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Radiant Silvergun XBLA

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    Originally posted by Team Andromeda View Post
    The Saturn version still looks better in CRT imo, You're just missing that lovely crispness and shimmer that came with Saturn games and a Scart Socket . Plays almost exactly the same, just takes a while to get used to the control layout .

    Hope Treasure make a Vita version too
    I am sure you could replicate the experince by taking the 360 off of your HD screen and putting it on an old TV set. Dig around your supplied cables in your 360 box and dig out the composite leads and the SCART block.

    Bet you don't though.


      I am sure you could replicate the experince by taking the 360 off of your HD screen and putting it on an old TV set
      Seeing as my Saturn is already set up the my old 32' CRT (and yes I still have the original RSG disc) It would be a bit pointless don't you think ?. What I like about XBLA games is being able to play some of my old fav classics games, with out the need, to dig up old discs, joypads and consoles Everything going through just 1 console, 1 tv and 1 sound system and pad .

      It just makes life easier and far less messy

      Microsoft requested the conversion and Microsoft published it. They may have even funded the development for all we know
      How many so called 'ONLY ON' 360 games that were funded and requested by MS have ended up on the SONY machine . I can only hope the likes of RSG, REZ, Gradius V make the journey to Vita market place


        Originally posted by englishbob View Post
        I am sure you could replicate the experince by taking the 360 off of your HD screen and putting it on an old TV set. Dig around your supplied cables in your 360 box and dig out the composite leads and the SCART block.
        Apparently not if you have a 4:3 set. It doesn't support 4:3 properly so you end up with borders all round.


          Trial is of one of the shorter levels, level 2 stage 2 or 3 I think and not the longest level in the game, why they didn't give you the stunning first level is a bit odd, trial should have been two levels as well.

          Great port as well with a ton of options to choose from, only slight fault I can see is the colours on the title screen are a bit off but game plays and looks perfect.


            Originally posted by Team Andromeda View Post
            How many so called 'ONLY ON' 360 games that were funded and requested by MS have ended up on the SONY machine
            I don't think you understand. Other "timed" exclusives were games that were already in development (Braid, Limbo, etc). Microsoft offered to publish those games (not fund their development). RSG is completely different (and possibly unique for an XBLA game) in that its development was specifically requested by Microsoft. If it wasn't for Microsoft it probably wouldn't even exist.


              Originally posted by Team Andromeda View Post
              Seeing as my Saturn is already set up the my old 32' CRT (and yes I still have the original RSG disc) It would be a bit pointless don't you think ?
              Not really. The 360 version has substantial additions that the Saturn/PCB versions do not have.


                Jesus Christ, this game's hard. Even on 'very easy' I'm struggling and I don't think it's an exageration to say it makes Ikaruga seem relatively tame. Damn fine game though, I love how you have so many weapons at your disposal, makes for a very tactical experience with plenty of scope for expression and experimentation. Struggling to use the sword properly and quickly die whenever I do, seems a very high risk/high reward weapon but I guess that's the point. But yeah, great game, full of imagination and variety with some very complex bosses and attack patterns.

                I prefer the High Res + Effect visual setting (all you purists will scoff, I know) but it makes the game look a bit glossier, brings the the lasers and explosions to life a bit more, and, to my eyes, makes the visuals look a little less drab, a little less dated.


                  You get an extra extend ever hour of game time (arcade and story are independent) and you'll eventually unlock freeplay.

                  Arcade, V.Easy and bump ships up to 10 with extends ever one million points and you'll be knocking on the later levels very quickly.


                    It's very difficult. It gets even more difficult if you don't play the game for score as well, which I would say is the game's biggest flaw.

                    You cannot play for survival if you don't play for score, as score = exp = weapon levels, and if these are underlevelled by the later stages you'll barely be able to kill a thing.

                    That said it's still an incredible classic and it's still as great fun to play now as it was back when I had my copy

                    I can still get up to Stage 4 / Stage 2 on one credit so I'm happy enough with that, and it looks like I've not forgotten the

                    secret dog / merry locations


                    A quick tip if anyone wants a little score boost on the very start of the game and some quickly levelled starting weapons:

                    With the starting waves of enemies, shoot all six of the red enemies, then shoot one of the blue, then shoot all of the golden. Because red-blue-yellow starts off a 'Secret' chain, you can then chain into all yellow enemies and get a nice bit of score before you've even seen the first boss. Should end up starting the second part with a Vulcan LV4.


                      What can I say about my first hour with this legend? Its impressed and disappointed in equal measure.

                      Impressive just the sheer amount of inventiveness Treasure put into this.
                      Disappointed because (as mentioned, even on Very Easy) it is just too dammed hard for its own good.

                      I've been playing a lot of Cave shooters recently and I have come to understand now what I do and don't like about shooters now. I don't like hitting parts of the scenery, craming through small gaps of it too, and have ships/craft collide with you and charge at you.

                      Got to stage 2 and then got to the bit where you are being chased from behind and have to dodge things you cannot see coming while having to attack from behind. And I really don't like shooters where you are being attacked from behind!

                      Of course this is all a moot point, its been revered as a classic for years so it-is-what-it-is. In my opinion however Treasure being who they are make things just too damm difficult for most players to penetrate and therefore enjoy on a larger scale.


                        Originally posted by Team Andromeda View Post
                        Seeing as my Saturn is already set up the my old 32' CRT (and yes I still have the original RSG disc) It would be a bit pointless don't you think ?.
                        Of course forgot you had your Saturn already set-up to your faithful 32" CRT, your right it is pointless. If I recall your old set is a Toshiba 32HF73?


                          From what I've played of it so far I'm enjoying it. Still relentlessly hard of course. The controller is the only point I can fault it on, nothing compared to the saturn pad. Still I'll probably get used to it the more I play.



                            I really need a decent arcade stick.


                              If anyone is finding it hard even on Very Easy, try playing the Saturn mode - which allows you to save your power-up status so when you start a new game you start with the last powerup levels you saved on. It's a really neat way of customising the game to your own personal level.


                                Yeah damn fine, but hard for shoot em' up noobs like me!

