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Star Wars: The Old Republic

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    Originally posted by mikewl View Post
    First impressions of the game for me are not so good, but I know I need to just spend more time until the game opens up more as I hate the early part where you have no freedom, its just a linear path with quests all laid out guiding you in one direction.
    The entire game actually seems to be like that from what I have seen, it's very much a single player RPG in MMO clothing.

    Personally I like it but it certainly feels more like you're being lead where the game wants you to go rather than exploring the world for yourself and those expecting something less focused will be disappointed.


      Thats dissapointing if its going to be like it all the way through.


        It's no different to any normal MMO progression.

        Once you get your starship, your class quests open up and you get choices of where you want to go to progress. It's no different to WoW as far as progression's concerned.


          Server downtime makes me cry...on my day off as well


            Yeah, they arent saying when they are coming back online now either.

            Anyway I'm still loving this, the space missions are a bit poor though, just very rubbish onrails sections that dont really require you to do anything other that bash the mouse buttons repeatedly, very dull. They are a very big source of XP though.

            My favorite part of the game is deffinitley the flashpoints, they are alot of fun, since this is really the forst MMORPG I have played alot I am still learning the ins and outs of group play and its been a very enjoyable experience.

            I still dont know what the other people in my group are saying half the time though....

            Anyway I cant play it now becuase of the servers, I guess I will have to find somthing else to do with my life.


              Ok I have put an absolubtley ridculous number of hours into this now over the last few weeks and all I can say is that its an absolubtley incredible game.

              When the world starts to open up and you travel to the bigger planets things become even more impressive than my initial impressions suggested. If anyone is still on the fence about trying this all i can say is you need to do so immediatley. Everything about it is class.

              One of the best games of the best games of the year.


                That's the thing about MMOs, most gamers are afraid of trying them out, and so they should be.


                  Lv 45 guardian now, it's good game, people always plesent to. Anyway back to uni now.

                  Might level up imperial agent casually as their story is apparently awesome.

                  Forget which server I'm on sorry.


                    Originally posted by rmoxon View Post
                    Ok I have put an absolubtley ridculous number of hours into this now over the last few weeks and all I can say is that its an absolubtley incredible game.

                    When the world starts to open up and you travel to the bigger planets things become even more impressive than my initial impressions suggested. If anyone is still on the fence about trying this all i can say is you need to do so immediatley. Everything about it is class.

                    One of the best games of the best games of the year.
                    Got level 50 a few days ago, great game, but not as refined as you know what, but it is early days. Some small changes would make it almost perfect though.


                      Originally posted by SUMIRE View Post
                      Got level 50 a few days ago, great game, but not as refined as you know what, but it is early days. Some small changes would make it almost perfect though.
                      As i have already said in this thread I am not an expert on the genre or anything, but I think this seems to be alot more refined at launch than it sounds like WOW was.

                      Also it just runs really impressivley, theres no random disconecting or anything going on and Im yet to experience any cues on the server I am using either.


                        Originally posted by dataDave View Post
                        That's the thing about MMOs, most gamers are afraid of trying them out, and so they should be.
                        I know for a fact that this game for me would be like crack cocaine. I'm not going near it with a barge pole.


                          Originally posted by rmoxon View Post
                          As i have already said in this thread I am not an expert on the genre or anything, but I think this seems to be alot more refined at launch than it sounds like WOW was.

                          Also it just runs really impressivley, theres no random disconecting or anything going on and Im yet to experience any cues on the server I am using either.
                          Yes it is, I'm just saying at the moment, WoW is still a better game over all than TOR in my opinion. Obviously they have had 6+ years to refine it though. I still think TOR will be the better game with some small tweaks though, hence why i am going to continue playing it.

