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Pikmin 2

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    You really need to take 100 with you into the dungeons. I always go in with about 20 of each pikmin, I've got about 40 purple guys now so they're first into battle.

    Just got to 10,000 as well. Don't highlight if you don't want to be spoiled.

    Originally posted by spoiler
    The cinema that plays on your way back to the planet is really top notch. You leave Louie behind by accident and you see him wandering the planet looking for Olimar. Very funny stuff.

    Anyway it's not the end, your boss heads back with you in an attempt to search for the missing Louie. You go back in a new ship, I was hoping it'd be the Dolphin from the first one but it's a brand spanking gold one.

    I still have a huge amount of play left, I've put in 12 hours but I'd safely say there's at least another 10. I've completed the first 2 levels, every part outside and in all dungeons. So far I've only gottn 1 thing in the 3rd level and haven't been to any dungeons. I had a quick look at the 4th level once it opened and it looks huge, very different from the others and it has some great music. Marvellous game.


      Yep, still a good 10-15 hours of story mode left -

      Originally posted by spoiler
      the 3rd and 4th area (The Perplexing Spring, Land of Promise) dungeons are considerably harder (and longer, up to 15 levels). And the last boss is a Bast! Then challenge mode, of course...


        When you collect 5 of the Pink berries you get a powerup:

        press dow on the d-pad whilst you have your pikmin selected and it will make them go TURBO!

        You need 10 of the purple berries to get the purple power up

        press up on the D-pad to have olimar or Louie Belch and turn the enemry you belch at into stone. I think you need to do this to kill certain enemies?


          You never _have_ to use any potions, but it makes some kills a lot quicker. You'll find you need to use them a lot more in challenge mode, especially if you want to Pink all the Arenas (lose no Pikmin).



            Ive spent a few hours this morning (woke at 5 - wasn?t able to sleep ) playing through some of the Challenge Modes. I had no idea the settings were different from Pikmin 1 - was pleasantly surprised. Having a variety of modes and environments to complete is a great step beyond simply trying to grow as many Pikmin in a limited amount of time as seen in Pikmin 1.

            I can see a lot of time is going to be required to unlock the stages and gain high scores (and not forgetting that much needed ?Pink Flower? award). And then? there is co-op! Madness. It seems Nintendo paid attention to the ?too short? criticisms. Not only is the story mode far longer then Pikmin 1 (in fact, has the potential to last as long as you wish it to with the lack of a count down) but the Challenge Mode is going to consume tones of time + co-op and battle + all the little things like spending time viewing enemy/item Logs etc. Very nice indeedy.

            A friend is coming round tonight ? cant wait to spend some quality 2player action with the little critters.

            Oh, I came across a few more enemies on the story mode as well this morning. One of which completely took me by surprise and wiped out all my little troopers. It was a sad sight to see make no mistake. It was on the Spring level in the dungeon on the far corner within the water...

            Originally posted by spoiler
            Just after the fiery dude, two pieces of rock fell from the ceiling and was followed by a transparent creature? looking a little like something from Silent Hill 3. And then! He? erm, IT, uses the pieces of rock as wheels like a Steam Roller and manically cruses around the stage? and then it seems to follow you as you progress through the dungeon! Grrr ? I had to restart without saving ft:

            Oh? also, saw the little creatures who follow you like the Pikmin do. They have little leaves on their heads and make noises too. Utterly adorable. I want one
            Im on day 21 now. Have around 7,500 of my repayment and around 800 pikmin. Going to spend several days now concentrating on growing more Pikmin I think. Loving every single moment of this little gem.
            ----Member since April 2002



              Pinking all the challenge mode Arenas is fairly tough, but it will unlock you another cinema so it's worth it.

              If you like the Piklopedia stuff I'd recommend trying to get hold of an AR because a lot of it is translated, and some of the things Louie comments about the enemies is hilarious (in a deadpan fashion)



                Originally posted by bigbadwolf
                You never _have_ to use any potions...
                you do if you're playing VS with me!

                seriously, knowing when to power up your pikmin / bury your opponents pikmin can swing a match - the d-pad abilities are almost as crucial in battle mode as any other strategic decision you make...


                  What can I saythis gem this morning. (Thanks Bleeders ) And it's just lovely.

                  Wish I could understand more of what was being said at the end of each day and what not, but it also adds an extra element to the game, not being led by the hand and told what to do.

                  Not very far into it, just got on the stage where the blue pikmin are, haven't got them yet mind.

                  The purple pikmin are awsome, I love stomping an enemy with them.

                  Also just got the powerups, they're pretty cool indeed. I'll be testing those out soon.

                  I'm going to do this level I think, then go back and get some more purple pikmin, they've got to be my favourite.


                    The dungeons thing works really well, it really adds that extra needed lengh to the game. Its great I keep finding extra parts to the level. I like it that the whole level doesn't show up on the map to start with.


                      Originally posted by 007
                      Wish I could understand more of what was being said at the end of each day and what not, but it also adds an extra element to the game, not being led by the hand and told what to do.
                      I don't have the game, but I noticed in my weekly bit of spam from Codejunkies yesterday that there's now an Action Replay code to switch Japanese Pikmin 2 into English. Might be worth a try if you have an AR.



                        get pikmin2 translated to english


                          The code works really well; much of the game had obviously already been translated. I posted the names of all the areas/dungeons on the gamefaqs boards if anyone's interested.



                            does anybody know if the action reaplays are universal ala freeloaders. i,e, will one I've bought from game work on my jap cube?


                              How much is converted into English?

                              Just the cut scenes? Or does the the screen with the item/creature description change too?

                              Hopefully it's all of it and then I won't need the US version too


                                Originally posted by bowser123
                                How much is converted into English?

                                Just the cut scenes? Or does the the screen with the item/creature description change too?
                                It is mainly the cut scenes (although there seems to be some subs missing from some of them). 1/2 the menus are done, but most of the item and monster lists are not translated, and none of the emails are translated.

                                Its not really worth hacking it into English other than to watch the cut scenes.

