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Dead Space 3 review

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    Well I'm up to chapter 13 and I'm sticking with my 9. Absolutely loving it.


      Just finished it. My ratings of the trilogy:

      Dead Space: 10/10
      Dead Space 2: 8/10
      Dead Space 3: 7/10


        Only half way through this but my raitings for the series would be more like.....

        Dead Space: 9/10

        Dead Space 2: 10/10

        Dead Space 3: 5/10

        I can't believe how much they have made a mess of this game, all they needed to do was deliver a continuation of the perfect Dead Space 2. Yet they just seem to have gone out of their way to ruin everything that made it one of the standout games of the generation.
        Last edited by rmoxon; 11-02-2013, 19:05.


          Still got the home stretch to go, for me so far it's def:

          Dead Space - 9/10
          Dead Space 2 - 7/10
          Dead Space 3 - 6/10


            I understand why people may have been disappointed with the second game becuase it felt less of a survival horror game, however I don't feel that's a reason to mark the game down. It was still a better game than the original. It played better.

            However even when you disregard the fact that this third game ruins the atmosphere of previous instalments and does not feel like Dead Space, it's also an incredibly average game with a huge amount of faults. For people to score it only one point lower than whatever they gave the second game is some kind of embarrassing joke.
            Last edited by rmoxon; 11-02-2013, 22:43.


              Yeah, it's embarrassing that I'm enjoying this. Oh deary me. What ever shall I do ?

              Is it as scary as the previous 2 games? No. It's more "panicky" than scary.

              Thing is; I really enjoy the characters and the while mythos of the Unitologists and the Markers so, for me, finding out what happens is part of the draw to keep on playing.

              I've had no issues with crafting (mostly because I'm not). The odd circuit to improve damage but I haven't built any weapons which I've used. Stuck with the Planet Cracker and Evangelizer from the LE.

              There have been some decent set pieces and I've even enjoyed doing the side missions to get more stuff to improve my RIG.

              So yeah, me likey, a lot. Hence the 9. Sorry if that stops you from showing your face in public - what would the neighbours think?


                My comments were not directed at you specifically, sorry if you thought so, however this game is most definitely not a 9/10 for me.

                The level design is atrocious, the set pecies completely lack any kind of originality or inventiveness, and they aren't even well designed.

                Enemy placement seems to have been decided on by someone who has never played a game in their life. The entire game is just rooms full of vents where enemies crawl through from both infront and behind the player at EXACTLY the same time.

                All the weapons are rubbish, probably due to the fact that there's no specific weapon designs, you just cobble bits of weapons from previous games together.

                The bench is horrible, moving back and forth through it is laborious and it's over complicated when compared to what you can actually do with it.

                The story is crap, there's no build up or tension, it's thrown together and uninteresting. All the characters come across as whiny bitches, even Isaac.

                Its just all a bit lame.
                Last edited by rmoxon; 12-02-2013, 01:40.


                  Any PC Players want to co-op with me on Origin? Add me LargoEX !


                    Originally posted by teddymeow View Post
                    Stuck with the Planet Cracker and Evangelizer from the LE.
                    You won't need to make a new weapon the Evangelizer breaks the game its that overpowered from what I hear

                    Im done. It's a solid 7/8 imo. Better than I was expecting but has been action-ised (as in it drives you more like uncharted as opposed to searching around) for the mass market, still has glimmers of the past but its not quite on a par with the other 2. Will probably be the last one anyways as I'm sure EA said it needs to do 5 million to get a Dead Space 4.
                    Last edited by ETC; 12-02-2013, 08:16.


                      I have the evangelizer and i dont like it at all, plasma cutter all the way baby!


                        Anyone remember the space basketball mini-game and rail-gun asteroid shoot-out section in the first Dead Space? Man, that game was SOOO arcadey/actiony...


                          As far as DS2 goes the thread for that game covers it enough as far as my reasons for why it disappointed goes. It wasn't just the move away from survival horror that slipped that game up for me it was numerous small things that brought my experience down. For me the story of two was awful and the level design was beyond lazy with an abundance of recycling. It had a distinct air of rushed release about it and whilst it did improve some gameplay mechancs over the original they eere incremental. DS2 was the start of the slide 3 pushes on with. It wasn't a bad game by any means but for me it was an inferior overal experience to the original, even the on rails wii game felt like it made more effort. For me DS3 is ok for level design but the attack pattrrns, enemy placement, sp coop handling etc is awful. So far though I don't feel I could give it below a 6, though the flip side I feel giving DS2 higher than 7 would be a huge disservice to the abundance of better games released this gen.


