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Psyvariar 2: The Will To Fabricate

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    Well, just phoned home & once again another day goes by & no Psy 2 in my grubby hands - hate life, so unfair etc etc.

    On a side note - just downloaded that vid; is it possible to flip a Divx player so it's not tate? Without turning my monitor I mean?


      U gotta be in the right mood - let me help:





        So funny because its so true.


          That video was done by Kiken - they are a pretty well known Ikaruga player (mainly because they had uploaded some nice 2 player vids very early in its lifetime) and achieved good scores too.

          I expect it was from relatively little play, and judging by the way they go about the boss, not that much experience with Psy either. I was egging them on into the origin of the bullets but to no avail .

          I am <-> close to ordering this game, but I just dont have time to play it!

          Oh and those graphics are lovely.



            My first post, I work with Caco-"I was a mecha in a previous life"-phanus and he is responsible for making me purchase a Dreamcast just for Psy2. I have Psy1 and I don't even own a PS2, thats his fault too btw.

            Anyhow, I finally managed to figure out levelling on the first two sections and got up to 79 by the time I killed the boss. So I was rather happy with that. The boss was a huge waste for me. It definitely helps to know about the Neutrino bar and the coloured enemies.

            Now, about destruction and that boss. How in gods name do you get 100% destruction when you need to be lining up for buzz and the enemies break off as they fire? The boss is rather annoying as I can never buzz that much off of him and I always end up killing him by accident before I'm done. I can buzz off of the two spiral bursts (blue and red) but thats only 4 levels worth at the most and it kills the boss's 1st form.

            Advice appreciated.


              I havent figured out a high destruction routine for area 1 yet but area 0 I can do with 96 destruction 1190buzz. The tactic I use is to position right at the side, high up the screen so that the shots brush past you sideways and as you level up you do a sideways arc and bash through that batch of enemies, then you carry on moving to the position for the next set and repeat.

              For those enemies that fire the yellow dot shot streams, you can stay perfectly still and they go straight past you. I stick on the leftmost enemy stay still and level up through the shot and right through the batch of enemies.

              It's still definetly worth sacrificing destruction for higher buzz! Go for destruction when you are at ease with the shot patterns.
              I havent worked out the boss yet - it's worth taking those 2 large attacks like you say - if it dies it's cool, you wont get more than that by buzzing the rest anyway! On the boss' second form that huge attack with 2 origins - I totally waste that, proper need to work out the timing to level into it each time.


                Thanks for the tips yesterday Saur, I can now say that I know how to play the game. All it takes now is time + patience.

                Turning the buzz field back on helps a bit too, turned it off Monday morning before even playing the game.

                My buzz-type scores have now totally eclipsed the shooting-type, I can get farther (Earth - 1 cred) with shooting type however.


                  Do you live on these boards or something? I only posted that a few minutes ago lol

                  Anyhow, I was actually thinking of that, and tried it once and died horribly. Then I got pissed and decided to stick to the vanilla route, I'll give it another shot later on. Area 0 and 1 are mainly about the mecha and the orbs in that order. Or at least for me they are responsible for most of my buzz and levels. Its the interim bits that always make me think I am wasting valuable buzz. Ah well, practice makes perfect. I was just impressed the first time I it to go on to hard level, the shots are everywhere its crazy. Oh for a replay function!

                  That boss is bugging me, I always die there and I know I could just tap the fire key and end its miserable existance.

                  I am trying to decide if its worth buzzing off of the two spirals or waiting until it does the singular central spread. I know what you mean about the two big spreas in the 2nd form. I was like "oooooh" and rushed in only to discover that the buzz wasn't nearly enough and perished in fire and metal.

                  Roll on the end of the day!


                    Feel this game is 70% skill and 30% luck.......><

                    or at the moment 30% and 70 % luck..


                      Firsty: Almost got the level-up invincibility timing down, I had the buzz field turned off before.

                      My main prob with invincibility is right at the start, after I spawn I fly towards the pink shots but 50/50 I get blown away because I've timed it wrong, I'm trying to reach lvl.3 off that initial burst, then lvl.10 after buzzing through the 7 enemies.


                        That bit right after you spawn is wicked!

                        I was dying far too much on it tho - and changed my start position to the top right of the screen slightly below the enemies tho. This way the shots skim past the front of your ship sideways, you get this initial shield then ram through the enemies and setup for the same again but the other direction - then:

                        Back to the center, spin through the shot the middle enemy fires and level through it, the 2 enemies behind it and straight to one of the side ones and then the other - you have enough time to get all of them as long as you shoot the first and get your level-up after it fires.

                        Feel this game is 70% skill and 30% luck.......><
                        Keep at it man - you'll pwn it if you do! Luck never comes into it, you get NONE!


                          Ollie has taken my DC Joystick away, so tonight it will be a whole new learning curve.

                          Oh oh... I take the easy way out and use a short bomb to shield me up and then buzz the hell outta that first section. Otherwise I die horribly, very annoying.


                            It's my DC joystick and I lent it to you out of the kindness of my own heart. Remember

                            Oh yeah guys, recommend Digit some decent DC shmups (and anything suitably cerebral). [Edit by charlesr: By PM please. Keep this thread to Psy2.... More edit: actually, good list in this thread]


                              I need to work on the initial starting position, I'll have it bagged tonight for sure.

                              The 2nd batch of enemies along with the following 2 swarms of spinners are pwned. Easiest part of the game, no probs there at all.

                              The only thing that pisses me off is I'm too far 'up' to be able to come back down for that little extra buzz from stray shots at the most of times.

                              When the red mecha starts spewing out his blue waves I tend to move in a 'big smile' half-circle motion, left to right in order to trace the streams. I need to time it so that I can descend down with them as soon as his orange tracer fire starts, I can then compromise from the results if it's better just buzzing right in front of him from the tracer and discard the blues totally.

                              Decent game so far (now that I've almost bagged the system) - I won't be using shooting-type again after tonight I can tell. 8)

                              Tonight it's Psy 1st, Guitar 2nd, then Psy 3rd.

                              I feel totally ripped off when my bar goes to red on the boss though. I always end up spinning against the bottom 'wall' simply moving left/right when needed, when I eventually do level-up; his streams have stopped so it's a waste of invincibility. Will try to max out my bar beforehand so that I can lvl-up on contact.

                              Area1 on normal is great, I can level up like crazy from the end batch of blue pods. I can't wait until I reach Earth with 5-A.

                              I wish I could have the week off work.


                                I don't know if it's wise to try and soak up the extra stray buzz unless the Neutrino is blue just because its rarely worth it unless its during a lull. Best get in position rdy for the next waves. Let me know how you get on with the Area 1 boss tonight.

