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Dead Space 3 review

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    Dead Space 3 review

    I arrived home after work last night to find my copy from Zavvi on my doorstep.
    It might be my first ever super early preorder delivery; so I' don't have to be jealous anymore.

    I'm a huge fan of the first two games but I had deliberately avoided any info on number 3 in case of any spoilers.
    So I had no idea what to expect.

    The first half an hour or so of playtime I was thinking 'WTF have they done!!! This isn't Dead Space!'
    In fact it felt more like Mass Effect.
    For a good while it felt as though they had gone down the Resi Evil 'lets ditch horror in favour of action' route.
    I seriously considered giving up.

    But all was not as first appeared.

    Once Isaac appears and is cajoled back to the scene of his nightmares (a la Ripley in Aliens) we are back in familiar territory.
    The small crew arrive in orbit around a marker planet and Isaac is soon despatched to start fixing and killing things.
    From this point on, everything is back to the familiar Dead Space feel.

    The graphics are very nice; particularly the outside sections. And there is now greater freedom to move about in space for longer periods. There are oxygen tanks scattered everywhere and so it no longer feels like a desperate race against time whenever you venture through an airlock. This does make these sections lose some of the tension, but it does make a nice change to float around outside for an extended period.
    Another noticeable difference is the surfeit of health and ammo. I haven't ran out of either once yet. In fact, I've probably had to leave behind as much health as I have picked-up and have only died twice in approx 4 hours of playtime.

    You only have access to two weapons at any time, instead of the usual four, and new weapons and upgrades have to be created at workbenches from metal and parts that you find.
    I'll be honest: I haven't got the hang of this bit at all yet. It seems needlessly complicated, but is probably easy once you understand what you are supposed to be doing.
    Another addition is the scavenger bot. This is a tiny robot you can deploy wherever you feel like it and it will hunt out supplies in that area before depositing them at the nearest workbench. It's a nice little feature.

    After a few hours play, you gain access to a shuttle craft that can ferry you back and forth between the three main sections, which are three derelict ships in orbit. You can also choose to complete side missions if you wish.
    These can be quite lengthy and really add to the game.

    The necromorphs I've seen so far are all familiar from the first two games.
    There does tend to be more of them but the abundance of ammo makes up for that.
    I'm playing it on normal mode and it does feel noticeably easier than the previous games.
    In both those games there were dozens of sections where I died countless times but that hasn't been a factor so far.
    So if you are a veteran player then you might want to start in hard mode if you want a challenge.
    The game also saves automatically now.

    If I was to make a comparison to a similar update of a game I've loved, I would go for the difference between Arkham Asylum and Arkham City: it's less claustrophobic; more open-ended; has a more 'RPG' feel to it; lots of side-missions; there's much greater freedom to wander about and at first, it all feels slightly disconcerting and overwhelming.
    But like Arkham City, it soon starts to feel completely natural.

    Can't wait to play more tonight.
    Don't look at me, I'm irrelevant.

    You had convinced me this might be good until you mentioned Arkham City.

    I'll be getting this on Friday but from what you have said, and the horrendous demo, as well as the mixed review scores, Im not that excited about it.

    Please tell me that the full game is not full of enemies with guns like the demo was? Becuase I don't think I could stand that.
    Last edited by rmoxon; 06-02-2013, 11:15.


      Sorry dude! Didn't mean to put you off. The Arkham City comparison was a very loose one.
      There are no enemies with guns after the opening bit.
      It is all classic Dead Space after the first hour or so.
      I loved the first two and I'm liking this a lot now.
      Don't look at me, I'm irrelevant.


        Damn - I loved Arkham City! Can you say it's like Arkham City again for me?!


          I can see myself still buying this because I really liked the first two games, but hearing that this game is more open and less claustrophobic disappoints me.

          I mean, I love Arkham City, but that's a very different game.


            Originally posted by figflair View Post
            Sorry dude! Didn't mean to put you off. The Arkham City comparison was a very loose one.
            There are no enemies with guns after the opening bit.
            It is all classic Dead Space after the first hour or so.
            I loved the first two and I'm liking this a lot now.
            Its ok.

            My main problem with Arkham City was it removed the tight pacing and absorbing focus of Arkham Asylum and simply stuck the player in a big open area and threw everything including the kitchen sink at them, there was just too much of everything and it felt like a disjointed mess. I just hope your comparison does not mean that this has similar problems, the mention of side quests and constant backtracking is worrying.


              Having played quite a bit more I'm now really torn.
              After the first half in space, you end up down on the frozen planet and suddenly you are wandering through snow storms in wide open spaces. It is very disconcerting.
              Then the game begins to morph into something akin to Uncharted and you can't help but think why have they done this?
              The odd thing is that now I'm really starting to enjoy the new play-style. It really takes some getting used to and I can certainly see why fans of the series would be pissed-off about it.
              However, that doesn't stop it being a very good game.
              It just isn't Dead Space anymore.
              Don't look at me, I'm irrelevant.


                Got my LE copy today.

                Off work tomorrow.



                  Been playing for an hour or so. It's the same, only different.

                  Me likey. It looks stunning. Typical end-of-gen goodness. The lighting and depth of field effects are sublime.


                    Yeah I've been loving it so far. I haven't reached the snow parts yet, still on ships and I've probably played it for around 4-5 hours at least. I take ages playing these though because I check every corner/ take my time.

                    I'm not really looking forward to hitting the planet...

                    The parts I've played so far look MUCH more impressive than the demo, and that's probably because they're getting to pack all the detail into the enclosed spaces rather than the huge snow wastes.


                      I'm playing the 360 version and on chapter 10 the snow world.Must admit I'm really enjoying it
                      The sunset and cloud storms are awesome on chapter 10


                        This is brilliant!! Visceral Games obviously cant put out decent demos.

                        I love the fact that

                        the first 4 or so hours are in space. Everything I'd seen up to now in terms of previews etc. was on Tau Volantis so it was a nice surprise.

                        This is truly a wonderful game. So much attention to detail in every little thing.

                        It's not "scary" though it has a few jumps in it. What it does well is make you panic when there are only a couple of enemies. The trick is to be prepared and remember stasis.


                          It's alright. It's not dead space though, feels more like an Uncharted the way it constantly propels you forward from set piece to set piece. It's better than I was expecting though.


                            Played for an hour or so, much better than the demo... Though of course the demo took place on that silly ice planet and I'm not there yet.

                            It certainly feels more like Dead Space than the demo did, though I still don't think it's as atmospheric as the first two games, it's too fast paced, there's no build up to anything. It is pretty spectacular in regards to set pieces, but that just solidifies the fact that the series seems to have gone all Micheal Bay on us.


                              Michael Bay? Hardly

                              More of a Crystal Skull implementation

