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Destiny 360/PS3/XBOX ONE/PS4 review

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    Fair enough man. But in all fairness I don't think we really did expect Destiny to be sold like this. I mean, for a AAA game there really should be more content. I think as gamers we need to take a stand by refusing to buy games which peddle DLC in this way. That's the only way the industry will stop. But considering Bungie and Activison have made all their money back in it's first week of release, I don't think that will happen any time soon.

    We as gamers sow the seeds of our own *destruction after all.

    *Read buying into pure corporate capitalism slowly destroying the games industry.


      The game has many faults but I'm at the point that I don't give much about the Story being poor. I just want to do Strikes with friends, play some Multi which I still enjoy and roam around doing Public Events et al. Drops have gotten better since I leveled. I don't farm anymore but just got a legendary machine gun for example.

      They do have to fix some things though. Strike rewards need to be better. Its basically more useful to just do Public and Patrol runs right now.

      Originally posted by ItsThere View Post
      So what's the best sub class for a hunter? Hit lvl 20 on whatever the first one is with the golden gun without even realising I could change it!

      Is there much benefit to unlocking them all or is it play style only?
      Level both to the max. You'll need it. You can switch on the fly, albeit you lose your super bar progress. For PvP Bladedancer works best. I run with an invisibility build. Blade dancer has lots of options there. Blade Dancer super is kind of useless in PvE (in Heroic strikes its a bit of a no go), but invis grants you revives without risk.

      Golden Gun is Solar Damage, which is useful against some enemy packs. Gunslinger can also Triple Jump.


        Originally posted by darkangel View Post
        Fair enough man. But in all fairness I don't think we really did expect Destiny to be sold like this. I mean, for a AAA game there really should be more content. I think as gamers we need to take a stand by refusing to buy games which peddle DLC in this way. That's the only way the industry will stop. But considering Bungie and Activison have made all their money back in it's first week of release, I don't think that will happen any time soon.

        We as gamers sow the seeds of our own *destruction after all.

        *Read buying into pure corporate capitalism slowly destroying the games industry.
        I agree with you on those points but unless we can convince every single other player to do the same it won't make a difference as everyone will buy it so as not to be left behind, especially when the raise the level caps as well.

        I'm still enjoying the game immensely though, which says something of the gameplay. I just keep going back, mooching around Russia, then a strike, the a public event, pvp, there's quite a bit of variety as far as types of modes.


          Originally posted by darkangel View Post
          The whole game just feels like it has been butchered up to sell DLC installments later on in the year.
          As much as I'm enjoying the game, I have to agree with this. Activision's dirty corporate mitts are all over this package, and you can guarantee that it was them who butchered it. I reckon this game will be filling the 2nd hand shelves very soon, which means that a lot of those people who sold it won't be buying the DLC. The DLC is very expensive, and for that much I would expect nothing less than another 2 or 3 planets as full as the existing ones, but you can guarantee that isn't what we'll get.


            tried to get a few games going last night on co-op bit of a disaster all round, i must of been to slow for rubiq as he jumped in and out and silent mountain was having headset and lag issues but we got a few games together, we did a lvl 18 strike and I got a vanguard bounty reward for defeating the summoning pits which was cool.

            Feeling unstoppable we tried the weekly strike with a random. It didn't go well, we got slaughtered waiting for our ghost to decipher three runes on a door, the first two waves didn't seem to bad but three wizards at once and multiple knights and exploding eneimes that can kill you in one hit saw us all die and have to start the waves again multiple times. we jumped out and tried a few lvl 20 strikes which surprisingly where far easier than the weekly ones despite being a similar level.
            Last edited by Lebowski; 23-09-2014, 08:26.


              I've just reached the nightmare realm of level 20 onwards, and can certainly see why some peeps on here have had enough.

              Still enjoying it, but I find it simply mind blowing how bizarre Bungie's post level 20 progression is. It seems to require either total grinding, or is based on sheer luck of finding high grade equipment. Its certainly very clever in the way it makes you keep playing, but I can't quite get my head around it regardless.

              So I'm now at the stage where I've spent a few hours farming the engram cave on the Russia level, and have to dedicate a few hours every night to playing in the crucible....which I don't want to do be able to continue playing the game at an adequate level.

              I'm still enjoying playing this, but there are certain aspects of the game, and its progression system, which is testing my endurance to the very limit I feel.


                Originally posted by dave heats View Post
                I've just reached the nightmare realm of level 20 onwards, and can certainly see why some peeps on here have had enough.

                Still enjoying it, but I find it simply mind blowing how bizarre Bungie's post level 20 progression is. It seems to require either total grinding, or is based on sheer luck of finding high grade equipment. Its certainly very clever in the way it makes you keep playing, but I can't quite get my head around it regardless.

                So I'm now at the stage where I've spent a few hours farming the engram cave on the Russia level, and have to dedicate a few hours every night to playing in the crucible....which I don't want to do be able to continue playing the game at an adequate level.

                I'm still enjoying playing this, but there are certain aspects of the game, and its progression system, which is testing my endurance to the very limit I feel.
                You dont have to do the crucible to progress, ive done nothing but stike playlists, this drops you on with two other random's and you face off waves of enemies then a boss, lvl 20 stikes give you vanguard points and up your vanguard rep too picking the right bounties also will help you up your vanguard rating and give you access to higher level armour, Public events on the explore missions also up your vanguard rating too.

                Ive yet to get any rare armour from the crucilble most of it seems to come from strikes for me.


                  Will definitely be crushing some strikes now I'm level 21. Unfortunately I seem to have 'joined' one of the factions (Future War Cult) that requires Crucible marks in order to unlock some gear. So unless theres a way around that, I'll be getting bummed in the gob at deathmatch for a few nights.


                    Mopped up the last few strikes last night, which were terrific fun and really intense, followed by me and two strangers pointing, sitting and doing our silly celebratory dances in lieu of more meaningful comms. Cashed in a giant wad of rare engrams that I'd been saving, turned out to be upgrade materials and common/green-level hats, trousers and pea-shooters. Got annoyed but then found the post-game credits buttons (bottom right of solar system map) and chilled out to McCartney's 'Hope For The Future'.


                      Originally posted by dave heats View Post
                      Will definitely be crushing some strikes now I'm level 21. Unfortunately I seem to have 'joined' one of the factions (Future War Cult) that requires Crucible marks in order to unlock some gear. So unless theres a way around that, I'll be getting bummed in the gob at deathmatch for a few nights.
                      The fractions rep depends on the accessory your wearing so if you buy the 2-3k glimmer belt and Wear it your rep builds for them.


                        how to explain the loot cave to your friends. ****caution swears****


                          The Queen's Emissary is in the Tower from this morning onwards (a limited time event apparently). She doesn't sell armour directly, but if you complete one of her bounties (collected from the Bounty Tracker in the Tower) you will be given a Queen's Mission emblem (viewable on your Inventory screen). These are just like the daily Story missions but are harder. Completing each one rewards you with a Queen's Guard legendary item. I just completed one and got rewarded with a legendary Queen's Guard Hood which now gives me a complete set of legendary armour and has taken me to level 27.


                            Does she sell the weapons directly? I like the look of the auto rifle her right hand, has some nice modifiers.


                              Yes, she does, but they're not legendary weapons. Also, you can't buy anything off her until you've increased your Queen's Wrath reputation to 1 (by completing her bounties). The only other things she sells are shaders and emblems. The bounties are a great way to get missing legendary armour/ascendant shards (by discarding legendary armour). Expect to see a lot more level 27s/28s running around soon.


                                I've completed a few of these Queen bounties I but don't know how to get anything from her? What do I do?

