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Resident Evil 6 [XBox 360, PS3] - review

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    I agree with Team Andromeda. A demo is just a demo, it isn't the full game. Sometimes demos can give totally wrong impression about what the final game is like.

    I haven't played the demo, I'm not really a Resident Evil fan, but maybe the close camera is there to make things more claustrofobic and scary? In the old games you didn't see what the character saw either (I understand they are completely different games design-wise but still).


      Originally posted by Team Andromeda View Post
      Yes . There's a fair bit of trolling , there insults and more and more people moaning and bitching about games they've never played or bitching about demo's - RE 6 demo is a demo at the end of the day and a tiny section of the full game and where Capcom have already changed the demo (and lets remember the Dead Space demo was piss poor by all accounts)

      It's funny so many people have a pop and Mag's like EDGE for showing none of the excitement or passion for the industry like they once did and yet people on here act no better and just moan and show none of the passion to gaming People even now bitch about the Special editions; it wasn't so long ago that people on here used to wish we had special editions of games like Japan
      Yeah there are some moaning posts, some from me lol but its just born out of frustration and passion more than anything else, gaming like a lot of people is my main hobby, what i do like on here is that at least you can have decent debate with gaming issues, comparing this forum to gamefaqs is pretty harsh. I just cant believe some of the things that are said on there, you can rarely post anything on there and not get called a troll for moaning about a game or a newb/fanboy if you do like something.

      As for Resi 6 i really would not expect the full game to be any different from the finished product, even from the past few months of preview builds in the mags the problems with the game get worse and dont appear to be improved and the fact that this is 2nd or 3rd demo, its not a good way to convince people to go and buy the finished game. I very much doubt they would have time to fix everything. Unless by some small tiny chance they are holding back an unseen, unplayed finished version that is totally different to the one seen so far i think this is what we are stuck with sadly.


        As for Resi 6 i really would not expect the full game to be any different from the finished product,
        We'll see. To me I wish all demo's would let the user play the 1st 20 mins or so of the actual game .

        Yeah there are some moaning posts, some from me lol but its just born out of frustration and passion more than anything else, gaming like a lot of people is my main hobby
        There's a ton of bitching going on and yet people have a pop @ EDGE for showing no excitement or passion for upcoming games while this board is hardly any better. Any time a new game is talked off its... Yawn seen its all before, wish they try something new . Fair enough if you paid for a game and don't like it they knock the 7 bells of crap out of it , but I see people on here knocking games or systems and yet have never owned or played the games/hardware in question , or more and more just going off a short demo

        I mean people knocking Capcom or should that read Crapcom is just the same way its cool to knock Apple or the like . To me Capcom have made some fantastic games this generation . I don't like the way RE went after Code Veronica if I'm honest, but I still though Re 4 and 5 were great games even if they were more about action and set pieces


          Its nothing like Gamefaqs here.

          Trolling could be determined as posting in ANY thread with some sort of critical or negative comment, other than to say "Yeah, its all gravy and brilliant".

          For example, a music forum might have a topic about Bon Jovi on it. Whats the point in posting in there to say "I can't bloody stand them, they are terrible".

          Games appear to be different. People share ideas, both good and bad, about what they like and would like to see changed or made better in the future. Most of this is in the vain attempt that someone in the "business" might sit up and take note, but I'd imagine 99.9% of all posts never get read by those types.

          Gaming forums seem to center around "discussions", both good points and bad points. Like the "do a thousand things right and do the one thing wrong and THATS the thing that gets noticed" its very easy to list what you don't like about something over the things you do like.

          On the "discussion" tip, if you'd had met me in a pub somewhere, my opinon on the demo would be the same as my post however. Yes, its a demo, but its a good indication of what the final product will be like, especially close to release date.

          I think all of the posters here can articulate to exactly what they do/don't like about something, and in a forum thats the best that you can hope for. Unlike Bon Jovi.


            Trolling could be determined as posting in ANY thread with some sort of critical or negative comment, other than to say "Yeah, its all gravy and brilliant
            Yeah I guess. But to me trolling is posting in a thread about a game or system you've never owned or played and yet passing comment on the topic , just to get a response


              There are no trolls here. It's trolling, to say so. Trolling the 'trolls'.

              ps.: BonJovilol
              Last edited by Golgo; 19-09-2012, 12:05.


