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Armored Core 5

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    Armored Core 5

    Literally just fired this up so I can't say a lot about the game but I needed to post (see later).

    The game starts with a drop dead gorgeous FMV, it is pure robot porn. The first mission is a very hand holdy tutorial that doesn't show off what an Armored Core game is and completing this is as far as I got.

    I have set up the Borders Down team and y'all need to join it. I have set a password so non forum scum bags can't get in.

    Password: ntsc

    There must be some Armored Core players out there, join me! This is on the 360 version.

    Better than Chromehounds?


      Originally posted by cavalcade View Post
      Better than Chromehounds?
      My initial reaction having done only a few things is:
      Single player - almost certainly 'definitely'.
      Multi player - not even vaguely.

      I hope I am proved wrong with more play time with regards the multiplayer.


        Ive got it on PS3, its the best version of AC yet, though the single player story as absolute bat **** japanese cheese, corporations are bad and how the resistance has to fight the police, the mayor and the elusive Father, Bioware aint shaking in their boots at this story dreams or not, but you don't buy AC for the story, you buy it to blow the **** out of tanks, mechs and anything that moves. The graphics are great and no slowdown even when it gets hectic. The online is very well implemented, you can make a clan or just on sorties, and the best is you can hire yourself out as a merc, thats implemented good too, you sign up and people can search your name and merc rank, you get ranked each mission, during this time you can do a training mission while waiting on jobs. Its vey similar to chromehounds except its just individual clans that own the territory, you can invade a territory with your clan or even get some guns for hire (mercs gotta love them) , also defend missions and others where you need to steal data. This is all backed up with AC attention to detail , you can make your mech how you want, colours and decals the lot, i spent 2 hours making my personal decals and emblem's its total geek and mecha nirvana, its still is and always will be a niche game but AC gives out lots if your willing to learn the game.


          Mine is en route from amazon so will join in asap. Its been getting terrible reviews. Probably a good sign in the case of an AC game


            Originally posted by Plough Boy View Post
            My initial reaction having done only a few things is:
            Single player - almost certainly 'definitely'.
            Multi player - not even vaguely.

            I hope I am proved wrong with more play time with regards the multiplayer.
            From what I've heard, you played one mission then GOT GOT.

            There was an intake of breath, a spluttered apology, a scramble, then ... silence.



              Originally posted by prinnysquad View Post
              From what I've heard, you played one mission then GOT GOT.

              There was an intake of breath, a spluttered apology, a scramble, then ... silence.

              Then, as usual, you know **** all.
              Now go and clean the horses out.


                Originally posted by chopemon View Post
                Literally just fired this up so I can't say a lot about the game but I needed to post (see later).

                The game starts with a drop dead gorgeous FMV, it is pure robot porn. The first mission is a very hand holdy tutorial that doesn't show off what an Armored Core game is and completing this is as far as I got.

                I have set up the Borders Down team and y'all need to join it. I have set a password so non forum scum bags can't get in.
                Hay chopemon you beat me to the first play topic, me vanpeebles and some of the old NTSC Chrome Hounds players have already set up a team Xbox360, your more than welcome to join us however.

                Team name: Drunken Masters

                Contact one of us for the password

                We been playing this a lot yesterday and already managed to get the team level to 36.

                Really good from what we played and in my view this is better than Chrome Hounds due to the sheer variety of missions you can do in mutiplayer. As with Chrome Hounds Teams fight for the control of various regions. If you enjoyed Armored Core 4, Armored Core For Answer or Chrome Hounds you will like this game.

                The story missions can also be playthrough in co-op this time and each mission features a number of bonus sub objectives that you can choose to clear or not, story missions are also two/three times bigger than previous game.

                Multiplayer wise Chrome Hound players will notice how similar they are, but AC5 has far more options, players can choose to do the story and order missions together or hire merc's and assault enemy controlled territories to take control, currently it proving tricky to take territories due to the number of players. Team members can also hire themselves out as a merc at any point to, which is nice.

                As one of the team said it’s the perfect mix of AC and Chrome Hounds and even if you never play a AC game before I highly recommend it.

                Surprising the Eurogamer review was done by someone who bothered to play the game.

                After the unprecedented success of Dark Souls, From Software goes back to its long-running mecha franchise. Armored Core 5 makes the jump from a single-player f

                Enough said for now grab a mic and jump in.
                Last edited by S3M; 11-04-2012, 12:08.


                  Originally posted by Plough Boy View Post
                  Then, as usual, you know **** all.
                  Now go and clean the horses out.
                  Touche, chow-bell.

                  I'm surprised you can concentrate with your eyes peering out from under that heel your face is planted under.

                  S3M - is the team defo called Drunken Master? It's just that when we sorted it out, I'm sure it was called Drunken Masters. Although, my memories are somewhat hazy from Friday night.


                    Originally posted by prinnysquad View Post
                    Touche, chow-bell.

                    I'm surprised you can concentrate with your eyes peering out from under that heel your face is planted under.

                    S3M - is the team defo called Drunken Master? It's just that when we sorted it out, I'm sure it was called Drunken Masters. Although, my memories are somewhat hazy from Friday night.
                    No your right, I'm still recoving from the shock of losing a hour in bed and I've just read your XBL tags so it all makes sense now. I think we need to drag Plough Boy on a couple of conquest missions or I need to teach him a listen on ACV in death match.
                    Last edited by S3M; 25-03-2012, 11:51.


                      Originally posted by S3M View Post
                      No your right, I'm still recoving from the shock of losing a hour in bed and I've just read your XBL tags so it all makes sense now. I think we need to drag Plough Boy on a couple of conquest missions or I need to teach him a listen on ACV in death match.
                      Much more positive today. The conquest missions were a laugh.
                      I'm still not a fan of the booster though. You can be quite happily be going along and then for apparently no reason you're flung miles sideways. I like the clompier feel of hounds and the larger more open maps. This feels more 'enclosed'.

                      That said, having spoken to Pebbles and the Stable Boy I've decided that I musn't be so blinkered as to compare it to Chromehounds and just play it for what it is. Which today I enjoyed a lot more.
                      Anyway I'm so contrary that in a week I'll be declaring it the best mech game ever.

                      You'll be pleased to know S3M that pebbles and I had us up to lvl48 when I bowed out today and that we had a little badge on the map!


                        lol, Stable Boy.


                          this this any dfferent to the others? I am still waiting on a mech game that equals gun griffin blaze....


                            Well no one answered the call for the Borders Down team so over to the Drunken Masters I go!

                            Cheers guys, looking forward to trying the multiplayer out.


                              Originally posted by chopemon View Post
                              Well no one answered the call for the Borders Down team so over to the Drunken Masters I go!

                              Cheers guys, looking forward to trying the multiplayer out.
                              I'll see you on the battlefield then chopemon, I'll likely be on tonight and all this week, month.

                              The more you play the multiplayer the more depth you realise this game has, playing the operator is rather interesting in a moving dots kind of way.

                              Team level is now at 56 and we've taking a second area, it's really starting to get interesting.

                              dvdx2, it's different that's for sure I loved Gun Griffin 1 & 2 on the Saturn and they were much faster paced action games than the earlier AC games on PS1 & PS2 which I felt were a bit lack luster. AC4, ACFA and ACV are very different games in speed and have much faster gameplay they also have the big set pieces the earlier games lacked, just ask me and pebbles about the thing that kill us on story mission 3. These days I perfer the later AC games to GG.
                              Last edited by S3M; 26-03-2012, 12:41.

