading screens would always be my preference.

                              I'm just waiting for somebody on the PC/Mac side to remake the original Portal using this version of the engine so I can play through those again without complaining about how poor it was technically.

                              Mmm, free Portal!!


                                Picked this up thanks to the Game trade in offer (Motorstorm 3 traded, game cost me ?4.99). I spent maybe an hour on it, and it's great. Enjoying the humour. Valve really do polish their titles.

                                PS3 for me, impossible to resist Steam integration. Giving them my full support in the hope Sony will offload all PSN to Steam at some point

