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Star Wars: The Old Republic

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    Reached level 17 as an Imperial Agent.

    This really is something very special.

    In a lot of ways, it doesn't differ too far from how World of Warcraft did things, but when something's not broken you don't go fixing it.

    The story really does keep you interested, and the way that it plays out and involves you is something quite unparalleled in an MMO I feel. Most other online games don't hold my interest with lore or storyline at all, I just breeze through, complete the quests and get on with it up to max level, but this is definitely keeping me hooked as I go.

    Levelling feels FUN. Not like a chore. I especially like the companion that you get with you early on too, as they usually compliment the type of character you play. For instance, I'm playing my agent as full healing spec, and my companion has a damage dealing and tanking stance so I know she can take the heat off me and let me do my thing.

    Death has a penalty in gear degrading, and time spent dead. The more you die in a set period of time, the more damage your equipment takes and longer it takes you before you can respawn.

    I got my Starship at Level 16/17, and tried out some of the space combat missions too - The EXP you get off these is nuts! They are quite limited in scope right now, but they play just like the Rebel Assault games so if you like those, you'll get a kick out of these quests.

    The light side / dark side system is also really, really nice, and I love how this influences things. I chose to go with the Empire, and yet all the decisions I've chosen through the game have been light side.

    Through the middle of the prologue, I actually got a bit of a bollocking for being too soft in my missions and not using necessary force. My companion then later on started talking to me about how I'm 'not completely one of them', and asking what I get out of being in the Empire.

    Even if skill rotations are pretty much MMO standard, it's nice little touches like that which differentiate this from everything else and just make it a lot more involving. You're completing missions and playing out a storyline, you aren't grinding quests.
    Last edited by Silvergun X; 21-12-2011, 11:33.


      Yeah I feel much the same, im loving the story. One thing thats really impressive is that I tried I different class earlier and it almost feels like a completely different game, I'm sure I will eventually complete each classes story even if it takes me months (I'm trying to just focus on one character at a time really) they are just that good.


        As a massive Star Wars and World of Warcraft fan I feel so damn jealous right now that I could come back and rape you all up the dick!


          Yeah story is great, it is what makes it better than all the other MMOs. I will be interested in what the "legacy" thing is.


            I was going to go out and buy this today, until I saw it was ?45 in the shops. I don't care how good a game is, I am not paying half again as much for a PC game over the norm.
            I'll wait a bit, despite me eagerness to play.
            Is it cheaper to purchase digitally?


              Its ?44.99 on digital download too for standard edition on Origin, too much when you have to add subscription too.

              Noticed its ?37.97 on Asda's site, no idea if its the same in store.
              Last edited by mikewl; 22-12-2011, 15:58.


                Yeah noticed this yesterday. No way i'm paying that, its bloody mad. Sorry EA, unless its reduced i'm not picking this up. I know they are trying to earn back as much as possible, but this is bloody ridiculous.


                  I got it from blockbuster where it was 39.99, Still expensive in comparison to other pc games, but worth it.


                    I know they need to recoup their development costs, but this is taking the piss.


                      I need to pop to ASDA tomorrow to get fuel, so I will have a look in store to check the prices out. A further note, does it link to Origin ala steam games linking to steam?


                        I would think so as they really want to push that service.


                          Mine was ?32 from The Hut, but it hasn't arrived yet...I'm now locked out as the grace period ended last night.

                          It does link to Origin but you don't need to use it to run the game, it has its own launcher.


                            A google search brings up 40 quid in store at HMV.


                              Is there any reason to NOT use a companion?, so far I cant seem to find any drawbacks to using one (such as a negative impact on how much you earn for kills or the like) and they make the game much easier so i cant understand why there is an option to play without one?


                                When you're using a companion, they aren't crafting or leveling your gathering skills. Only thing I can think of.