                Originally posted by Golgo View Post
                Hey!! "It's my life". I'll listen to what I want. It's not like your wanted "Dead or alive" if you listen to Bon Jovi.

                That is all. "Have a nice day".


                  Pretty much agree with the general consensus here. It's designed for quick thrills rather than more of a slow burn where you discover things for yourself.

                  All said and done, I've been a massive fan of the Resi games since the original rolled out on the Playstation all those years ago and will sink my teeth into it for what it is and try not to get too hung up on what it isn't.

                  Any advice on which version I should be going for, 360 or PS3?


                    Played it again last night, Chris section is utterly ****e but the rest is just bags of fun.


                      Originally posted by nakamura View Post
                      Played it again last night, Chris section is utterly ****e but the rest is just bags of fun.
                      Ditto my thoughts mate, I really enjoyed it... I Hope Chris' section has more variety in the full game - but yeah I liked the demo...


                        Got around to playing each scenario this afternoon. Leon's good, Chris' run-and-gun didn't really care, Jake's mildly interesting but didn't understand why it went from a story cutscene to Jake/Sherry in less clothes, taking on infected in a Chinese street.

                        What bugged me was there was no point hiding from the Java (whatever the new infected are named) as they would just sprint to where you are and then slice you up. No sense of excitement like the old titles there.

                        Interesting to get use to new interface, shame you can't knock zombies on their knee easily and then throw them in this one. The melee attacks are still there but its just a button press that comes up now rather than a move name (shame as I always felt that helped).

                        Guess we'll have to get used to fast zombies in this one...

                        Originally posted by teddymeow View Post
                        The worst thing is if you switch off hints so there are no way point markers it also removes the HUD.

                        Since when has seeing your ammo count or health been a "hint"?
                        That's true but if you press L2 on the joypad it quickly brings up your ammo/health. I understand the annoyance of not being able to maintain the HUD but perhaps that will be improved upon the game's release.

                        Originally Posted by Guts
                        I agree with Team Andromeda. A demo is just a demo, it isn't the full game. Sometimes demos can give totally wrong impression about what the final game is like.

                        I haven't played the demo, I'm not really a Resident Evil fan, but maybe the close camera is there to make things more claustrofobic and scary? In the old games you didn't see what the character saw either (I understand they are completely different games design-wise but still).

                        What you've written is correct Guts but doesn't that go against the aim of a demo? If it turns potential buyers away from a title, that sounds like the developer is shooting themselves in the foot.

                        Last edited by Paddy; 19-09-2012, 15:13.


                          Double post sorry...
                          Last edited by Paddy; 19-09-2012, 15:12.


                            Its a demo but the fundamentals are bad to me. The camera sucks, the gameplay is sub par (2 buttons for cover, for run and just rolling without lying down seems to be a chore to do), the graphics are whack and I don't like the areas and the level layout in general. I do like that you can do more than just strafe and shoot, but the way its being implemented leaves something to be desired.

                            I replayed it with Helena just now. Its just that I find the gunplay and Melee to be boring and rolling messes the camera up. Enemies get in your face right away, and their animations are ****. Especially that one part near the end when you have to run for the car, there is this cutscene where zombies start to run and it looks like a bit of fast forward regular animations. The car section afterwards speaks for itself, its bad. But its mostly the mechanics, I don't like them.

                            Its not to troll or anything, but RE6 seems to end up being a ****ty game.
                            Last edited by saturn-gamer; 19-09-2012, 15:46.


                              I am going to download the originals to play on Vita. I would love Nintendo to put GC Resi 1 remake and Resi 4 on the eshop for Wii U. I might pick this up when its sub 20 quid. I didnt get on with Resi 5 when I first played it but liked it more when I gave it another go about a year after release. I guess once the initial shock wears off I am less forgiving but right now I feel like this series has lost its identity.


                                Originally posted by saturn-gamer View Post
                                Especially that one part near the end when you have to run for the car, there is this cutscene where zombies start to run and it looks like a bit of fast forward regular animations. The car section afterwards speaks for itself, its bad. But its mostly the mechanics, I don't like them.
                                To me things like this and things like the rookie saying, 'Is he always this awesome?' when talking about Chris make me feel the whole game is firmly tongue in cheek. It feels more slapstick horror which is too fun to hate. The amount of blood that comes out of a severed neck is just hilarious.