                            Originally posted by crazytaxinext View Post
                            As far as DS2 goes the thread for that game covers it enough as far as my reasons for why it disappointed goes. It wasn't just the move away from survival horror that slipped that game up for me it was numerous small things that brought my experience down. For me the story of two was awful and the level design was beyond lazy with an abundance of recycling. It had a distinct air of rushed release about it and whilst it did improve some gameplay mechancs over the original they eere incremental. DS2 was the start of the slide 3 pushes on with. It wasn't a bad game by any means but for me it was an inferior overal experience to the original, even the on rails wii game felt like it made more effort. For me DS3 is ok for level design but the attack pattrrns, enemy placement, sp coop handling etc is awful. So far though I don't feel I could give it below a 6, though the flip side I feel giving DS2 higher than 7 would be a huge disservice to the abundance of better games released this gen.
                            No way was part 2 "the start of the slide towards 3"

                            None of part 3's faults were in part 2, all of this games faults actually stem from how much they have changed from the second game.

                            Ive searched the thread but from what can see, you like many others only liked the second game less because you didn't think it was as scary. Ive probably missed one of your posts but from what I can find you just completely neglect the fact that it is actually a better game. I'd like to see you back up some of your statements you made in this post.

                            For instance Dead Space 2 was certainly not rushed, it was a lot longer than the original game and contained more variation in level design and you can tell they had spent a lot of time improving on what people didn't like in the first game, the anti gravity sections for instance were a MASSIVE improvement.

                            I don't understand what you mean by recycling, it delivered an improved experience that was similar to the first game, but better, if you call that recycling then it did.

                            The story of the second game was superior to the original, they managed again to build on that aspect of the game and improve it, giving Isaac an actual personality helped immensely in this case, as it gave him an everyman type quality that heightened the experience. Shame this third game has completely ruined him.
                            Last edited by rmoxon; 12-02-2013, 12:17.


                              Several of DS3's flaws are in the second game but they're much worse in the newer game. DS2 wasn't afraid to throw hordes of enemies at the player in lieu of anything with decent design, some sections become quite tiresome because of this. DS1 reuses a lot of assets in its environments but it works because of the ship setting, the colony in the second game contains many identical repeated areas and is duller for it. They did admittedly improve the antigrav alot for the second game but then it was never a massive part of the first game so it didn't massively change the experience. By the end of DS2 I felt like if I'd walked through apartments and marker worship rooms once I'd walked through them a thousand times. The Wii installment also shows that the characters in the series can be done well ut Isaac isn't an everyman in the same way the likes of Nate Drake is, he's bland and monotone. TIf anything I care less about him now he does talk than when he didn't and that's not just because of DS3's predictable plotting.

                              I really do hope a sequel to this ditches Isaac and takes years to arrive as Visceral take a longer while to work out which direction to go in.

                              I've gone through DS1 twice and DS2 just the once, I think... its in my PS+ history as I d/l'd it to go through Severed. If its there I'll get it installed again and replay it once I'm done with this newer entry. Maybe, coming off the original my expectations might have been higher than the game delivered, either way I'll be able to better break down my reasoning with it fresher in the mind.


                                The anti grav bits are a massive part of the games. The games are called "dead space" they are set in space, those sections signify that better than any others. The fact that they were terrible in the first game and brilliant in the second was a huge thing. They are also one of the few bits of this game that haven't been completely ruined, though they are more boring than in the second game.

                                Issac was not bland in the second game, you felt for his plight and cared what happens to him, in the third game I really couldn't care if he dies at the end of it.

                                Dead Space 2 had some similar looking rooms to the first game but I thought that was cool and gave the games an air of continuity, it was not overdone and there were a lot of areas that felt fresh. A main complaint people had with the first game was that it was very samey all the way through, the second had moments that looked like the first but it also had lots more variety too. Having said that, both games had fantastic level design, enemy placement ect. Unlike this one.

                                This game makes a mockery of the series, it's tragically poor when compared to either of the other two.
                                Last edited by rmoxon; 12-02-2013, 12:37.

