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Your Opinions on the Prices of 2nd Hand Games

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    Your Opinions on the Prices of 2nd Hand Games

    I have noticed that the prices of 2nd hand games are really expensive. Game being the biggest culprit. Example: 2nd hand Ninja Gaiden ?29.99 - Brand new ?34.99.

    Imo, this is ridiculous. 2nd hand games should be at the most ?20 for relatively new title's and less for older titles.

    So what do you all think..................



      Yeah, the price should be more like half or less, depending on the condition.


        Yes prices of second hand games in places like GAME are ridiculously high but no one's forcing you to buy them. If you don't want to pay that much don't. Simple really.


          Thats the thing, I dont buy them as its profiteering by Game et al.

          If they were ?20 as mentioned before I would consider buying them.

          The current prices for 2nd hand games are a rip off plain and simple.


            However if they cost ?20 each, trade in prices would have to be even lower than they are now and quite frankly demand would outstrip supply.


              The thing with GAME is that all the prices are now determined by the till system which is regulated by head office. Individual stores simply can't charge what they feel is appropriate.

              You then have to realise that they have decided to have a total push on pre-owned as they make a far larger profit off it.

              The next thing to remember is that the new till system has accurate stock levels. So when you bring said new copy of Ninja Gaiden to the counter you instantly get told there's a pre-owned copy for ?5 less. The majority of people take the cheaper alternative, the pre-owned copy.

              I can only speak for the store I work in but the money taken as last year is roughly the same. However, the profit margins are up, purely because of the push on pre-owned.

              So whilst I agree the trade in price is often disgustingly low, and the sale price stupidly high, they are making bigger profits which means they won't change the pricing policy any time soon.

              As for selling for ?20, this would simply eradicate any profit or force the trade in prices even lower, which again, is only bad.


                GAME especially do overcharge for their second hand games, many of which are in poor condition (manuals and covers ripped) but you can expect this but a simple way of pricing would be on the condition of the game.

                I could go on a rant about GAME really (but i wont, oh go then just one of the reasons why i dislike them - If you are paying ?40 for a brand new release surely a policy of giving the customer a shrink wrapped game would improve sales? instead you are given games from under the counter inside the manaul which are normally just thrown into the case by the staff grrrr

                This probably wont apply to anybody here because we dont buy PAL releases and wont hand over cash to this empire (support you local Indy)

                Oh well atleast they do now stock some retro items (?4.97 a pop per MD game of which my local only seems to have Fifa lol.
                Last edited by VoyagerFX; 22-08-2004, 18:30.


                  Originally posted by VoyagerFX
                  If you are paying ?40 for a brand new release surely a policy of giving the customer a shrink wrapped game would improve sales? instead you are given games from under the counter inside the manaul which are normally just thrown into the case by the staff grrrr
                  Well that makes it harder to display games as "safers" are far from infallible and stock loss is obviously more prevelant if it's all live on the shelf. 90% of all Konami games, to name just one company, ALL arrive unsealed from the publishers too. The other major policy (and most popular) the shop offers is the 10 day returns which simply wouldn't be possible if all games were sold sealed

                  I understand your point though and am not disagreeing, merely trying to explain why some are unsealed.


                    second hand games are obviously way too expensive.
                    every so often i'll take a look around all the game shops near me for cheapo ps ones games, but i'm always disgusted.
                    theres always i few things i'd quite like, but theres not a chance in hell i'm paying ?15 for something so old and in such terrible condition.
                    if they just knocked them all down to 4-5 quid, i'd buy loads of them...but its just not worth it.


                      Gamestation folks

                      Rage Racer - ?4.99, as new...
                      Armored Core - ?7.99, mangled case -- free new case supplied.
                      Aerocombat 3 - ?9.99, as new.

                      Rage Racer was in a 3 for ?10 deal, but I couldn't find anything else I wanted in the same range Just shop around, I don't think prices of second hand games are too bad, it's just cetain stores (ok, just one store!)
                      Last edited by Commander Marklar; 22-08-2004, 19:37.


                        I have little reason to visit GAME these days, but even when I had PAL machines, the unsealing of games is the reason why I hardly ever bought anything there.

                        Once the wrapper is off, it's a used game and should be priced accordingly.


                          Are a lot of Game's 2nd hand titles ones people have brought back on the 10 day deal?

                          I thought all PS2/CG games were sealed with either the Playstation or Nintendo banding. Cant comment on Xbox as i've never brought any.
                          Last edited by Ginger Tosser; 22-08-2004, 22:39.


                            Originally posted by Ginger Tosser
                            Are a lot of Game's 2nd hand titles ones people have brought back on the 10 day deal?

                            I thought all PS2/CG games were sealed with either the Playstation or Nintendo banding. Cant comment on Xbox as i've never brought any.
                            No, they get restocked as new, but at least i've seen staff in the game near me check the condition of the books discs and boxes before letting anyone return it for the full RRP.

                            I work in GS , and can vouch for Konami games arriving un-sealed, thus usually theres bits of packing material wedged under the plastic of the casing, making them look second hand before you've got them out of the shipping box!!!

                            I wouldn't go as far to say that once the seal has been taken off a game it's second hand, i can't vouch for every store but i know all the guys who work with me are very careful at bagging up the new releases

                            The simple reason of gutting new games being not enough companies create dummy / display boxes for their games so you have no choice but to gut the games to display them. Also, it's an obvious fact that practically anything live on the shop floor is gonna get nicked - (regardless of any alarm system, is it worth chasing after someone who's nicked a ?40 game who could turn around and stab you?) meaning stock counts go out the window and you get bollocked from the H.O. no simple reason answer sadly.

                            On Topic, i to think the pricing on second hand titles is really hit and miss - the worst case i can think of at the moment has been Spiderman 2 - ?29.99 new and ?27.99 used - would you risk having a damaged box/disc/manual for the sake of ?2? but on the other hand, when the Suffering came out the new price was ?38 and used only ?23, a full fifteen quid saving is something worth talking about.


                              The best place I have seen to buy second hand games is Cash Converters, they sell Xbox, Gamecube or PS2 games for ?10 each reguardless of which title, just need to frequently visit their stores, and you are sure to come away with some decent stuff

