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Psyvariar 2: The Will To Fabricate

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    I'm having the same prob Dave.
    I'll level up and go on a killing spree only to overestimate my time and have my mech blown up

    Also have to get my neutrino bar timing down. Sometimes I think I'm about to level up on say 1 more kill or a couple more buzz. So I feel like I should be invincible except I'm not. Bye bye again mr mech

    Also having trouble with the way the bar turns red at bosses. Takes way too long to level up. So it's like the above problem only magnified.


      Same with me actually, to be honest. Especially on the mass of bullets in Level 3: Earth. Im buzzing all round the centre of the screen, racking the bullets up.
      What's keeping me going isnt skill, It's the very reliance that I am staying invincible through it all. It's all down to my luck rather than skill and perception at the moment. : /


        I actually have zero trouble with Earth!! :/
        That stage is real fun


          Agreed, it's my favorite stage of the game, but it's also where I take the most risks.


            Someone's posted a vid at:
            I'm getting 106k/s It's 36meg.
            I found it here


              What are the requirements for getting extra bombs? I've noticed I get more, but don't know why yet.


                You get another bomb at: Evolution and 100 Destruction rate

                I was on FIRE last night - I got to level 87 by the time the first main boss makes his appearance! Sort of got the start of the boss down, I know where the bar should be if you're gonna spin through the first attack (70%) - then when the massive blue attack fires you get into the middle and buzz the point of origin. What I havent worked out is when to stop buzzing the blue attack so you can back out and get back in for the next one. If you stay on the boss too long it dies, if you back off too early you dont get enough level!


                  My method to gauge the timing for periods of leveling up and invincibility are the to look at the aura round the ship and to occasionally quickly glance at the bar.
                  It's all about planning your setup's though, and what I love about this game is each person will have a different way. 8)

                  I was on FIRE last night - I got to level 87 by the time the first main boss makes his appearance!
                  Sick bre!
                  I'm still gonna rinse level 1 though


                    That video is tate!

                    The brer's going through playing Five Ascetics like the shooting type mech. He misses SO MUCH BUZZ!


                      Yeah it's criminal not to get more buzz on that first section! I think the guy would have done better on shot type, he's obviouslly not going for that much buzz, more for destruction rates.
                      Edit: Bah!, he didn't go for the blue bar bit!


                        We can't all be shooter gods like you within the first week


                          Got my copy from Play-Asia this morning. Only played for about 45 minutes so far and i think i'm completely addicted already.

                          Gotta love Five Ascetics. What a shield! So much more satisfying ramming your way through a level rather than relying on the laser.

                          Graphically its stunning. Absolutely beautiful.

                          Btw, i know a couple of people are worried about playing the game on a pad without the spin button. Don't be. I played with the pad this morning and got 1052 Buzz on Area 0. Once you get the spin started as long as you keep moving you keep spinning. Am i correct in thinking that in the original you had to continously move left/right/left and so on to keep the spin going?

                          Hehe, can't wait to get home and flip my 29" TV on to its side.


                            Am i correct in thinking that in the original you had to continously move left/right/left and so on to keep the spin going?
                            Yeah man u did - it's easier on your hands now!

                            It's wicked u adjusted to the new system so quick! The score attack thread is gonna be busy!


                              I only adjusted so quickly because the way you manually spin is different. If it had been like Revision where you have to constantly "zig-zag" i would have been in real trouble. I love that you can get a spin going and as long as you keep moving (even if its in one direction) you keep spinning, direction doesn't matter at all, just keep moving. The controls are spot on tbh. Perfect.


                                I'm in big trouble in Psyvariar 2: I'm sort of screwed without the roll button.
                                I can't control my mecha properly when spinning with the DC controller, I'm either going to have to get a DC arcade stick or get a PS2 adaptor.

                                I'm okay until I hit the bosses but I can't control my mecha's position when spinning against bosses' attacks.

                                I think it's harder than the first also, there's no planning involved yet - I just buzz enemies at short range while destroying them but I don't ever feel safe playing this way.

