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Destiny 360/PS3/XBOX ONE/PS4 review

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    Just did 5 strikes on the lv 24 so many blue engrams I could no longer hold any

    Ended up levelling the cryptarch twice...the legendaries in my package from him are all nicely dismantled into ascendant energy!

    Need to level up my weapons as we are trying the Raid on hard tomorrow.


      This weeks nightfall is very tough. Had two attempts at it with two lvl27s (I'm 28, nearly 29) but we couldn't manage it, although got ridiculously close to killing the boss the first time round. Unbelievably disheartening everyone dying at the boss only to be dumped back to orbit.


        Had one of those evenings last night with this, where it just irritated me more than anything else. In particular, it's all very well them changing the engram decryption with the new patch to stop it shafting you.... it's just a real shame they've kept the old shaft happy system when you receive 'mail'. level up the cryptarch, and receive a some mail in the lovely legendary purple. You open it, and it then turns into 2 pieces of blue ball ache.

        I've reached a stage where it's taking me a week to not even level up due to it's farcical 20+ system, and I'm not getting enough of a tickle every time I play to make me fully want to continue.


          The easiest way (to cheese it of course) requires patience and ammo consumables, and of course a decent scout rifle/ Arc sniper. As soon as you see him spawn onto his right (your left) hand side wall where there's a ramp and hug that wall until you see a little gap you can drop into.

          No adds can go in there and there's x3 'windows' you can really shoot out of to hit him.

          The time consuming part comes when he walks to the other side so you either have to be patient and carefully leave the cubbyhole and do enough damage to make him walk back to his initial starting point.

          It's kind of hard to explain, and I'm sure there's a few videos out there.


            I've put my level 27 warlock into retirement, this game is done for me.
            I'll come back when the dlc launches in December, got to the point I was booting it up and spending about 15 minutes quite frankly doing **** all and just sighing at the prospects of PvP or PvE.

            I'll be VERY curious to see Destiny 2's sales, if they even launch it 2015. Wasn't the original idea large expansion 2015 and numbered sequel 2016?


              It's supposed to be a trillogy spread over 10 years, so it probably depends on how well the Destiny 1 DLCs sell.
              Last edited by bcass; 03-10-2014, 10:44.


                I just remembered the leaked contract with the dates on it from the Zampella/West court case.
                Actvision's four-game contract with Bungie has been revealed as part of the ongoing court case between Activision and t…

                The first game ("Destiny #1") in the series is planned for the fall of 2013, with subsequent games ("Destiny #2, Destiny #3, and Destiny #4") being released at two-year intervals, and the major expansion packs ("Comet #1", etc.) in the even-numbered years.


                  Been hammering away at the Raid on hard for 4 hours now....I'm currently dead (no revives) so I have time to post here

                  We are *this close* to beating the pre gorgon boss. Got the raid chest armour to drop...if the gauntlets join them tonight I can buy a helmet from Xur and be level 30 by Monday.

                  Then I can get my life back


                    Originally posted by bcass View Post
                    This weeks nightfall is very tough. Had two attempts at it with two lvl27s (I'm 28, nearly 29) but we couldn't manage it, although got ridiculously close to killing the boss the first time round. Unbelievably disheartening everyone dying at the boss only to be dumped back to orbit.
                    I seriously thought it was the easiest Nightfall yet. I first tried it solo and messed up against the Tank though I nearly got him. Then with 3 guys, we made it right away. My luck was that I have an abundance of Legendary Arc weapons. My Fusion Rifle and heavy machine gun did crazy damage against everyone. And the AI in this Strike don't have much Arc offense, making this easier than the Level 28 Weekly Heroic (I died lots there). The boss we cheaped for the most part, but we also went outside to mop up Psions from time to time.

                    If you bring a good Arc Fusion rifle, Sniper Rifle and Heavy machine gun you cannot lose, unless you move forward too much. The boss can be exploited.
                    Last edited by Panta Rhei; 04-10-2014, 00:01.


                      After 1 day 8 hours i only have 1 purple chest piece, 1 exotic helmet from xur and everything else blue. How the hell are you guys fully kitted and levelled all purple already and multiple exotics? People need to start posting their game times as clearly some people have spare 100's of hours going

                      Also @bcass, i keep joining your fire team but your just sitting there in orbit, are you wandering off for dinner or something??? .


                        Originally posted by fishbowlhead View Post
                        After 1 day 8 hours i only have 1 purple chest piece, 1 exotic helmet from xur and everything else blue. How the hell are you guys fully kitted and levelled all purple already and multiple exotics? People need to start posting their game times as clearly some people have spare 100's of hours going

                        Also @bcass, i keep joining your fire team but your just sitting there in orbit, are you wandering off for dinner or something??? .

                        More than me! The best piece of gear I have is the stranger's rifle you get from clearing the story XD
                        Got a couple of blue bits of armor with light on them, but the only time I've seen a purple is when an NPC is trying to flog it for clearly too much reputation or marks

                        I'm pretty lousy at the 3 man raids and usually bottom of most crucible matches, what's the best way of me getting better stuff?


                          I have just got my second exotic, but really i still havent even got my first as it wants me to go into the crucible and i just havent the heart for it.

                          My second came last night and that wants me to go looking for loot chests on mars.

                          So while i have two exotics i also have both blocking places on my bounty board, but i just cant bare the thought of abandoning them.


                            Originally posted by Daragon View Post
                            More than me! The best piece of gear I have is the stranger's rifle you get from clearing the story XD
                            Got a couple of blue bits of armor with light on them, but the only time I've seen a purple is when an NPC is trying to flog it for clearly too much reputation or marks

                            I'm pretty lousy at the 3 man raids and usually bottom of most crucible matches, what's the best way of me getting better stuff?
                            have you cleared any queens bounties(purple type) yet? if not usually a few easy low level strikes or kill 100 head fallen you can do to get a pass into a queen mission where you get 100% purple gear which is a decent leg up. Let me know when you got a bounty cleared and i'll help you out in the mission. I'm on just low level characters atm doing public events for upgrade shards.


                              I've only just picked up my first legendary weapon and piece of armour. I'm level 24 and this is the first ones.
                              Problem I have is that some of the better equipment and means to buy the equipment are in the he raids, strikes and queens quests. As I play this game on my own I'm not strong enough even at level 24 to do the queens quests. As for raids and strikes I just don't get the time to fully commit to it, I get an hour here or there to play.
                              I know that's my fault but I don't see how I can level up anymore without playing these modes, hopefully someone can tell me otherwise?


                                I'm giving up with this, it's just not fun, at all. It's a repetitive chore to play, and all the upgrade stuff is just tedious. I'm happy enough to put that down to me personally though, as when it comes to games I need more instant gratification.

