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GAMES TM Issue 24

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    Originally posted by Concept
    Or it could just be, forbid the thought, that The Sims 2 is actually a good game?
    It's just fashionable to hate anything out of EA, I think.

    If people actually cared to look under the surface of The Sims 2 I think they'd find it's as removed from real life as possible... pregnant blokes? Alien abductions? Incredibly deep and addictive.


      I can't speak for Sims 2 as I've not played it, but The Lord of the Rings: The Third Age is pretty good and that's an EA game. I'm quite enjoying NHL 2005 as well


        Originally posted by Jakeway
        Money talks

        So what happned with FIFA .

        It's a bit silly to compare the sims to the likes of Out Run II. They share nothing in common.

        Even if Out Run II should have got a 10


          EA can only hand out so many blank cheques as review code

          Anywayz, Im only joking GamesTM review scores mean nothing to me. I can make my own mind up about these things.


            I love the dragon thing on pages 4&5. :P

            No idea what the game is on the back page??

            And the porn ads are back joke

            Looks a good un.


              Originally posted by TheShend
              I love the dragon thing on pages 4&5. :P

              No idea what the game is on the back page??

              And the porn ads are back joke

              Looks a good un.
              What page are the porn ads on? I can't see em anyway (it's annoying as I've got bored listening to Mature Maureen).


                Highlight the post strider!


                  Originally posted by TheShend
                  Highlight the post strider!


                    Originally posted by TheShend
                    I love the dragon thing on pages 4&5. :P
                    I thought that'd tickle some of you. Question is, how many of the readers will actually remember Granny's Garden (and have got that far into it to remember the dragons?)


                      I totally remember that game on the BBC. I think it was one of the first games I ever tried, even before I got my spectrum. I remember thinking it was the bollocks at the time.


                        Originally posted by Jakeway
                        Money talks
                        Even when the review comes after it's appeared in other mags?

                        *shakes head*


                          Originally posted by TheShend
                          No idea what the game is on the back page??
                          I was thinking it had some relation to the new mortal kombat due out? Probably totally wrong though.


                            I think Granny's Garden was my first ever videogame, which used at our school to teach people to Always Say No To Dragons. I must have been about six at the time, so I don't think I ever got far. It wasn't a violent first person shooter (if I recall correctly), so chances are I sucked at it.

                            But anyway. I see John Szczepaniak has written in again with an anger-fueled letter; he's so cute I share his frustrations however, as the amount of rejections you get trying to get into the industry when you know you can do the world good is very annoying. I got rejected from every magazine on the planet to be a writer, gTM even rejected me more than once! They is so the bastards.


                              I got rejected by gTM and I've written for local newspapers about dogs falling over and grannies being gypped by the Post Office and everything...


                                You should post them in off-topic if they don't get printed. At least it'd be a variation to the seemingly impossible to kill off war/fox hunting threads.

