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Borderlands 2 [PS3/360/PC] review

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    Great session on this with Mr Bubbles and Goglo yesterday. This is the best co-op experience I have had in years. Its more of the same really but when its this good who cares. The increased difficulty makes every enemy encounter a real set piece. The campaign seems massive. We played it for a good 7 hours yesterday and didnt really seem to be that far into the game.


      Too right Dave. It was glorious mayhem - heh heh. A tough challenge, too.


        New Game + should be well hard and fun too, bring it on.


          This is brilliant. It's just like the first game except a bit crazier and a lot more challenging.

          Really good stuff.


            Putting this on for a bit on Friday night was like putting Borderlands 1 on after a massive map pack release. It's very much more of the same but it doesn't take very long at all to click into the game again and remember why it's so compelling to play through. Can see many an hour getting sunk into this.


              Managed to get in a mammoth session in on Friday night and Sunday Morning and have got up to level 12. Spent most of that time in two player co op which does make it that much more fun, it's nice that the exp, cash and ammo are automatically split so the only discussion has to be over who gets that orange weapon. I was playing with a friend who didn't have a microphone so exaggerated nods and shakes of the head were the order of the day when I asked him questions!

              With regards to the backpack slot issue I've had a lot of luck playing the slot machine in Roxxi's to try and win Eridium. Most of the time you get a little cash or a white weapon but usually it's enough after selling to keep playing another round, eventually I had enough Eridium to up my pistol ammo amount twice, my backpack twice and my rockets once, as it also gave me a purple rocket launcher that does 2000 damage, which at level 12 is pretty high!

              I had a head over heart decision to make when I had may favourite sniper rifle outclassed by a new purple loot drop. The old sniper was weaker but had the ridiculous zoom gifted by the red writing "hey I can see my house from here" and it turned out that it granted 150% critical hit damage so as long as I got headshots it would still give me more damage than the new one, despite the figures.


                I'm getting bored. Level 7. The inventory UI is crap on PC too. Will persevere though as it certainly has its moments.


                  Originally posted by Briareos View Post
                  Managed to get in a mammoth session in on Friday night and Sunday Morning and have got up to level 12.
                  Same here. I think every aspect of the game has improved over the original. Once you reach [HIDE]Sanctuary[/HIDE] it's like BOOM, training over and it really opens up with side quests etc (much like BL1).
                  It is really a co-op game though with single player bolted on.
                  Last edited by smouty; 24-09-2012, 09:09.


                    Ive been finding eridium well as winning 2 jackpots (thought it was a cheev not a challenge so did it twice to beat the "glitch" ) so my backpack and pistol, shotgun and sniper rifle are upgraded twice each!!

                    Have an awesome arsenal of fire weapons...makes killing pyros a pain but am struggling to find many good weapons with other elementals.

                    As is always the way with games like this I have barely touched the story but have done loads of up to level 14 now and enjoying it a lot. Def need to get some co-op going tho.

                    2 guys I convinced to buy it at work hate it tho, been slagging me right off. Trading it in for FIFA as "I wouldnt know a good game if it kicked me in the face"


                      I'm up to Level 8 at the moment so there's room this to change but so far I'd have to say this isn't anymore difficult than Borderlands 1 was. It's pretty straight forward so far, I've only been at risk of dying due to rushing. However, I've made sure to do every side mission I get before tackling the main missions so I'm always levelled up enough for what I'm facing. Greatly enjoying it however.


                        Ok it got better. Level 11 I think. Spent half an hour trying to find Corporal Reiss though. Think I know where I went wrong.


                          I love the way the difficulty scales in this. Playing co-op - and coordinating quite well, I think - and yet still we always seem to scrape through only by the skin of our teeth. Wonderful unscripted mayhem. Can't see what's not to like about the game, tbh.


                            Yes I think co op is most definitely the way to gain levels quickly. Last night I joined my first game where there was four of us, the leader was level 17 and I was only 12 so it was tricky but absolutely insaneXp all over the shop! Most of the time we were just running around vaguely in the direction of the waypoint killing everything in our path. The only sad thing was that weapon loot seemed to be hoovered up instantaneously without much group discussion which was a shame, though tag teaming the slot machines meant we got quite a bit more Eridium. Does anyone know how many expansions are available per weapon type for ammo?


                              Just got to level 13 sheesh no easy task.started playing this last night and finally went to bed at 5amloving it so far


                                Originally posted by Briareos View Post
                                Does anyone know how many expansions are available per weapon type for ammo?
                                I'm not sure but would guess at 5 as the max for backpack space is 27 = 12 + 5x 3space upgrades so would guess the same for ammo.

                                Edit - found it on the wiki -
                                Last edited by smouty; 25-09-2012, 13:39.

